Theory 's 2014 Concert History
There are currently (6) artists using the name "Theory" (1) Hip-Hop artist from Boston, MA. Part of Merk Productions. (2010-current) (2) UK based Drum'n'bass (Jungle) producer (2005 - current) (3) Hip-Hop artist from Yonkers,New York, USA (1998 - current) (4) Hip-Hop/Folk/other solo artist from Brighton, UK (1994 - Current) Now "Theory 77". (5) Hybrid Rock/Metal band from New Jersey, USA (2000 - 2003) (6) Early noise/electronic experimental music (1975-1976) (7) An alternate tag for Theory of a Deadman (1) Alex "Theory" Clyatt was born in Maine and moved to Boston to persure his passion for cooking and rapping and rapping...
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