There are currently (6) artists using the name "Theory" (1) Hip-Hop artist from Boston, MA. Part of Merk Productions. (2010-current) (2) UK based Drum'n'bass (Jungle) producer (2005 - current) (3) Hip-Hop artist from Yonkers,New York, USA (1998 - current) (4) Hip-Hop/Folk/other solo artist from Brighton, UK (1994 - Current) Now "Theory 77". (5) Hybrid Rock/Metal band from New Jersey, USA (2000 - 2003) (6) Early noise/electronic experimental music (1975-1976) (7) An alternate tag for Theory of a Deadman (1) Alex "Theory" Clyatt was born in Maine and moved to Boston to persure his passion for cooking and rapping and rapping...
Mötley Crüe / Limp Bizkit / Foo Fighters / Slipknot / Judas Priest / Falling In Reverse / Greta Van Fleet / Breaking Benjamin / Anthrax / In This Moment / Primus / Architect / Disturbed / Jelly Roll / Queens of the Stone Age / Evanescence / Mudvayne / The Offspring / A Day To Remember / Bad Omens / Skillet / Koe Wetzel / Stone Temple Pilots / Theory / Machine Head / Mr Bungle / Cypress Hill / Sun 41 / Kerry King / In Flames / Clutch / Black Veil Brides / Insane Clown Posse / Tech N9ne / Code Orange / Nonpoint / Powerman 5000 / Mammoth WVH / P.O.D. / Orgy / Living Colour / Kim Dracula / Alien Ant Farm / The Struts / Sebastian Bach / Drowning Pool / Nita Strauss / Biohazard / L7 / Helmet / Soulfly / Kittie / Mushroomhead / Baroness / Fear Factory
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Three Days Grace / Disturbed / Nothing More / Avatar / Breaking Benjamim / Mudvayne / Theory / Starset / Ayron Jones / All Good Things / Fire From the Gods / The Warning / Dark Heavens / Hatebreed / Escape the Fate / Butcher Babies / Nita Strauss / DED / Oxymorrons / Heartsick / Diamante
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"Rock For People" / Royal Blood / Skillet / MØ / August Burns Red / Boston Manor / Crossfaith / Daughtry / Diamante / Enter Shikari / For the Fallen Dreams / Hundredth / Klangstof / Lauran Hibberd / Mayday Parade / Neck Deep / Of Mice & Men / Oceans Ate Alaska / poorstacy / Saint PHNX / SeeYouSpaceCowboy / Siamese / Slothrust / Sophie And The Giants / Theory / TIGRESS / Yonaka
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Green Day / Fall Out Boy / Weezer / Sum 41 / Skillet / Royal Blood / Mayday Parade / Biffy Clyro / The Pretty Reckless / You Me At Six / Black Veil Brides / IDLES / grandson / Neck Deep / August Burns Red / Enter Shikari / Don Broco / Yard Act / Fickle Friends / Imminence / Baby Queen / Bad Nerves / Rare Americans / poorstacy / KennyHoopla / Spector / Trash Boat / De Staat / For the Fallen Dreams / Diamante / Wargasm / Crossfaith / Dope D.O.D. / The Faim / The Pale White / Do Nothing / Cemetery Sun / Hacktivist / Ayron Jones / As Everything Unfolds / Calva Louise / Skynd / Sophie And The Giants / Employed To Serve / Noisy / Vypsana Fixa / Strange Bones / Childcare / Chubby and the Gang / Dream State / Theory / Ikan Hyu / Deadly Apples / The Scratch (IRE) / KIEFF
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Green Day / Fall Out Boy / Weezer / Sum 41 / Mayday Parade / Skillet / Biffy Clyro / Royal Blood / Theory of a Deadman / The Pretty Reckless / You Me At Six / Black Veil Brides / August Burns Red / Neck Deep / grandson / IDLES / Don Broco / Fickle Friends / Spector / For the Fallen Dreams / De Staat / Diamante / Crossfaith / Dope D.O.D. / Trash Boat / poorstacy / KennyHoopla / The Pale White / The Faim / Rare Americans / Imminence / Employed To Serve / Childcare / Wargasm / Sophie And The Giants / Strange Bones / Do Nothing / Ayron Jones / Calva Louise / Vypsana Fixa / Skynd / Baby Queen / As Everything Unfolds / Noisy / Theory / Chubby and the Gang / Dream State / Deadly Apples / Ikan Hyu / Bad Nerves (UK) / KIEFF / The Scratch (IRE) / Hot Milk / Cemetery Sun / Cemetery Sun / Enter Shikari / Yonaka / Holly Humberstone
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Green Day / Fall Out Boy / Weezer / Sum 41 / Mayday Parade / Skillet / Royal Blood / Biffy Clyro / The Pretty Reckless / You Me At Six / Black Veil Brides / August Burns Red / Enter Shikari / Neck Deep / grandson / IDLES / Don Broco / Fickle Friends / Spector / For the Fallen Dreams / De Staat / Diamante / Crossfaith / Trash Boat / Dope D.O.D. / poorstacy / Rare Americans / KennyHoopla / Yard Act / The Pale White / The Faim / Hacktivist / Cemetery Sun / Baby Queen / Imminence / Wargasm / Employed To Serve / Do Nothing / Ayron Jones / Childcare / Sophie And The Giants / Strange Bones / Calva Louise / Skynd / Vypsana Fixa / As Everything Unfolds / Noisy / Chubby and the Gang / Theory / Dream State / Deadly Apples / Ikan Hyu / Bad Nerves (UK) / KIEFF / The Scratch (IRE) / Boy Bleach / Boston Manor
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Green Day / Fall Out Boy / Weezer / Sum 41 / Skillet / Mayday Parade / Royal Blood / Biffy Clyro / The Pretty Reckless / You Me At Six / Black Veil Brides / August Burns Red / Enter Shikari / Neck Deep / grandson / IDLES / Don Broco / Fickle Friends / Spector / For the Fallen Dreams / De Staat / Diamante / Trash Boat / Rare Americans / Crossfaith / Dope D.O.D. / Yard act / poorstacy / KennyHoopla / Baby Queen / The Pale White / The Faim / Hacktivist / Cemetery Sun / Imminence / WARGASM (UK) / Do Nothing / Ayron Jones / Employed To Serve / Skynd / Calva Louise / Childcare / Sophie And The Giants / Strange Bones / Vypsana Fixa / DREAM STATE (UK) / As Everything Unfolds / Noisy / Chubby and the Gang / Theory / Deadly Apples / Bad Nerves (UK) / Ikan Hyu / KIEFF / The Scratch (IRE) / Yonaka
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Green Day / Fall Out Boy / Weezer / Sum 41 / Skillet / Mayday Parade / Royal Blood / Biffy Clyro / The Pretty Reckless / You Me At Six / Black Veil Brides / August Burns Red / Enter Shikari / Neck Deep / grandson / IDLES / Don Broco / Fickle Friends / Spector / For the Fallen Dreams / De Staat / Diamante / Trash Boat / Rare Americans / Crossfaith / Dope D.O.D. / Yard act / poorstacy / KennyHoopla / Baby Queen / The Pale White / The Faim / Hacktivist / Cemetery Sun / Imminence / WARGASM (UK) / Do Nothing / Ayron Jones / Employed To Serve / Skynd / Calva Louise / Childcare / Sophie And The Giants / Strange Bones / Vypsana Fixa / DREAM STATE (UK) / As Everything Unfolds / Noisy / Chubby and the Gang / Theory / Deadly Apples / Bad Nerves (UK) / Ikan Hyu / KIEFF / The Scratch (IRE) / Yonaka
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The Darkness / Korn / KISS / Rise Against / Iron Maiden / Deftones / Daughtry / Megadeth / Skillet / Bush / Biffy Clyro / Sepultura / Black Label Society / Marianas Trench / Lacuna Coil / grandson / Descendents / Steel Panther / Airbourne / Funeral for a Friend / The Ghost Inside / Electric Wizard / Dying Fetus / Powerwolf / Salem / Boston Manor / Monster Truck / Trash Boat / Blues Pills / Fire From the Gods / Bleed From Within / Cemetery Sun / The Faim / The Last Internationale / Spiritbox / Sleep Token / The Raven Age / Scratch / Dead Poet Society / Loathe / Holding Absence / Twin Temple / Jamie Lenman / Press Club / Blackout Problems / Bokassa / Dead Posey / Massive Wagons / Ayron Jones / Wargasm / The Hara / Higher Power / Those Damn Crows / Wayward Sons / Meet Me @ the Altar / Theory / As Everything Unfolds / Phoxjaw / British Lion / Dead Label / Static Dress / Tempt / Modern Error / Control The Storm / Anchor Lane / Cellar Door Moon Crow / Temples On Mars / Kill The Lights Official / The Injester / Alestorm / Baroness / Ice Nine Kills / Will Haven / Shinedown / Bury Tomorrow / Black Veil Brides / A Day To Remember / Heriot / Aniimalia / Banks Arcade / Bimini / Borders / Cassyette / Creeper / Dana Dentata / Death Blooms / Defects / DEFENCES / Dirty Honey / Dragged Under / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / Fury / Hawxx / Kid Brunswick / Kris Barras Band / Lake Malice / Led By Lanterns / Malevolence / Mastodon / Myles Kennedy / Myles Kennedy and Company / Napalm Death / Normandie / Orbit Culture / Pengshui / Punk Rock Factory / Red Fang / Red Method / Seething Akira / Sertraline / Skindred / Skynd / SNAYX / The Velveteers / Tremonti / Veridian / Volbeat / Yonaka / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / Knife Bride / A.A. Williams
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Korn / KISS / Iron Maiden / Rise Against / Deftones / Daughtry / Megadeth / Skillet / Bush / Biffy Clyro / The Pretty Reckless / The Darkness / Mastodon / Sepultura / Black Label Society / grandson / Marianas Trench / Lacuna Coil / Descendents / Steel Panther / Airbourne / Funeral for a Friend / Baroness / The Ghost Inside / Electric Wizard / The Distillers / Powerwolf / Dying Fetus / Salem / Boston Manor / Monster Truck / Trash Boat / Blues Pills / Spiritbox / Wednesday 13 / Fire From the Gods / Bleed From Within / Sleep Token / The Faim / cemetery sun / loathe / Dead Poet Society / The Last Internationale / The Raven Age / Holding Absence / Scratch / Twin Temple / Jamie Lenman / Press Club / WARGASM (UK) / Will Haven / Blackout Problems / Ayron Jones / Meet Me @ The Altar / Venom Prison / Bokassa / The Hara / Massive Wagons / Dead Posey / JJ Wilde / Those Damn Crows / Higher Power / Lotus Eater / Wayward Sons / As Everything Unfolds / Joyous Wolf / Static Dress / Theory / A.A. Williams / Phoxjaw / British Lion / The Velveteers / Dead Label / Modern Error / Tempt / Banks Arcade / Control The Storm / Anchor Lane / Cellar Door Moon Crow / Temples On Mars / Kill The Lights Official / The Injester / Shinedown / Bury Tomorrow / Skindred / Black Veil Brides / Normandie / Malevolence / Ice Nine Kills / Alestorm
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Korn / KISS / Iron Maiden / Rise Against / Deftones / Daughtry / Megadeth / Skillet / Bush / Biffy Clyro / Of Mice & Men / The Pretty Reckless / The Darkness / Sepultura / Black Label Society / Marianas Trench / grandson / Lacuna Coil / Descendents / Steel Panther / Airbourne / Funeral for a Friend / Baroness / The Ghost Inside / Electric Wizard / The Distillers / Dying Fetus / Powerwolf / Salem / Boston Manor / Monster Truck / Trash Boat / Blues Pills / Wednesday 13 / Fire From the Gods / Bleed From Within / The Faim / cemetery sun / Spiritbox / Sleep Token / The Last Internationale / The Raven Age / Scratch / loathe / Dead Poet Society / Holding Absence / Twin Temple / Jamie Lenman / Press Club / Blackout Problems / Bokassa / Massive Wagons / Dead Posey / Ayron Jones / WARGASM (UK) / Venom Prison / The Hara / Lotus Eater / JJ Wilde / Those Damn Crows / Meet Me @ The Altar / Higher Power / Wayward Sons / Joyous Wolf / As Everything Unfolds / Theory / A.A. Williams / Phoxjaw / British Lion / Static Dress / Dead Label / Tempt / Modern Error / Control The Storm / Anchor Lane / Cellar Door Moon Crow / Temples On Mars / Kill The Lights Official / The Injester / Normandie / Skindred / Black Veil Brides / A Day To Remember / Myles Kennedy and Company / Bury Tomorrow / CREEPER / Shinedown / Malevolence / ALESTORM / Myles Kennedy / Napalm Death
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Iron Maiden / Biffy Clyro / KISS / A Day To Remeber / Skindred / Black Veil Brides / Bury Tomorrow / Theory / Shinedown / Wayward Sons / Deftones / Black Label Society / Monster Truck / Those Damn Crows / The Raven Age / Korn / Volbeat / Rise Against / Alestorm / Powerwolf / Wargasm / Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes / Airbourne / Lacuna Coil / Myles Kennedy & Company / Skynd / Kris Barras Band / Ayron Jones / Megadeth / Mastodon / Daughtry / Bush / Ice Nine Kills / Cassyette / Dirty Honey / Steel Panther / The Darkness / Skillet / Baroness / Tremonti / Wednesday 13 / Massive Wagons / The Last International / Control The Storm / The Ghost Inside / Sleep Token / Normandie / Meet Me @ The Altar / Kid Brunswick / As Everything Unfolds / Pengshui / Press Club / Funeral for a Friend / CREEPER / The Faim / grandson / Holding Absence / loathe / Dragged Under / Salem / Blackout Problems / Aniimalia / Descendents / Boston Manor / Trash Boat / Spiritbox / Mariana's Trench / Jamie Lenman / The Hara / cemetery sun / dead possey / Static Dress / Electric Wizard / Blue Pills / Red Fang / British Lion / Bokassa / Tempt / A.A. Williams / Dead Poet Society / Cellar Door Moon Crow / The Scratch / Heriot / Sepultra / Napalm Death / Dying Fetus / Bleed From Within / Venom Prison / Will Haven / Higher Power / Dana Dentata / Banks Arcade / Dead Label / Death Blooms / Temples On Mars / Myles Kennedy / Yonaka / Twin Temple / Fire From the Gods / Orbit Culture / Kill the Lights / Modern Error / Phoxjaw / Bimini / Anchor Lane / The Velveteers / The Injester / Punk Rock Factory
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Kiss / A Day To Remember / Skindred / Black Veil Brides / Bury Tomorrow / Theory / Wayward Sons / Iron Maiden / Deftones / Shinedown / Black Label Society / Monster Truck / Those Damn Crows / The Raven Age / Biffy Clyro / Korn / Volbeat / Rise Against / Alestorm / Powerwolf / Wargasm / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / Airbourne / Lacuna Coil / Myles Kennedy and Company / Skynd / Kris Barras Band / Ayron Jones / Megadeth / Mastodon / Daughtry / Bush / Ice Nine Kills / Malevolence / Cassyette / Dirty Honey / Steel Panther / The Darkness / Skillet / Baroness / Tremonti / Wednesday 13 / Massive Wagons / The Last International / Control The Storm / The Ghost Inside / Sleep Token / Normandie / Meet Me @ The Altar / Kid Brunswick / As Everything Unfolds / Pengshui / Press Club / Funeral For A Friend / Creeper / The Faim / Grandson / Holding Absence / Loathe / Dragged Under / Salem / Blackout Problems / Aniimalia / Descendents / Boston Manor / Trash Boat / Spiritbox / Marianas Trench / Jamie Lenman / The Hara / Cemetery Sun / Dead Posey / Static Dress / Electric Wizard / Blues Pills / Red Fang / British Lion / Bokassa / Tempt / A.A Williams / Dead Poet Society / Cellar Door Moon Crow / The Scratch / Heriot / Sepultra / Napalm Death / Dying Fetus / Bleed From Within / Venom Prison / Will Haven / Higher Power / Dana Dentana / Banks Arcade / Dead label / Death Blooms / Temples On Mars / Yonaka / Twin Temple / Fire From the Gods / Orbit Culture / Kill the Lights / Modern Error / Phoxjaw / Bimini Bon Boulash / Anchor Lane / The Velveteers / The Injester
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Iron Maiden / Biffy Clyro / KISS / A Day To Remember / Skindred / Black Veil Brides / Bury Tomorrow / Theory / Wayward Sons / Deftones / Shinedown / Black Label Society / Monster Truck / Those Damn Crows / The Raven Age / Korn / Volbeat / Rise Against / Alestorm / Powerwolf / Wargasm / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / Megadeth / Steel panther / Airbourne / Lacuna Coil / Myles Kennedy and Company / Skynd / Kris Barras Band / Ayron Jones / Mastodon / Daughtry / Bush / Ice Nine Kills / Malevolence / Cassyette / Dirty Honey / The Darkness / Skillet / Baroness / Tremonti / Massive Wagons / The Last Internationale / Control The Storm / The Ghost Inside / Funeral For A Friend / Descendents / Sleep Token / Normandie / Meet Me @ the Altar / Kid Brunswick / As Everything Unfolds / Pengshui / Press Club / Creeper / The Faim / Grandson / Holding Absence / Loathe / Dragged Under / Salem / Blackout Problems / Aniimalia / Boston Manor / Trash Boat / Spiritbox / Marianas Trench / Jamie Lenman / The Hara / cemetery sun / Dead Posey / Static Dress / Electric Wizard / Sepultura / Myles Kennedy / Blues Pills / Red Fang / British Lion / Bokassa / Tempt / A. A. Williams / Dead Poet Society / Cellar Door Moon Crow / The Scratch / Heriot / Napalm Death / Dying Fetus / Bleed From Within / Venom Prison / Will Haven / Higher Power / Dana Dentata / Banks Arcade / Dead Label / Death Blooms / Temples On Mars / Yonaka / Twin Temple / Fire From the Gods / Orbit Culture / Kill the Lights / Modern Error / Phoxjaw / Bimini / Anchor Lane / The Velveteers / The Injester
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KISS / Iron Maiden / Biffy Clyro / A Day To Remember / Skindred / Black Veil Brides / Bury Tomorrow / Theory / Wayward Sons / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / Airbourne / Lacuna Coil / Normandie / Meet Me @ the Altar / Kid Brunswick / As Everything Unfolds / Pengshui / Press Club / Electric Wizard / Blues Pills / Red Fang / British Lion / Bokassa / Tempt / A.A. Williams / Dead Poet Society / Cellar Door Moon Crow / The Scratch / Heriot / Deftones / Shinedown / Black Label Society / Monster Truck / Those Damn Crows / The Raven Age / Megadeth / Mastodon / Daughtry / Bush / Ice Nine Kills / Malevolence / Cassyette / Dirty Honey / Funeral For A Friend / Creeper / The Faim / Grandson / Holding Absence / Loathe / Dragged Under / Salem / Blackout Problems / ANIIMALIA / Sepultura / Napalm Death / Dying Fetus / Bleed From Within / Will Haven / Higher Power / Dana Dentata / Banks Arcade / Dead Label / Death Blooms / Temples On Mars / Korn / Volbeat / Rise Against / Alestorm / Powerwolf / Wargasm (UK) / Steel Panther / The Darkness / Skillet / Baroness / Tremonti / Massive Wagons / The last Internationale / Control The Storm / Descendents / Boston Manor / Trash Boat / Spiritbox / Marianas Trench / Jamie Lenman / The Hara / Cemetery Sun / Dead Posey / Static Dress / Myles Kennedy / Yonaka / Twin Temple / Fire From The Gods / Orbit Culture / Kill The Lights / Modern Error / Phoxjaw / Bimini / Anchor Lane / The Velveteers / The Injester / Sertraline / Malevolence (Acoustic set) / Boston Manor (Acoustic set)
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Wayward Sons / Theory / Bury Tomorrow / Black Veil Brides / Lacuna Coil / Skindred / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / Death Blooms / Cassyette / Shinedown / Bleed From Within / Malevolence / loathe / KISS / Deftones / WARGASM (UK) / Spiritbox / KoRn / Boston Manor / Yonaka / Steel Panther / Volbeat / Biffy Clyro / A Day To Remember / Megadeth / Black Label Society
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