The Streetwalkin' Cheetahs Concert History

Punk revivalists the Streetwalkin' Cheetahs formed in Los Angeles in 1995, the group -- singer/guitarist Frank Meyer, guitarist Art Jackson, bassist Dino Everett and drummer Mike Sessa -- taking their cues from the protean noise of bands like the Stooges (from whose "Search and Destroy" they also copped their name) and the MC5. Renowned for their ferocious live shows, the quartet issued their debut album Heart Full of Napalm on Alive in 1996, returning a year later with Overdrive; later in 1997...

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 15, 2014 –
Aug 17, 2014
Echo Park Rising 2014
GoldLink / Doja Cat / Allah-Las / Kevin Morby / Woods / Cherry Glazerr / The Buttertones / Gavin Turek / Froth / Morgan Delt / Colleen Green / De Lux / Meatbodies / Cheers Elephant / Thumpers / Mark Redito / Plague Vendor / MONOGEM / Kan Wakan / Mr. Elevator / Death Valley Girls / Myron & E / Aaron Embry / Howls / Shrine / Matt Kivel / Gothic Tropic / Dante Elephante / Gateway Drugs / Babes / Adult Books / The Skygreen Leopards / Pisces / Stag / Habits / Dreamland / Dirt Dress / Santoros / The Dead Ships / Line & Circle / The Grift / A House for Lions / Leslie Stevens / Girl Tears / Banta / Flaamingos / The Radioactive Chicken Heads / Thee Rain Cats / L.a. Girlfriend / Tapioca and The Flea / Dante vs Zombies / Evan Mellows / Kim and the Created / Sex Stains / Stay Cool Forever / Paul Bergmann / The Streetwalkin' Cheetahs / SUBSUELO / Wild Pack of Canaries / Dream Boys / Kathleen Grace / Technicolor Hearts / Matthew David / Skapeche Mode / Silver Hands / Washing Machines / Bloody Death Skull / Cinderella MOTEL / Wartime Recitals / Babies on Acid / wild awake / TÜLIPS (LA) / mexico 68 / Habits (LA) / Slow Paradise / DJ Danny Holloway / Avid Dancer Show all bands
Echo Park Rising Los Angeles, California, United States
Alternative Rock
Hard Rock
Garage Rock
Punk 'n' Roll
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