Echo Park Rising Concert History

Los Angeles, California, United States

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 19, 2016 –
Aug 21, 2016
Echo Park Rising 2016
The Regrettes / Ducktails / Bleached / Hocus Pocus / Chastity Belt / La Luz / Colleen Green / The Egyptian Lover / Joe Stone / Iris / Korey Dane / Froth / The Frights / Chicano Batman / The Weirdos / Part Time / The Meatbodies / Kiev / Children / The Lovely Bad Things / The Blank Tapes / Kauf / Dios / Bart Davenport / The Abigails / Jaime Wyatt / Franky Flowers / Drug Cabin / Young Lovers / Adult Books / Joel Jerome / Batwings Catwings / Dear Boy / Harriet Brown / Connie Lim / Jail Weddings / globelamp / King Washington / Jesus Sons / The Easy Leaves / DJ Expo / Billy Changer / Ballerina Black / Barrows / IVORY DEVILLE / Guides / Jim and Sam / Drinking Flowers / Hawai / Buyepongo / Banta / Baron Vaughn / Bloodboy / XL Middleton / Beach Bums / Autumn In June / The Hollow Trees / Ablebody / The Controversy / Hammered Satin / Emily Gold / DAVE ROSS / Edith Crash / Jeff Crosby / Beca / The Flytraps / Sex Stains / Down and Outlaws / Dutch Party / The Cigarette Bums / Green Gerry / Feels (LA) / Gospelbeach / Bloodhounds / Adam Payne / The Molochs / Brit Manor / The Black Mambas / The Echo and the Sound / Cutty Flam / Air Life / Gold Star / Facial / Courtney Fortune / The Creation Factory / The Anti-job / Night Talks / The Knitts / Alyeska / Janelane / Lauren Ruth Ward / Emerson Star / Fakers / Egrets On Ergot / Bodegas / Brenda Carsey / The Kidneys / Brainstory / Disco Shrine / Austin McCutchen / Bloody Death Skull / Kids in Heat / Kolars / Cellars (US) / Crown Plaza / Barbara Gray / Dead Dawn / Band Aparte / James The Human / I, Us & We / Jubilo Drive / Evening Bell / I/O (US) / Jim Smith / The Black Heartthrobs / Honey Tones / Lexie Rose / L.A. Drones / Friendly Males / Belly Belt / ExSage / Leggy Peggy / Drennon Davis / Cassandra Violet / Charlie Overbey / Jamie Allensworth / L'aura Moire / The Altons / FeatherWolf / The Birth Defects (US) / Al Dente / Greg Felden / Dancing Tongues / AudioMammal / Hotthobo / Arms Akimbo (US) / Iconique / Cheap Tissue / The Great Sadness / Flying Hair / French Vanilla (US) / Flames of Durga / The Flusters / Donna Bummer / DreamVacation / King Flamingo / Betty Petty / Knckls / Chola Orange / Butch Bastard / I/O (LBC) / Buddha Jones and the Man / Brian Hill and the Noh Starrs / CB Brand / Kid Sister Erika / Fun Game / Eben Byers / Aleyska / Ian Abramson / DJ Nina Tarr / Electric Mind Machine / Brian Whelan (US) / Cookie & The Perverts / Colin Harris Jr. / Enormous Forces / Erin Lampart / The Hurricanes(LA) / Bob Baker Marionettes / Keif Season / Brodie Read / Future Shoxxx / Gentle Pony / Gregg Garvey & The Wintergreens / Casey Ley / Boulevards (LA) / Joe McFly / The Bomb (LA) / Kate Willet / ECHO PARK RISING / Albert & His Dreamboats / Anna Seregina / Bedbugs (LA) / Lasers Lasers Birmingham / HOTT MT Show all bands
Echo Park Rising Los Angeles, California, United States
Aug 14, 2015 –
Aug 16, 2015
Echo Park Rising 2015
Mild High Club / The Buttertones / Wilderado / Hanni El Khatib / Deap Vally / Dengue Fever / The Wild Reeds / Happyness / Slutever / Fever the Ghost / Superhumanoids / Man or Astro-man? / L.A. Witch / Winter / Corners / Mr. Elevator / Kodak to Graph / Sofar Sounds / SWIMM / Smoke Season / Golden Daze / Lovely Bad Things / The Gooch Palms / The Blank Tapes / Matt Kivel / Max and the Moon / Gateway Drugs / Adult Books / Olin & the Moon / Maudlin Strangers / Harriet Brown / The Boogaloo Assassins / Tennis System / Pearl Charles / No Parents / Jjuujjuu / RoseS / Fartbarf / Kera & The Lesbians / Lateef / J. Laser / Talk in Tongues / Elijah Ocean / Jesus Sons / the gitas / Sex Stains / Paul Bergmann / RT N' the 44's / Feels (LA) / The Two Tens / Media Jeweler / Cutty Flam / Maxim Ludwig / Fakers / Hin Du / Bloody Death Skull / Crown Plaza / Flying Hair / Dead Dawn / Rat Fist / the chew toys / Hobart W. Fink / CG Roxanne & The Nightmares / Tramp for the Lord / Trapsps / Jonathan Toubin Soul Clap Dance Off / Squaad Haus / Risky Vision vs Restless Nights (DJ sets) / Lolipop vs Burger / Death Hymn / Blazing 45s / Lipherma / Lou Man Group Show all bands
Echo Park Rising Los Angeles, California, United States
Aug 15, 2014 –
Aug 17, 2014
Echo Park Rising 2014
GoldLink / Doja Cat / Allah-Las / Kevin Morby / Woods / Cherry Glazerr / The Buttertones / Gavin Turek / Froth / Morgan Delt / Colleen Green / De Lux / Meatbodies / Cheers Elephant / Thumpers / Mark Redito / Plague Vendor / MONOGEM / Kan Wakan / Mr. Elevator / Death Valley Girls / Myron & E / Aaron Embry / Howls / Shrine / Matt Kivel / Gothic Tropic / Dante Elephante / Gateway Drugs / Babes / Adult Books / The Skygreen Leopards / Pisces / Stag / Habits / Dreamland / Dirt Dress / Santoros / The Dead Ships / Line & Circle / The Grift / A House for Lions / Leslie Stevens / Girl Tears / Banta / Flaamingos / The Radioactive Chicken Heads / Thee Rain Cats / L.a. Girlfriend / Tapioca and The Flea / Dante vs Zombies / Evan Mellows / Kim and the Created / Sex Stains / Stay Cool Forever / Paul Bergmann / The Streetwalkin' Cheetahs / SUBSUELO / Wild Pack of Canaries / Dream Boys / Kathleen Grace / Technicolor Hearts / Matthew David / Skapeche Mode / Silver Hands / Washing Machines / Bloody Death Skull / Cinderella MOTEL / Wartime Recitals / Babies on Acid / wild awake / TÜLIPS (LA) / mexico 68 / Habits (LA) / Slow Paradise / DJ Danny Holloway / Avid Dancer Show all bands
Echo Park Rising Los Angeles, California, United States
Aug 17, 2013 –
Aug 18, 2013
Sir Sly Echo Park Rising Los Angeles, California, United States
Aug 25, 2012
Echo Park Rising 2012
Foxygen / Youngblood Hawke / Celeste / Robert DeLong / DREAMERS / clipping. / The Record Company / Fool's Gold / High Places / Voxhaul Broadcast / L.A. Witch / Lavender Diamond / Cosmonauts / NO / Hands / So Many Wizards / Calvin Love / Cuckoo Chaos / Seasons / Coals / The Abigails / Betty White / The Blank Tapes / Gothic Tropic / Chiefs / Soft Swells / Thee Commons / The Lonely Wild / Big Search / Bart Davenport / Now / Anticon / Pageants / Act As If / Vex Ruffin / Fire In The Hamptons / Feeding People / Buyepongo / The Dead Ships / Wake Up Lucid / Line & Circle / Far West / Kissing Cousins / Michael Davis / A House for Lions / Neverever / Restavrant / Conquistador / Black Apples / HOTT MT / LA Font / Strangers Family Band / Thee Rain Cats / TS and The Past Haunts / Ocha La Rocha / Dante vs Zombies / Death Hymn Number 9 / Warships / RT N' the 44's / Oh Boy Les Mecs / Amanda Jo Williams / Raw Geronimo / Manhattan Murder Mystery / Herbert Bail Orchestra / Holloys / Tina Schlieske / Captions / Walter Spencer / Eras / Stab City / Geronimo Getty / Spirit Vine / Tommy Santee Klaws / The Driftwood Singers / Salt Petal / Greg Felden / Mothers Of Gut / What Hands Are For / Fort King / Withers / Future Ghost / Noah & the Megafauna / Moomaw / son ark / Crooked Cowboy / Kind Hearts And Coronets / D. Lee / Lantvrn / Aaron Kyle / Virginia Reed / Jules & Verne / Sunfighter / Jasper Dickson / Os Beaches / Sadie & the Blue Eyed Devils / Sceneries / Moses Cambell / Parallax Scroll / Jeremiah Sammartano Show all bands
Echo Park Rising Los Angeles, California, United States
Find Lodging  
Indie 105 performances
Rock 92 performances
Indie Rock 77 performances
United States 63 performances
Garage Rock 55 performances
2016 1 concert
2015 1 concert
2014 1 concert
2013 1 concert
2012 1 concert
 Brandon Lynn
 Jaime Santiago
 Lauren Jordan

As Seen On: