Negator Concert History

Take Heed! Negator are back with a vengeance!

Date Concert Venue Location
Apr 25, 2014 –
Apr 26, 2014
Ragnarök Festival
Satyricon / Finntroll / Borknagar / Graveworm / Månegarm / Skálmöld / SuidakrA / Kampfar / Créature / Craving / Stormlord / Imperium Dekadenz / Adorned Brood / Negator / XIV Dark Centuries / Todtgelichter / Fjoergyn / Minas Morgul / Fäulnis / Agrypnie / Finsterforst / Firtan / Ingrimm / Krampus / Odroerir / TrollfesT / Waldgeflüster / Arkona / Eïs Show all bands
Stadthalle Lichtenfels, Germany
Apr 20, 2014
Dark Easter Metal Meeting
"Dark Easter Metal Meeting" / Triptykon / Agrypnie / The Ruins of Beverast / Negator / Root / Thulcandra / Faulnis / Sear Bliss
Backstage Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Nov 27, 2013
Satyricon / Chthonic / Negator Klubsen Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
May 23, 2013 –
May 25, 2013
Antropomorphia / Archgoat / Behemoth / Bodyfarm / Broken Hope / Carach Angren / Cliteater / Dark Fortress / Descending / Deserted Fear / Diaroe / Enslaved / Entrails / Exhumed / Fleshgod Apocalypse / Foetal Juice / Gospel Of The Horns / Grave / Grind Inc / Gutalax / Hail of Bullets / Hate / Helrunar / Holocausto Canibal / Hypnos / Kadaverficker / Kataklysm / Katalepsy / Legion of the Damned / Malignant Tumour / Mass Infection / Milking The Goatmachine / Necrophobic / Negator / Nocte Obducta / Obscenity / OBSCURITY / Orphalis / Satan`s Revenge On Mankind / Scarlet Anger / Scornage / Septic Flesh / Sonne Adam / Sterbhaus / Svart Crown / Svarttjern / Tankard / Thyrfing / Ultimo Mondo Cannibale / Vader / Vibrion / Viscera Trail / Vomitory / Vomitous / Warpath / Wound / Zombie Inc. Show all bands
Flugplatz Schwarze Heide Höxter
Aug 04, 2011 –
Aug 06, 2011
Wacken Open Air 2011
Accu§er / Achren / Aeon Throne / Airbourne / Aphyxion / Apocalyptica / As I Lay Dying / Atrum / Avantasia / Battle Beast / Betontod / Blaas of Glory / Die Blechblos’n / Blind Guardian / Blowsight / Bucovina / Bullet / Bülent Ceylan (Comedy Act) / Children Of Bodom / Coldwar / Crashdïet / Danko Jones / Deadlock / Deathclocks / Dir En Grey / Dust Bolt / Edelweiss / Eläkeläiset / Ensiferum / Excrementory Grindfuckers / Exquisite Pus / Ghost / Girlschool / Golem / Hämatom / Hail of Bullets / Hammercult / Hayseed Dixie / Heaven Shall Burn / Helloween / Hellsaw / Horch / Iced Earth / Ignis Fatuu / In Solitude / Jim Breuer / Judas Priest / Kataklysm / Khold / Knorkator / Kreator / Kvelertak / Kyuss Lives! / Lacrimas Profundere / Leash Eye / Maiden United / Mambo Kurt / Mayhem / Moonsorrow / Morbid Angel / Morgoth / Mortal Strike / Mother of God / Motörhead / Negator / Noein / Omnicide / Onkel Tom feat / Roberto Blanco (Special Guest) / Onslaught / Ozzy Osbourne / Paralytic / Pharao / Pneuma / Powerstroke / Primal Fear / Pussy Sisster / Rabenschrey / Reliquiae / Rhapsody of Fire / Rude Revelation / Russkaja / Sacramental / Saltatio Mortis / Sepultura / Severenth / Shining / Shraphead / Sirenia / Skálmöld / Skeletonwitch / Ski King / Ski's Country Trash / Skindred / Skyline / Slime / Sodom / Stier / Stormzone / subway to sally / Suicidal Tendencies / SuidakrA / Tanker / Tauthr / The Aberlours / The Haunted / The Murder of My Sweet / The Prophecy 23 / The Smackballz / Tokyo Blade / Torture Squad / Triosphere / Triptykon / Trivium / Tsjuder / Van Canto / Venomin James / Victims of Madness / Virginia Clemm / Visions of Atlantis / Volcano / Voltax / Vreid / Warrant / Wacken Firefighters / X-Tinxion / Freiwild Show all bands
Wacken Open Air Wacken, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Show Duplicates for Aug 04, 2011
Death Metal
Black Metal
German Black Metal
Dark Black Metal
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2014 2 concerts
2013 2 concerts
2011 1 concert
 Mr. Alchemize
 Peter Rasmussen
 Iker Gibello González
 Gazelle [El Núcleo Duro]
 Krokodil [El Núcleo Duro]
 Marcus Zander

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