Flugplatz Schwarze Heide Concert History


Date Concert Venue Location
May 23, 2013 –
May 25, 2013
Antropomorphia / Archgoat / Behemoth / Bodyfarm / Broken Hope / Carach Angren / Cliteater / Dark Fortress / Descending / Deserted Fear / Diaroe / Enslaved / Entrails / Exhumed / Fleshgod Apocalypse / Foetal Juice / Gospel Of The Horns / Grave / Grind Inc / Gutalax / Hail of Bullets / Hate / Helrunar / Holocausto Canibal / Hypnos / Kadaverficker / Kataklysm / Katalepsy / Legion of the Damned / Malignant Tumour / Mass Infection / Milking The Goatmachine / Necrophobic / Negator / Nocte Obducta / Obscenity / OBSCURITY / Orphalis / Satan`s Revenge On Mankind / Scarlet Anger / Scornage / Septic Flesh / Sonne Adam / Sterbhaus / Svart Crown / Svarttjern / Tankard / Thyrfing / Ultimo Mondo Cannibale / Vader / Vibrion / Viscera Trail / Vomitory / Vomitous / Warpath / Wound / Zombie Inc. Show all bands
Flugplatz Schwarze Heide Höxter
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Death Metal 46 performances
Metal 28 performances
Grindcore 25 performances
Brutal Death Metal 21 performances
Black Metal 20 performances

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