Matt Kivel Concert History

You might know Los Angeles singer-songwriter Matt Kivel from Princeton, or from his previous acoustic gem, Double Exposure. His artistic style is defined by his relaxed approach - Days of Being Wild was recorded over the course of six weeks in the summer of 2013, with friends and whiskey, in a small detached shed in Los Angeles. "Open Road" is an effortless two and a half minutes with an unwavering drumbeat, and delicate harmonies. The track packs...

Date Concert Venue Location
May 03, 2019
Matt Kivel / Daphne / James Place / Lori Scacco

Matt Kivel / Daphne / James Place / Lori Scacco at Park Church Co-Op

Park Church Co-op New York, New York, United States
Sep 30, 2016
Steve Gunn and the Outliners / Nap Eyes / Matt Kivel

Steve Gunn and the Outliners • Nap Eyes • Matt Kivel

The Echo Los Angeles, California, United States
Aug 30, 2016
Paul Bergmann / Matt Kivel Bootleg Theater Los Angeles, California, United States
Sep 16, 2015
Echo Park Rising
"Echo Park Rising" / Corners / Peach Kelli Pop / Santoros / Dante Elephante / Pastilla / Adult Books / ______ / Gal Pals / So Many Wizards / Sad Robot / Two Sheds / Death Valley Girls / IVORY DEVILLE / Leslie Stevens / Austin McCutchen / Jamie Wyatt / Ben Reddell / Bones Muhroni / Pearl Charles / Matt Kivel / The New Electric Sound / The Two Tens / Frankie Rose / Soft Lions / Rainbow Jackson / Nightjacket / Prettiest Eyes / Wallburds / The Electric West / Grit / VerBS / Vanish Valley / Christian Duguay / Barrows / Young Lovers Show all bands
Various Venues Los Angeles, California, United States
Sep 15, 2015
Echo Park Rising
"Echo Park Rising" / Hanni El Khatib / Deap Vally / J-Rocc / Mr. Elevator And The Brain Hotel / The Buttertones / No Parents / Hannibal Buress / Mild High Club / QUITAPENAS / The Wild Reeds / Max and the Moon / Castro / Fartbarf / Talk in Tongues / Hin Du / The Gooch Palms / Happyness / Bloody Death Skull / Maxim Ludwig and the Santa Fe Seven / Winter / The Knitts / Jesus Sons / Kodak to Graph / Jerome LOL / Heaters / Media Jeweler / Maudlin Strangers / Harriet Brown / SURVIVE / Tennis System / RoseS / Ryan Pollie / Matt Kivel / Andy Clockwise / Air Life / Liphemra / DTCV / DRÆMINGS / L.A. Witch / the gitas / Jjuujjuu / Sinner Sinners / Vinyl Williams / The Frights / Summer Twins / Hobart W. Fink / HOTT MT / Golden Sun / Smoke Season / RT N The 44's / Simone White / Restavrant / Banta / Rod Melancon / Elijah Ocean / Drug Cabin / Girl Tears / Triptides / Wax Idols / Downtown Boys / Terminal A / Qui / Howler / Egrets On Ergot / Feral Kizzy / Batwings Catwings / Voice on Tape / The Business / Hi Ho Silver Oh / Angels Dust / Jake Jenkins / The Maybe Somedays / Charlie Clark / Gateway Drugs / Trabants Show all bands
Various Venues Los Angeles, California, United States
Aug 16, 2015
Echo Park Rising
"Echo Park Rising" / Jonathan Toubin / Screaming Females / Corners / Death Valley Girls / Matt Kivel / Pearl Charles / Adult Books / Austin McCutchen / Ben Reddell / Bones Muhroni / Dante Elephante / IVORY DEVILLE / Jamie Wyatt / Leslie Stevens / Part Time / Sad Robot / Santoros / The Two Tens / Two Sheds / Vision Show all bands
Echo Park Neighborhood Los Angeles, California, United States
Aug 15, 2015
Echo Park Rising
"Echo Park Rising" / Hanni El Khatib / Deap Vally / J-Rocc / Superhumanoids / Kodak to Graph / Jerome LOL / Mr. Elevator And The Brain Hotel / Matt Kivel / Maudlin Strangers / Winter / Air Life / Andy Clockwise / Angels Dust / Animo / Banta / Bloody Death Skull / Castro / The Cigarette Bums / DRÆMINGS / Drug Cabin / DTCV / Elijah Ocean / Fartbarf / Girl Tears / Golden Sun / The Gooch Palms / Happyness / Heaters / Hi Ho Silver Oh / Hin Du / Hobart / HOTT MT / Jake Jenkins / Jesus Sons / Jjuujjuu / Ryan Pollie / L.A. Witch / Liphemra / The Lovely Bad Things / Manhattan Murder Mystery / Max and the Moon / Maxim Ludwig and the Santa Fe Seven / Media Jeweler / Mild High Club / No Parents / QUITAPENAS / Rod Melancon / RoseS / RT N The 44's / Simone White / Sinners Sinners / Smoke Season / Summer Twins / Talk in Tongues / Tennis System / The Buttertones / The Frights / The Knitts / The Wild Reeds / Hannibal Buress / Sinner Sinners / the gitas Show all bands
Echo Park Neighborhood Los Angeles, California, United States
Aug 14, 2015 –
Aug 16, 2015
Echo Park Rising 2015
Mild High Club / The Buttertones / Wilderado / Hanni El Khatib / Deap Vally / Dengue Fever / The Wild Reeds / Happyness / Slutever / Fever the Ghost / Superhumanoids / Man or Astro-man? / L.A. Witch / Winter / Corners / Mr. Elevator / Kodak to Graph / Sofar Sounds / SWIMM / Smoke Season / Golden Daze / Lovely Bad Things / The Gooch Palms / The Blank Tapes / Matt Kivel / Max and the Moon / Gateway Drugs / Adult Books / Olin & the Moon / Maudlin Strangers / Harriet Brown / The Boogaloo Assassins / Tennis System / Pearl Charles / No Parents / Jjuujjuu / RoseS / Fartbarf / Kera & The Lesbians / Lateef / J. Laser / Talk in Tongues / Elijah Ocean / Jesus Sons / the gitas / Sex Stains / Paul Bergmann / RT N' the 44's / Feels (LA) / The Two Tens / Media Jeweler / Cutty Flam / Maxim Ludwig / Fakers / Hin Du / Bloody Death Skull / Crown Plaza / Flying Hair / Dead Dawn / Rat Fist / the chew toys / Hobart W. Fink / CG Roxanne & The Nightmares / Tramp for the Lord / Trapsps / Jonathan Toubin Soul Clap Dance Off / Squaad Haus / Risky Vision vs Restless Nights (DJ sets) / Lolipop vs Burger / Death Hymn / Blazing 45s / Lipherma / Lou Man Group Show all bands
Echo Park Rising Los Angeles, California, United States
Aug 16, 2014
Woodsist Fest (Pioneertown)
"Woodsist Fest" (Pioneertown) / Woods / Foxygen / Cass McCombs / The Fresh & Onlys / Peaking Lights / Kevin Morby / Little Wings / Amps for Christ / Skygreen Leopards / Matt Kivel
Pappy And Harriet's Pioneertown Palace Pioneertown, California, United States
Aug 15, 2014 –
Aug 17, 2014
Echo Park Rising 2014
GoldLink / Doja Cat / Allah-Las / Kevin Morby / Woods / Cherry Glazerr / The Buttertones / Gavin Turek / Froth / Morgan Delt / Colleen Green / De Lux / Meatbodies / Cheers Elephant / Thumpers / Mark Redito / Plague Vendor / MONOGEM / Kan Wakan / Mr. Elevator / Death Valley Girls / Myron & E / Aaron Embry / Howls / Shrine / Matt Kivel / Gothic Tropic / Dante Elephante / Gateway Drugs / Babes / Adult Books / The Skygreen Leopards / Pisces / Stag / Habits / Dreamland / Dirt Dress / Santoros / The Dead Ships / Line & Circle / The Grift / A House for Lions / Leslie Stevens / Girl Tears / Banta / Flaamingos / The Radioactive Chicken Heads / Thee Rain Cats / L.a. Girlfriend / Tapioca and The Flea / Dante vs Zombies / Evan Mellows / Kim and the Created / Sex Stains / Stay Cool Forever / Paul Bergmann / The Streetwalkin' Cheetahs / SUBSUELO / Wild Pack of Canaries / Dream Boys / Kathleen Grace / Technicolor Hearts / Matthew David / Skapeche Mode / Silver Hands / Washing Machines / Bloody Death Skull / Cinderella MOTEL / Wartime Recitals / Babies on Acid / wild awake / TÜLIPS (LA) / mexico 68 / Habits (LA) / Slow Paradise / DJ Danny Holloway / Avid Dancer Show all bands
Echo Park Rising Los Angeles, California, United States
United States
Indie Folk
2019 1 concert
2016 2 concerts
2015 5 concerts
2014 10 concerts
 Lauren Jordan
 Campbell George

As Seen On: