LVL UP is guitarists Mike Caridi and Dave Benton, bassist Nick Corbo, and drummer Greg Rutkin and is a true collaboration, a band that takes the stylistically distinct ideas of four members and brings them together into something new. Caridi, Benton, and Corbo write and sing equally, bringing their work to the group to be fully realized, resulting in an album built on different perspectives but a common drive.
The Shins / Ryan Adams / PJ Harvey / Michael Kiwanuka / Future Islands / BadBadNotGood / Angel Olsen / Big Thief / Conor Oberst / Oh Sees / Allah-Las / Fruit Bats / Ride / Timber Timbre / Johnny Flynn / Liars / Daniel Johnston / British Sea Power / Lambchop / Andy Shauf / Kate Tempest / Methyl Ethel / Field Music / Hinds / Sleaford Mods / Julia Jacklin / Charlie Cunningham / Liam Bailey / Hurray for the Riff Raff / Fionn Regan / Aldous Harding / Daniel Avery / Sunflower Bean / This Is The Kit / Roni Size / St. Etienne / Shame / Julian Cope / The Big Moon / Julie Byrne / D.D Dumbo / Kikagaku Moyo / Laura Gibson / The Comet Is Coming / Jessica Pratt / Pumarosa / The Wave Pictures / Chelou / Happyness / Warhaus / Wolf People / Mammal Hands / Sola Rosa / LVL UP / Moddi / Anna Meredith / The Orielles / Karl Blau / Richard Dawson / Girl Ray / Pete Josef / Boy Azooga / Melt Yourself Down / Sports Team / Nadia Reid / Nathan Ball / Michael Chapman / The Mattson 2 / Manu Delago / Pictish Trail / Alasdair Roberts / Deep Throat Choir / Miranda Lee Richards / Trembling Bells / Adam Torres / Pale Seas / The Abstract Orchestra / Francobollo / Gill Landry / Harleighblu / Lift to Experience / Grumbling Fur / Brooke Bentham / Anthony Joseph / Tokio / Shirley Collins / H. Hawkline / Sap / Johnny Flynn & The Sussex Wit / Siobhan Wilson / Ash Walker / Warm Digits / Honeyfeet / W. H. Lung / Hotel Lux / Holly Macve / Broken Brass / Dead Pretties / Time for T / Gaelynn Lea / Me and My Friends / Stevie Parker / Circulus / Bess Atwell / DOOMSQUAD / Dojo / Yumi and The Weather / Tom Hickox / Soccer96 / Gospelbeach / Madonnatron / Lice / Lakuta / Kioko / Benedict Benjamin / K.O.G & The Zongo Brigade / Chris Forsyth & The Solar Motel Band / ólah bliss / Toby Hay / Jim Ghedi / Yorkston Thorne Khan / Bad Parents / The Bleedin' Noses / Jon Hopkins (DJ set) / H.Grimace / Keto / Moses Boyd's Exodus / True Strays / Cobalt Chapel / Fat Suit / Jae Tyler / Mansion of Snakes / Gintis / Huw Stephens / Holly Holden / Bamboo (London) / Earth Recordings / EDD KEENE - THE GREEN MAN / Aled RHEON / Solomon O. B. / Tom Ravenscroft (DJ Set) / Diplomats of Sound / Vojta / The Schmoozenbergs Duo / Mat Smith (DJ) / Sola Rosa Soundsystem / Horseman & The Uppercut Band
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The Shins / Michael Kiwanuka / Ryan Adams / PJ Harvey / Future Islands / BadBadNotGood / Big Thief / Angel Olsen / Allah-Las / Fruit Bats / Conor Oberst / Osees / Ride / Timber Timbre / Julia Jacklin / Daniel Johnston / Johnny Flynn / Liars / Sea Power / Sleaford Mods / Andy Shauf / Aldous Harding / Kae Tempest / Lambchop / Charlie Cunningham / Methyl Ethel / Daniel Avery / Hinds / Shame / This Is The Kit / Hurray for the Riff Raff / Field Music / Kikagaku Moyo / Sunflower Bean / Liam Bailey / Fionn Regan / The Comet Is Coming / The Big Moon / Roni Size / Jessica Pratt / St. Etienne / Julian Cope / Julie Byrne / Warhaus / Sports Team / D.D Dumbo / Chelou / Laura Gibson / Mammal Hands / Pumarosa / The Wave Pictures / Happyness / The Orielles / Wolf People / Richard Dawson / Sola Rosa / Anna Meredith / Moddi / LVL UP / Girl Ray / Melt Yourself Down / Karl Blau / Pete Josef / Nadia Reid / Boy Azooga / Nathan Ball / The Mattson 2 / Bess Atwell / Michael Chapman / Manu Delago / The Abstract Orchestra / Pictish Trail / Deep Throat Choir / Alasdair Roberts / Adam Torres / Miranda Lee Richards / Trembling Bells / Pale Seas / Francobollo / Lift to Experience / Gill Landry / Brooke Bentham / Harleighblu / Shirley Collins / Anthony Joseph / W. H. Lung / H. Hawkline / Grumbling Fur / Hotel Lux / Tokio / Sap / Honeyfeet / Johnny Flynn & The Sussex Wit / Ash Walker / Me and My Friends / Siobhan Wilson / Time for T / Broken Brass / Warm Digits / Soccer96 / Holly Macve / Dead Pretties / Gaelynn Lea / Lice / Yumi and The Weather / Stevie Parker / Circulus / DOOMSQUAD / Dojo / Gospelbeach / Kioko / Tom Hickox / Madonnatron / K.O.G & The Zongo Brigade / Lakuta / Jim Ghedi / Benedict Benjamin / ólah bliss / Toby Hay / Chris Forsyth & The Solar Motel Band / True Strays / Yorkston Thorne Khan / Cobalt Chapel / Bad Parents / The Bleedin' Noses / Keto / Jon Hopkins (DJ set) / H.Grimace / Fat Suit / Moses Boyd Exodus / Gintis / Jae Tyler / Mansion of Snakes / Holly Holden / Huw Stephens / Bamboo (London) / Earth Recordings / Vojta / EDD KEENE - THE GREEN MAN / Aled RHEON / Mat Smith (DJ) / Tom Ravenscroft (DJ Set) / Diplomats of Sound / Solomon O. B. / Sola Rosa Soundsystem / Horseman & The Uppercut Band / The Schmoozenbergs Duo
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The Shins / Ryan Adams / Michael Kiwanuka / PJ Harvey / Future Islands / BadBadNotGood / Angel Olsen / Big Thief / Allah-Las / Conor Oberst / Fruit Bats / Osees / Ride / Timber Timbre / Daniel Johnston / Johnny Flynn / Liars / Sea Power / Julia Jacklin / Andy Shauf / Sleaford Mods / Lambchop / Kae Tempest / Aldous Harding / Methyl Ethel / Charlie Cunningham / Hinds / Field Music / Hurray for the Riff Raff / Daniel Avery / Liam Bailey / This Is The Kit / Fionn Regan / Sunflower Bean / Shame / Kikagaku Moyo / Roni Size / The Big Moon / The Comet Is Coming / St. Etienne / Julian Cope / Julie Byrne / Jessica Pratt / D.D Dumbo / Laura Gibson / Chelou / Sports Team / Warhaus / Mammal Hands / Pumarosa / Happyness / The Wave Pictures / Wolf People / Sola Rosa / The Orielles / Anna Meredith / Richard Dawson / Moddi / LVL UP / Karl Blau / Girl Ray / Melt Yourself Down / Pete Josef / Boy Azooga / Nadia Reid / Nathan Ball / The Mattson 2 / Michael Chapman / Manu Delago / The Abstract Orchestra / Pictish Trail / Deep Throat Choir / Alasdair Roberts / Adam Torres / Miranda Lee Richards / Trembling Bells / Bess Atwell / Pale Seas / Francobollo / Gill Landry / Harleighblu / Brooke Bentham / Lift to Experience / Anthony Joseph / Grumbling Fur / Shirley Collins / W. H. Lung / Tokio / H. Hawkline / Sap / Johnny Flynn & The Sussex Wit / Hotel Lux / Ash Walker / Siobhan Wilson / Honeyfeet / Warm Digits / Broken Brass / Holly Macve / Time for T / Me and My Friends / Dead Pretties / Gaelynn Lea / Soccer96 / Stevie Parker / Circulus / Lice / DOOMSQUAD / Dojo / Yumi and The Weather / Gospelbeach / Tom Hickox / Madonnatron / Kioko / Lakuta / K.O.G & The Zongo Brigade / Benedict Benjamin / Jim Ghedi / ólah bliss / Chris Forsyth & The Solar Motel Band / Toby Hay / Yorkston Thorne Khan / Bad Parents / The Bleedin' Noses / True Strays / Keto / Jon Hopkins (DJ set) / Cobalt Chapel / H.Grimace / Moses Boyd Exodus / Fat Suit / Gintis / Jae Tyler / Mansion of Snakes / Holly Holden / Huw Stephens / Bamboo (London) / Earth Recordings / EDD KEENE - THE GREEN MAN / Aled RHEON / Vojta / Diplomats of Sound / Mat Smith (DJ) / Tom Ravenscroft (DJ Set) / Solomon O. B. / The Schmoozenbergs Duo / Horseman & The Uppercut Band / Sola Rosa Soundsystem
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The Shins / Ryan Adams / Michael Kiwanuka / PJ Harvey / Future Islands / BadBadNotGood / Angel Olsen / Big Thief / Allah-Las / Fruit Bats / Conor Oberst / Osees / Ride / Timber Timbre / Daniel Johnston / Johnny Flynn / Liars / Julia Jacklin / Sea Power / Sleaford Mods / Andy Shauf / Lambchop / Kae Tempest / Aldous Harding / Methyl Ethel / Charlie Cunningham / Hinds / Daniel Avery / Field Music / Hurray for the Riff Raff / This Is The Kit / Liam Bailey / Fionn Regan / Sunflower Bean / Shame / Kikagaku Moyo / Roni Size / The Big Moon / The Comet Is Coming / St. Etienne / Julian Cope / Jessica Pratt / Julie Byrne / D.D Dumbo / Sports Team / Laura Gibson / Warhaus / Chelou / Mammal Hands / Pumarosa / The Wave Pictures / Happyness / Wolf People / Sola Rosa / The Orielles / Richard Dawson / Anna Meredith / Moddi / LVL UP / Melt Yourself Down / Girl Ray / Karl Blau / Pete Josef / Boy Azooga / Nadia Reid / Nathan Ball / The Mattson 2 / Michael Chapman / Manu Delago / The Abstract Orchestra / Pictish Trail / Bess Atwell / Deep Throat Choir / Alasdair Roberts / Adam Torres / Miranda Lee Richards / Trembling Bells / Pale Seas / Francobollo / Gill Landry / Harleighblu / Brooke Bentham / Lift to Experience / Anthony Joseph / Shirley Collins / Grumbling Fur / W. H. Lung / Tokio / H. Hawkline / Hotel Lux / Sap / Johnny Flynn & The Sussex Wit / Honeyfeet / Ash Walker / Siobhan Wilson / Warm Digits / Broken Brass / Holly Macve / Time for T / Me and My Friends / Dead Pretties / Soccer96 / Gaelynn Lea / Lice / Stevie Parker / Circulus / DOOMSQUAD / Yumi and The Weather / Dojo / Gospelbeach / Tom Hickox / Madonnatron / Kioko / K.O.G & The Zongo Brigade / Lakuta / Benedict Benjamin / Jim Ghedi / ólah bliss / Chris Forsyth & The Solar Motel Band / Toby Hay / Yorkston Thorne Khan / Bad Parents / True Strays / The Bleedin' Noses / Keto / Cobalt Chapel / Jon Hopkins (DJ set) / H.Grimace / Moses Boyd Exodus / Fat Suit / Gintis / Jae Tyler / Mansion of Snakes / Holly Holden / Huw Stephens / Bamboo (London) / Earth Recordings / EDD KEENE - THE GREEN MAN / Aled RHEON / Vojta / Diplomats of Sound / Tom Ravenscroft (DJ Set) / Mat Smith (DJ) / Solomon O. B. / The Schmoozenbergs Duo / Horseman & The Uppercut Band / Sola Rosa Soundsystem
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"Way Out West Festival" / London Grammar / Hurray for the Riff Raff / Lana Del Rey / Regina Spektor / Band of Horses / George Ezra / Conor Oberst / Tycho / Cashmere Cat / Shout Out Louds / Fatima Yamaha / Sakert! / Frida Hyvonen / Lisa Hannigan / Oskar Linnros / Kikagaku Moyo / LEON / LVL UP / Eva Dahlgren
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Lana Del Rey / Frank Ocean / Major Lazer / The xx / Migos / Young Thug / Diplo / Flume / Pixies / Band of Horses / The Shins / George Ezra / MØ / Mac DeMarco / Regina Spektor / Feist / London Grammar / Her / Ryan Adams / Danny Brown / Sampha / Tycho / Cashmere Cat / Tash Sultana / Angel Olsen / Young M.A / Perfume Genius / LÉON / Conor Oberst / ALMA / The Radio Dept. / Osees / Lisa Hannigan / Jens Lekman / Julia Jacklin / The Afghan Whigs / Beth Ditto / Graveyard / Hurray for the Riff Raff / Sunflower Bean / Kikagaku Moyo / Let’s Eat Grandma / Fatima Yamaha / Oskar Linnros / Jarami / SABINA DDUMBA / The Blessed Madonna / Säkert! / Kornél Kovács / LVL UP / Frida Hyvönen / Ary / Eva Dahlgren / Lydia Ainsworth / Sarah Klang / Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation / Janice / INVSN / Yung Sherman / Fireside / Avantgardet / MOBILEGIRL
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Lana Del Rey / The xx / Major Lazer / Frank Ocean / Migos / Young Thug / Pixies / Flume / Band of Horses / Diplo / The Shins / MØ / Feist / Regina Spektor / George Ezra / London Grammar / Mac DeMarco / Ryan Adams / Danny Brown / Sampha / Tycho / Her / Cashmere Cat / Tash Sultana / Angel Olsen / Perfume Genius / Young M.A / Oh Sees / The Radio Dept. / Conor Oberst / Lisa Hannigan / Jens Lekman / ALMA / LÉON / The Afghan Whigs / Beth Ditto / Hurray for the Riff Raff / Graveyard / Sunflower Bean / Julia Jacklin / Oskar Linnros / Let’s Eat Grandma / Fatima Yamaha / Kikagaku Moyo / SABINA DDUMBA / Jarami / Säkert! / The Black Madonna / LVL UP / Frida Hyvönen / Lydia Ainsworth / Ary / Kornél Kovács / Eva Dahlgren / Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation / Janice / Sarah Klang / INVSN / Fireside / Yung Sherman / Avantgardet / MOBILEGIRL
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Lana Del Rey / Frank Ocean / Major Lazer / The xx / Migos / Young Thug / Diplo / Flume / Pixies / Band of Horses / The Shins / George Ezra / MØ / Mac DeMarco / Regina Spektor / Feist / London Grammar / Her / Ryan Adams / Danny Brown / Sampha / Tycho / Cashmere Cat / Tash Sultana / Angel Olsen / Young M.A / Perfume Genius / LÉON / Conor Oberst / ALMA / The Radio Dept. / Osees / Lisa Hannigan / Jens Lekman / Julia Jacklin / The Afghan Whigs / Beth Ditto / Graveyard / Hurray for the Riff Raff / Sunflower Bean / Kikagaku Moyo / Let’s Eat Grandma / Fatima Yamaha / Oskar Linnros / Jarami / SABINA DDUMBA / The Blessed Madonna / Säkert! / Kornél Kovács / LVL UP / Frida Hyvönen / Ary / Eva Dahlgren / Lydia Ainsworth / Sarah Klang / Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation / Janice / INVSN / Yung Sherman / Fireside / Avantgardet / MOBILEGIRL
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Lana Del Rey / Frank Ocean / Major Lazer / The xx / Migos / Young Thug / Diplo / Flume / Pixies / Band of Horses / George Ezra / The Shins / MØ / Mac DeMarco / Regina Spektor / Feist / Her / London Grammar / Ryan Adams / Danny Brown / Sampha / Tycho / Cashmere Cat / Tash Sultana / Angel Olsen / Young M.A / Perfume Genius / LÉON / ALMA / Conor Oberst / The Radio Dept. / Osees / Lisa Hannigan / Jens Lekman / Julia Jacklin / The Afghan Whigs / Beth Ditto / Hurray for the Riff Raff / Graveyard / Sunflower Bean / Kikagaku Moyo / Let’s Eat Grandma / Fatima Yamaha / Oskar Linnros / Jarami / SABINA DDUMBA / The Blessed Madonna / Säkert! / Kornél Kovács / LVL UP / Ary / Frida Hyvönen / Eva Dahlgren / Lydia Ainsworth / Sarah Klang / Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation / Janice / INVSN / Yung Sherman / Fireside / Avantgardet / MOBILEGIRL
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The xx / Bon Iver / Arcade Fire / Miguel / Van Morrison / Mac DeMarco / Glass Animals / Local Natives / Cigarettes After Sex / Metronomy / Skepta / Flying Lotus / Jamie xx / Solange / Slayer / Aphex Twin / Sampha / Mitski / Broken Social Scene / Run the Jewels / Tycho / King Krule / The Zombies / The Growlers / BadBadNotGood / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Angel Olsen / Death Grips / Gojira / Grace Jones / Whitney / Against Me! / The Magnetic Fields / Seu Jorge / Wild Beasts / The Black Angels / Descendents / Bicep / The Damned / Pond / Kevin Morby / Japandroids / Grandaddy / Swans / Teenage Fanclub / Weyes Blood / Joey Purp / Pinegrove / Julia Jacklin / Romare / John Talabot / Sleaford Mods / Sleep / Converge / Aldous Harding / The Afghan Whigs / Weval / !!! (Chk Chk Chk) / HVOB / The Wedding Present / Joy Orbison / Skinny Puppy / Preoccupations / Cymbals Eat Guitars / Front 242 / Hamilton Leithauser / Shellac / Alexandra Savior / Alex Cameron / Sinkane / recondite / Let’s Eat Grandma / St. Etienne / Fatima Yamaha / Gordi / Kelly Lee Owens / Henrik Schwarz / Dixon / Nikki Lane / KiNK / Wand / Lady Wray / Michael Mayer / Elza Soares / S U R V I V E / Mannequin Pussy / The Wave Pictures / Noga Erez / Julie Doiron / William Tyler / Marie Davidson / Kornél Kovács / Pearson Sound / LVL UP / youandewan / Jeremy Jay / Clubz / DJ Tennis / Triangulo de Amor Bizarro / Lauer / King Sunny Adé / Talaboman / Huerco S. / Swet Shop Boys / Iosonouncane / Royal Trux / The Mystery Lights / Operators / Avalon Emerson / Berri Txarrak / Mishima / Shye Ben Tzur / Formation / Belako / Young Marco / Agorazein / Gas (Wolfgang Voigt) / Tuff City Kids / The Rajasthan Express / Slim Cessna's Auto Club / Ben UFO / Annette Peacock / Moscoman / El Petit De Cal Eril / Matrixxman / Make-Up / InnerCut / PAVVLA / Vox Low / NOTS / No Zu / Tourista / Sau Poler / Odina / Kepa Junkera / Lord of the Isles / 7 Notas 7 Colores / Soledad Vélez / Kokoshca / Autarkic / Khidja / Vaadat Charigim / Jardín De La Croix / Abdulla Rashim / The Molochs / Priests - DC / Animic / Joel Sarakula / Miss Garrison / Pender Street Steppers / Aurora Halal / Ferenc / Barbott / Mélange / Phurpa / Shelby Grey / Hańba / Alien Tango / Les Sueques / Junun / It's Not Not / This Is Not This Heat / Murdoc / Don't DJ / Adelaida / Conttra / Dj Coco / Pedro Vian / Museless / Inzul / Rosalía & Raül Refree / RIVIERE / JMII / De Mónaco / Dave P / Muñeco / Retirada! / Astronaut Project / Playback Maracas / Vladimir Ivkovic / Her Little Donkey / About leaving / Sorry Kate / No Metal in This Battle / Màquina Total / Escorpio / Rebuig / DJ Dustin / The Waterparties
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The xx / Bon Iver / Arcade Fire / Miguel / Van Morrison / Mac DeMarco / Glass Animals / Local Natives / Cigarettes After Sex / Metronomy / Skepta / Flying Lotus / Jamie xx / Solange / Slayer / Aphex Twin / Sampha / Mitski / Broken Social Scene / Run the Jewels / Tycho / King Krule / The Zombies / The Growlers / BadBadNotGood / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Angel Olsen / Death Grips / Gojira / Grace Jones / Whitney / Against Me! / The Magnetic Fields / Seu Jorge / Wild Beasts / The Black Angels / Descendents / Bicep / The Damned / Pond / Kevin Morby / Japandroids / Grandaddy / Swans / Teenage Fanclub / Weyes Blood / Joey Purp / Pinegrove / Julia Jacklin / Romare / John Talabot / Sleaford Mods / Sleep / Converge / Aldous Harding / The Afghan Whigs / Weval / !!! (Chk Chk Chk) / HVOB / The Wedding Present / Joy Orbison / Skinny Puppy / Preoccupations / Cymbals Eat Guitars / Front 242 / Hamilton Leithauser / Shellac / Alexandra Savior / Alex Cameron / Sinkane / recondite / Let’s Eat Grandma / St. Etienne / Fatima Yamaha / Gordi / Kelly Lee Owens / Henrik Schwarz / Dixon / Nikki Lane / KiNK / Wand / Lady Wray / Michael Mayer / Elza Soares / S U R V I V E / Mannequin Pussy / The Wave Pictures / Noga Erez / Julie Doiron / William Tyler / Marie Davidson / Kornél Kovács / Pearson Sound / LVL UP / youandewan / Jeremy Jay / Clubz / DJ Tennis / Triangulo de Amor Bizarro / Lauer / King Sunny Adé / Talaboman / Huerco S. / Swet Shop Boys / Iosonouncane / Royal Trux / The Mystery Lights / Operators / Avalon Emerson / Berri Txarrak / Mishima / Shye Ben Tzur / Formation / Belako / Young Marco / Agorazein / Gas (Wolfgang Voigt) / Tuff City Kids / The Rajasthan Express / Slim Cessna's Auto Club / Ben UFO / Annette Peacock / Moscoman / El Petit De Cal Eril / Matrixxman / Make-Up / InnerCut / PAVVLA / Vox Low / NOTS / No Zu / Tourista / Sau Poler / Odina / Kepa Junkera / Lord of the Isles / 7 Notas 7 Colores / Soledad Vélez / Kokoshca / Autarkic / Khidja / Vaadat Charigim / Jardín De La Croix / Abdulla Rashim / The Molochs / Priests - DC / Animic / Joel Sarakula / Miss Garrison / Pender Street Steppers / Aurora Halal / Ferenc / Barbott / Mélange / Phurpa / Shelby Grey / Hańba / Alien Tango / Les Sueques / Junun / It's Not Not / This Is Not This Heat / Murdoc / Don't DJ / Adelaida / Conttra / Dj Coco / Pedro Vian / Museless / Inzul / Rosalía & Raül Refree / RIVIERE / JMII / De Mónaco / Dave P / Muñeco / Retirada! / Astronaut Project / Playback Maracas / Vladimir Ivkovic / Her Little Donkey / About leaving / Sorry Kate / No Metal in This Battle / Màquina Total / Escorpio / Rebuig / DJ Dustin / The Waterparties
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Japandroids / Teenage Fanclub / Against Me! / Converge / Bon Iver / Arcade Fire / Metronomy / The Black Angels / Miguel / Cymbals Eat Guitars / Broken Social Scene / Descendents / Local Natives / Sinkane / Gojira / Flying Lotus / The xx / Death Grips / Solange / Swans / !!! (Chk Chk Chk) / The Zombies / Slayer / Vaadat Charigim / Mac DeMarco / Hamilton Leithauser / The Magnetic Fields / Angel Olsen / Grandaddy / Tycho / Nikki Lane / Wild Beasts / The Afghan Whigs / Glass Animals / The Damned / Operators / Berri Txarrak / Sleep / LVL UP / The Growlers / Kevin Morby / Mitski / Mannequin Pussy / Aphex Twin / Van Morrison / Royal Trux / Seu Jorge / Jamie xx / Pond / Dj Coco / Skepta / Alex Cameron / Wand / William Tyler / Jeremy Jay / The Wedding Present / Skinny Puppy / King Krule / Weyes Blood / BadBadNotGood / NOTS / Grace Jones / Bicep / Dixon / John Talabot / Pearson Sound / Romare / Formation / DJ Tennis / Make-Up / The Wave Pictures / Pinegrove / King Sunny Adé / Dave P / Whitney / Alexandra Savior / Preoccupations / Sleaford Mods / Hańba / The Mystery Lights / Joey Purp / Front 242 / Shellac / St. Etienne / Weval / Julia Jacklin / Animic / Adelaida / HVOB / Cigarettes After Sex / Aldous Harding / Julie Doiron / Joy Orbison / Ben UFO / S U R V I V E / Gordi / Kepa Junkera / Vox Low / Clubz / Kornél Kovács / Fatima Yamaha / Let’s Eat Grandma / Triangulo de Amor Bizarro / No Zu / Pender Street Steppers / Mishima / KiNK / Phurpa / Sampha / The Molochs / Priests - DC / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Slim Cessna's Auto Club / Swet Shop Boys / Michael Mayer / Belako / Aries / Les Sueques / Henrik Schwarz / Elza Soares / Gas (Wolfgang Voigt) / youandewan / Annette Peacock / Huerco S. / Iosonouncane / Lauer / Young Marco / Matrixxman / Talaboman / Avalon Emerson / El Petit De Cal Eril / The Rajasthan Express / Kelly Lee Owens / 7 Notas 7 Colores / Marie Davidson / Ferenc / Lady Wray / Sau Poler / Lord of the Isles / Abdulla Rashim / Jardín De La Croix / Shye Ben Tzur / Shelby Grey / Moscoman / Aurora Halal / Kokoshca / Joel Sarakula / Noga Erez / Tuff City Kids / Soledad Vélez / Agorazein / Tourista / Khidja / It's Not Not / Barbott / Miss Garrison / Junun / Murdoc / Mélange / PAVVLA / InnerCut / This Is Not This Heat / Rosalía & Raül Refree / Autarkic / Odina / RIVIERE / Muñeco / Pedro Vian / Don't DJ / De Mónaco / JMII / Her Little Donkey / Museless / Alien Tango / No Metal in This Battle / Astronaut Project / About leaving / Sorry Kate / Rebuig / DJ Dustin / Retirada! / Vladimir Ivkovic / Conttra / Inzul / Playback Maracas / The Waterparties / Màquina Total / Escorpio / Run The Jewels / Recondite
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The xx / Arcade Fire / Bon Iver / Frank Ocean / Miguel / Van Morrison / Local Natives / Metronomy / Flying Lotus / Broken Social Scene / Glass Animals / Aphex Twin / Slayer / Mac DeMarco / Tycho / The Zombies / Solange / Skepta / Wild Beasts / Against Me! / The Magnetic Fields / Japandroids / The Black Angels / Sampha / Grace Jones / King Krule / Grandaddy / Seu Jorge / Death Grips / Gojira / The Damned / The Growlers / Swans / Descendents / Angel Olsen / BadBadNotGood / Teenage Fanclub / John Talabot / !!! (Chk Chk Chk) / The Afghan Whigs / Pond / Cymbals Eat Guitars / Converge / Joy Orbison / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / The Wedding Present / Sleep / Skinny Puppy / St. Etienne / Front 242 / Shellac / Preoccupations / Hamilton Leithauser / Mitski / Whitney / Cigarettes After Sex / Kevin Morby / Sinkane / Sleaford Mods / Romare / The Wave Pictures / Bicep / Nikki Lane / Michael Mayer / HVOB / Julie Doiron / Henrik Schwarz / Dixon / Pinegrove / Pearson Sound / Jeremy Jay / Elza Soares / Weval / Joey Purp / Royal Trux / King Sunny Adé / Triangulo de Amor Bizarro / Gas (Wolfgang Voigt) / William Tyler / Weyes Blood / youandewan / S U R V I V E / Fatima Yamaha / LVL UP / Wand / Formation / Julia Jacklin / Operators / Gordi / Let’s Eat Grandma / Ben UFO / Slim Cessna's Auto Club / Mishima / DJ Tennis / Annette Peacock / Make-Up / Huerco S. / Berri Txarrak / Aldous Harding / Alexandra Savior / Swet Shop Boys / Kornél Kovács / Iosonouncane / Alex Cameron / Lauer / The Mystery Lights / Young Marco / Matrixxman / Talaboman / No Zu / Avalon Emerson / Belako / Clubz / El Petit De Cal Eril / The Rajasthan Express / Kelly Lee Owens / Kepa Junkera / Aries / Mannequin Pussy / 7 Notas 7 Colores / Marie Davidson / Ferenc / Vaadat Charigim / Lady Wray / Sau Poler / Lord of the Isles / Animic / Abdulla Rashim / Jardín De La Croix / Shye Ben Tzur / Priests - DC / Shelby Grey / Moscoman / Aurora Halal / Kokoshca / Joel Sarakula / Noga Erez / Tuff City Kids / Soledad Vélez / Agorazein / Tourista / Khidja / It's Not Not / The Molochs / Vox Low / Phurpa / Barbott / Les Sueques / Miss Garrison / Dj Coco / Junun / Murdoc / Mélange / Pender Street Steppers / Dave P / PAVVLA / InnerCut / This Is Not This Heat / Rosalía & Raül Refree / Autarkic / Odina / Hańba / Nots (Memphis) / RIVIERE / Adelaida / Muñeco / Pedro Vian / Don't DJ / De Mónaco / JMII / Her Little Donkey / Museless / Alien Tango / No Metal in This Battle / Astronaut Project / About leaving / Sorry Kate / Rebuig / DJ Dustin / Retirada! / Vladimir Ivkovic / Conttra / Inzul / Playback Maracas / The Waterparties / Màquina Total / Escorpio / recondite / KiNK / Run the Jewels
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