Powys, UK Concert History

15 Concerts

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 16, 2018 –
Aug 19, 2018
Green Man Festival 2018
Fleet Foxes / Grizzly Bear / Phoebe Bridgers / The War on Drugs / King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard / Dirty Projectors / Mount Kimbie / The Brian Jonestown Massacre / Simian Mobile Disco / The Black Angels / Frankie Cosmos / Lucy Dacus / Kevin Morby / Wye Oak / Floating Points / Snail Mail / High Contrast / Teenage Fanclub / John Grant / Susanne Sundfør / Anna Calvi / Public Service Broadcasting / John Talabot / Curtis Harding / Cate Le Bon / Baxter Dury / king tuff / Joan As Police Woman / Black Midi / Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever / Haley Heynderickx / The Wedding Present / Jade Bird / The Lemon Twigs / Tunng / Alex Cameron / Nathan Fake / Teleman / Squid / Kelly Lee Owens / Eleanor Friedberger / Fenne Lily / Stella Donnelly / Marlon Williams / Beak> / The KVB / Goat Girl / Westerman / IDER / Sorry / Jane Weaver / Courtney Marie Andrews / Omni / HMLTD / Snapped Ankles / J. Bernardt / Boy Azooga / The Lovely Eggs / Amber Arcades / Föllakzoid / A Hawk and a Hacksaw / Bo Ningen / Tamikrest / Shannon Lay / Pictish Trail / Sweet Baboo / Whyte Horses / Sacred Paws / Insecure Men / Xylouris White / Lazy Habits / Horsey / Charles Watson / Lost Horizons / The Surfing Magazines / The Hungry Ghosts / Seamus Fogarty / Juanita Stein / Group Listening / Ari Roar / Sound of the Sirens / Adwaith / DUDS / Spinning Coin / Bas Jan / Seazoo / Gavin Osborn / Ed Dowie / Jim Ghedi / Daytoner / Chaouche / Buzzard / Sock / Ma Polaine's Great Decline / Aadae / Lost Tuesday Society / Park Motive / Big Jeff / Huw Stephens / Perfect Body / Tom Ravenscroft / The Cosmic Array / EDD KEENE - THE GREEN MAN / Accü (EU) / Haze97 / URF (UK) / Heavenly Jukebox Show all bands
Glanusk Estate Powys, UK
Aug 16, 2018 –
Aug 19, 2018
Green Man Festival 2018
Fleet Foxes / Grizzly Bear / The War on Drugs / Dirty Projectors / Mount Kimbie / Simian Mobile Disco / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / The Brian Jonestown Massacre / The Black Angels / Wye Oak / Phoebe Bridgers / Frankie Cosmos / Kevin Morby / High Contrast / John Grant / Teenage Fanclub / Floating Points / Anna Calvi / John Talabot / Susanne Sundfør / Snail Mail / Lucy Dacus / Public Service Broadcasting / king tuff / Joan As Police Woman / Cate Le Bon / Baxter Dury / The Wedding Present / Curtis Harding / Tunng / Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever / Jade Bird / The Lemon Twigs / Nathan Fake / Eleanor Friedberger / Teleman / Alex Cameron / Fenne Lily / Haley Heynderickx / Beak> / Marlon Williams / Stella Donnelly / Kelly Lee Owens / The KVB / IDER / Goat Girl / Jane Weaver / Black Midi / Westerman / Omni / A Hawk and a Hacksaw / Bo Ningen / Amber Arcades / Boy Azooga / Courtney Marie Andrews / J. Bernardt / HMLTD / Squid / Föllakzoid / The Lovely Eggs / Snapped Ankles / Tamikrest / Sorry / Sweet Baboo / Pictish Trail / Whyte Horses / Sacred Paws / Xylouris White / Insecure Men / Shannon Lay / Lazy Habits / The Hungry Ghosts / Charles Watson / The Surfing Magazines / Seamus Fogarty / Lost Horizons / Ari Roar / Juanita Stein / DUDS / Spinning Coin / Sound of the Sirens / Horsey / Bas Jan / Seazoo / Gavin Osborn / Group Listening / Adwaith / Jim Ghedi / Ed Dowie / Daytoner / Chaouche / Buzzard / Sock / Aadae / Lost Tuesday Society / Huw Stephens / Big Jeff / Park Motive / Perfect Body / Tom Ravenscroft / EDD KEENE - THE GREEN MAN / The Cosmic Array / URF (UK) / Haze97 / ACCU(EU) / Heavenly Jukebox / Ma Polaine Show all bands
Glanusk Estate Powys, UK
Aug 16, 2018 –
Aug 19, 2018
Green Man Festival 2018
Fleet Foxes / Grizzly Bear / The War on Drugs / Phoebe Bridgers / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Dirty Projectors / Mount Kimbie / Simian Mobile Disco / The Brian Jonestown Massacre / The Black Angels / Wye Oak / Frankie Cosmos / Kevin Morby / Floating Points / Lucy Dacus / High Contrast / Snail Mail / John Grant / Teenage Fanclub / Susanne Sundfør / Anna Calvi / John Talabot / Public Service Broadcasting / king tuff / Cate Le Bon / Joan As Police Woman / Baxter Dury / Curtis Harding / The Wedding Present / Jade Bird / Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever / Tunng / The Lemon Twigs / Nathan Fake / Alex Cameron / Eleanor Friedberger / Haley Heynderickx / Teleman / Fenne Lily / Kelly Lee Owens / Black Midi / Beak> / Marlon Williams / Stella Donnelly / Goat Girl / The KVB / Squid / IDER / Jane Weaver / Westerman / Omni / Courtney Marie Andrews / HMLTD / Sorry / Boy Azooga / J. Bernardt / Amber Arcades / A Hawk and a Hacksaw / Bo Ningen / The Lovely Eggs / Föllakzoid / Snapped Ankles / Tamikrest / Sweet Baboo / Pictish Trail / Whyte Horses / Shannon Lay / Sacred Paws / Insecure Men / Xylouris White / Lazy Habits / Charles Watson / The Hungry Ghosts / Lost Horizons / Horsey / The Surfing Magazines / Seamus Fogarty / Juanita Stein / Ari Roar / DUDS / Sound of the Sirens / Spinning Coin / Group Listening / Bas Jan / Seazoo / Gavin Osborn / Adwaith / Ed Dowie / Jim Ghedi / Daytoner / Chaouche / Buzzard / Sock / Ma Polaine / Aadae / Lost Tuesday Society / Huw Stephens / Big Jeff / Park Motive / Perfect Body / Tom Ravenscroft / EDD KEENE - THE GREEN MAN / The Cosmic Array / URF (UK) / Accü (EU) / Heavenly Jukebox / Haze97 Show all bands
Glanusk Estate Powys, UK
Aug 17, 2017 –
Aug 20, 2017
Green Man Festival 2017
The Shins / Michael Kiwanuka / Ryan Adams / PJ Harvey / Future Islands / BadBadNotGood / Big Thief / Angel Olsen / Allah-Las / Fruit Bats / Conor Oberst / Osees / Ride / Timber Timbre / Julia Jacklin / Daniel Johnston / Johnny Flynn / Liars / Sea Power / Sleaford Mods / Andy Shauf / Aldous Harding / Kae Tempest / Lambchop / Charlie Cunningham / Methyl Ethel / Daniel Avery / Hinds / Shame / This Is The Kit / Hurray for the Riff Raff / Field Music / Kikagaku Moyo / Sunflower Bean / Liam Bailey / Fionn Regan / The Comet Is Coming / The Big Moon / Roni Size / Jessica Pratt / St. Etienne / Julian Cope / Julie Byrne / Warhaus / Sports Team / D.D Dumbo / Chelou / Laura Gibson / Mammal Hands / Pumarosa / The Wave Pictures / Happyness / The Orielles / Wolf People / Richard Dawson / Sola Rosa / Anna Meredith / Moddi / LVL UP / Girl Ray / Melt Yourself Down / Karl Blau / Pete Josef / Nadia Reid / Boy Azooga / Nathan Ball / The Mattson 2 / Bess Atwell / Michael Chapman / Manu Delago / The Abstract Orchestra / Pictish Trail / Deep Throat Choir / Alasdair Roberts / Adam Torres / Miranda Lee Richards / Trembling Bells / Pale Seas / Francobollo / Lift to Experience / Gill Landry / Brooke Bentham / Harleighblu / Shirley Collins / Anthony Joseph / W. H. Lung / H. Hawkline / Grumbling Fur / Hotel Lux / Tokio / Sap / Honeyfeet / Johnny Flynn & The Sussex Wit / Ash Walker / Me and My Friends / Siobhan Wilson / Time for T / Broken Brass / Warm Digits / Soccer96 / Holly Macve / Dead Pretties / Gaelynn Lea / Lice / Yumi and The Weather / Stevie Parker / Circulus / DOOMSQUAD / Dojo / Gospelbeach / Kioko / Tom Hickox / Madonnatron / K.O.G & The Zongo Brigade / Lakuta / Jim Ghedi / Benedict Benjamin / ólah bliss / Toby Hay / Chris Forsyth & The Solar Motel Band / True Strays / Yorkston Thorne Khan / Cobalt Chapel / Bad Parents / The Bleedin' Noses / Keto / Jon Hopkins (DJ set) / H.Grimace / Fat Suit / Moses Boyd Exodus / Gintis / Jae Tyler / Mansion of Snakes / Holly Holden / Huw Stephens / Bamboo (London) / Earth Recordings / Vojta / EDD KEENE - THE GREEN MAN / Aled RHEON / Mat Smith (DJ) / Tom Ravenscroft (DJ Set) / Diplomats of Sound / Solomon O. B. / Sola Rosa Soundsystem / Horseman & The Uppercut Band / The Schmoozenbergs Duo Show all bands
Glanusk Park Powys, UK
Aug 17, 2017 –
Aug 20, 2017
Green Man Festival 2017
The Shins / Ryan Adams / Michael Kiwanuka / PJ Harvey / Future Islands / BadBadNotGood / Angel Olsen / Big Thief / Allah-Las / Conor Oberst / Fruit Bats / Osees / Ride / Timber Timbre / Daniel Johnston / Johnny Flynn / Liars / Sea Power / Julia Jacklin / Andy Shauf / Sleaford Mods / Lambchop / Kae Tempest / Aldous Harding / Methyl Ethel / Charlie Cunningham / Hinds / Field Music / Hurray for the Riff Raff / Daniel Avery / Liam Bailey / This Is The Kit / Fionn Regan / Sunflower Bean / Shame / Kikagaku Moyo / Roni Size / The Big Moon / The Comet Is Coming / St. Etienne / Julian Cope / Julie Byrne / Jessica Pratt / D.D Dumbo / Laura Gibson / Chelou / Sports Team / Warhaus / Mammal Hands / Pumarosa / Happyness / The Wave Pictures / Wolf People / Sola Rosa / The Orielles / Anna Meredith / Richard Dawson / Moddi / LVL UP / Karl Blau / Girl Ray / Melt Yourself Down / Pete Josef / Boy Azooga / Nadia Reid / Nathan Ball / The Mattson 2 / Michael Chapman / Manu Delago / The Abstract Orchestra / Pictish Trail / Deep Throat Choir / Alasdair Roberts / Adam Torres / Miranda Lee Richards / Trembling Bells / Bess Atwell / Pale Seas / Francobollo / Gill Landry / Harleighblu / Brooke Bentham / Lift to Experience / Anthony Joseph / Grumbling Fur / Shirley Collins / W. H. Lung / Tokio / H. Hawkline / Sap / Johnny Flynn & The Sussex Wit / Hotel Lux / Ash Walker / Siobhan Wilson / Honeyfeet / Warm Digits / Broken Brass / Holly Macve / Time for T / Me and My Friends / Dead Pretties / Gaelynn Lea / Soccer96 / Stevie Parker / Circulus / Lice / DOOMSQUAD / Dojo / Yumi and The Weather / Gospelbeach / Tom Hickox / Madonnatron / Kioko / Lakuta / K.O.G & The Zongo Brigade / Benedict Benjamin / Jim Ghedi / ólah bliss / Chris Forsyth & The Solar Motel Band / Toby Hay / Yorkston Thorne Khan / Bad Parents / The Bleedin' Noses / True Strays / Keto / Jon Hopkins (DJ set) / Cobalt Chapel / H.Grimace / Moses Boyd Exodus / Fat Suit / Gintis / Jae Tyler / Mansion of Snakes / Holly Holden / Huw Stephens / Bamboo (London) / Earth Recordings / EDD KEENE - THE GREEN MAN / Aled RHEON / Vojta / Diplomats of Sound / Mat Smith (DJ) / Tom Ravenscroft (DJ Set) / Solomon O. B. / The Schmoozenbergs Duo / Horseman & The Uppercut Band / Sola Rosa Soundsystem Show all bands
Glanusk Park Powys, UK
Aug 17, 2017 –
Aug 20, 2017
Green Man Festival 2017
The Shins / Ryan Adams / Michael Kiwanuka / PJ Harvey / Future Islands / BadBadNotGood / Angel Olsen / Big Thief / Allah-Las / Fruit Bats / Conor Oberst / Osees / Ride / Timber Timbre / Daniel Johnston / Johnny Flynn / Liars / Julia Jacklin / Sea Power / Sleaford Mods / Andy Shauf / Lambchop / Kae Tempest / Aldous Harding / Methyl Ethel / Charlie Cunningham / Hinds / Daniel Avery / Field Music / Hurray for the Riff Raff / This Is The Kit / Liam Bailey / Fionn Regan / Sunflower Bean / Shame / Kikagaku Moyo / Roni Size / The Big Moon / The Comet Is Coming / St. Etienne / Julian Cope / Jessica Pratt / Julie Byrne / D.D Dumbo / Sports Team / Laura Gibson / Warhaus / Chelou / Mammal Hands / Pumarosa / The Wave Pictures / Happyness / Wolf People / Sola Rosa / The Orielles / Richard Dawson / Anna Meredith / Moddi / LVL UP / Melt Yourself Down / Girl Ray / Karl Blau / Pete Josef / Boy Azooga / Nadia Reid / Nathan Ball / The Mattson 2 / Michael Chapman / Manu Delago / The Abstract Orchestra / Pictish Trail / Bess Atwell / Deep Throat Choir / Alasdair Roberts / Adam Torres / Miranda Lee Richards / Trembling Bells / Pale Seas / Francobollo / Gill Landry / Harleighblu / Brooke Bentham / Lift to Experience / Anthony Joseph / Shirley Collins / Grumbling Fur / W. H. Lung / Tokio / H. Hawkline / Hotel Lux / Sap / Johnny Flynn & The Sussex Wit / Honeyfeet / Ash Walker / Siobhan Wilson / Warm Digits / Broken Brass / Holly Macve / Time for T / Me and My Friends / Dead Pretties / Soccer96 / Gaelynn Lea / Lice / Stevie Parker / Circulus / DOOMSQUAD / Yumi and The Weather / Dojo / Gospelbeach / Tom Hickox / Madonnatron / Kioko / K.O.G & The Zongo Brigade / Lakuta / Benedict Benjamin / Jim Ghedi / ólah bliss / Chris Forsyth & The Solar Motel Band / Toby Hay / Yorkston Thorne Khan / Bad Parents / True Strays / The Bleedin' Noses / Keto / Cobalt Chapel / Jon Hopkins (DJ set) / H.Grimace / Moses Boyd Exodus / Fat Suit / Gintis / Jae Tyler / Mansion of Snakes / Holly Holden / Huw Stephens / Bamboo (London) / Earth Recordings / EDD KEENE - THE GREEN MAN / Aled RHEON / Vojta / Diplomats of Sound / Tom Ravenscroft (DJ Set) / Mat Smith (DJ) / Solomon O. B. / The Schmoozenbergs Duo / Horseman & The Uppercut Band / Sola Rosa Soundsystem Show all bands
Glanusk Park Powys, UK
Aug 17, 2017 –
Aug 20, 2017
Green Man Festival 2017
The Shins / Ryan Adams / PJ Harvey / Michael Kiwanuka / Future Islands / BadBadNotGood / Angel Olsen / Big Thief / Conor Oberst / Oh Sees / Allah-Las / Fruit Bats / Ride / Timber Timbre / Johnny Flynn / Liars / Daniel Johnston / British Sea Power / Lambchop / Andy Shauf / Kate Tempest / Methyl Ethel / Field Music / Hinds / Sleaford Mods / Julia Jacklin / Charlie Cunningham / Liam Bailey / Hurray for the Riff Raff / Fionn Regan / Aldous Harding / Daniel Avery / Sunflower Bean / This Is The Kit / Roni Size / St. Etienne / Shame / Julian Cope / The Big Moon / Julie Byrne / D.D Dumbo / Kikagaku Moyo / Laura Gibson / The Comet Is Coming / Jessica Pratt / Pumarosa / The Wave Pictures / Chelou / Happyness / Warhaus / Wolf People / Mammal Hands / Sola Rosa / LVL UP / Moddi / Anna Meredith / The Orielles / Karl Blau / Richard Dawson / Girl Ray / Pete Josef / Boy Azooga / Melt Yourself Down / Sports Team / Nadia Reid / Nathan Ball / Michael Chapman / The Mattson 2 / Manu Delago / Pictish Trail / Alasdair Roberts / Deep Throat Choir / Miranda Lee Richards / Trembling Bells / Adam Torres / Pale Seas / The Abstract Orchestra / Francobollo / Gill Landry / Harleighblu / Lift to Experience / Grumbling Fur / Brooke Bentham / Anthony Joseph / Tokio / Shirley Collins / H. Hawkline / Sap / Johnny Flynn & The Sussex Wit / Siobhan Wilson / Ash Walker / Warm Digits / Honeyfeet / W. H. Lung / Hotel Lux / Holly Macve / Broken Brass / Dead Pretties / Time for T / Gaelynn Lea / Me and My Friends / Stevie Parker / Circulus / Bess Atwell / DOOMSQUAD / Dojo / Yumi and The Weather / Tom Hickox / Soccer96 / Gospelbeach / Madonnatron / Lice / Lakuta / Kioko / Benedict Benjamin / K.O.G & The Zongo Brigade / Chris Forsyth & The Solar Motel Band / ólah bliss / Toby Hay / Jim Ghedi / Yorkston Thorne Khan / Bad Parents / The Bleedin' Noses / Jon Hopkins (DJ set) / H.Grimace / Keto / Moses Boyd's Exodus / True Strays / Cobalt Chapel / Fat Suit / Jae Tyler / Mansion of Snakes / Gintis / Huw Stephens / Holly Holden / Bamboo (London) / Earth Recordings / EDD KEENE - THE GREEN MAN / Aled RHEON / Solomon O. B. / Tom Ravenscroft (DJ Set) / Diplomats of Sound / Vojta / The Schmoozenbergs Duo / Mat Smith (DJ) / Sola Rosa Soundsystem / Horseman & The Uppercut Band Show all bands
Glanusk Park Powys, UK
May 13, 2017
Mark Gardener & Andy Bell / The Free Spirits The Tabernacle Powys, UK
Aug 23, 2015
Neutral Milk Hotel / First Aid Kit / Bill Callahan / Anna Calvi / Boy & Bear / Nick Mulvey / Other Lives Glanusk Estate Powys, UK
Aug 14, 2014 –
Aug 17, 2014
Green Man Festival 2014
Mac DeMarco / Daughter / Beirut / Caribou / First Aid Kit / The War on Drugs / Kurt Vile / Real Estate / Neutral Milk Hotel / Sharon Van Etten / Angel Olsen / Panda Bear / Ry X / Boy & Bear / Neko Case / Simian Mobile Disco / Nick Mulvey / Poliça / The Waterboys / Sun Kil Moon / Vancouver Sleep Clinic / Mercury Rev / Other Lives / Bill Callahan / Anna Calvi / The Field / Augustines / The 2 Bears / Highasakite / Jonathan Wilson / Fat White Family / Tunng / Hamilton Leithauser / Toy / Teleman / Speedy Ortiz / I Break Horses / Mutual Benefit / Ought / Jeffrey Lewis / Alice Boman / All We Are / Lanterns on the Lake / Frànçois and The Atlas Mountains / Happyness / East India Youth / William Tyler / Samaris / Adult Jazz / Joanna Gruesome / Samantha Crain / FAMY / Michael Chapman / Manu Delago / Farao / Woman's Hour / Babe / Ben UFO / Laura Groves / Eaves / H. Hawkline / Mariam The Believer / Frank Fairfield / Michael A Grammar / Stanley Brinks / The Rails / O'Hooley & Tidow / The Hot Sprockets / Zachary Cale / The Pooh Sticks / Georgia Ruth / Boat to Row / Sons of Noel and Adrian / Plank / Hockeysmith / Patch and the Giant / John Mouse / Flowerpot / Seth Faergolzia / Heavy Petting Zoo / 9 Bach / Painted Faces (UK) Show all bands
Green Man Festival 2014 Powys, UK
Aug 15, 2013 –
Aug 18, 2013
Green Man Festival 2013
Band of Horses / Ben Howard / Local Natives / Lord Huron / Unknown Mortal Orchestra / Patti Smith / Kings of Convenience / Jon Hopkins / Parquet Courts / The Horrors / Phosphorescent / Villagers / Low / Bear's Den / Half Moon Run / Allah-Las / Swans / Midlake / Melody's Echo Chamber / Johnny Flynn / Woods / fanfarlo / Sea Power / Julia Holter / Public Service Broadcasting / Edwyn Collins / John Cale / Marika Hackman / Stornoway / Daniel Avery / This Is The Kit / Fuck Buttons / Moon Duo / Mikal Cronin / Nathan Fake / Teleman / Fossil Collective / Darkstar / Archie Bronson Outfit / Beak> / Sam Amidon / Erol Alkan / Blaenavon / Veronica Falls / Denai Moore / Steve Mason / Anna von Hausswolff / Jacco Gardner / Matt Berry / The Pastels / Portico / Girls Names / Buke and Gase / James Yorkston / The Slow Show / Rozi Plain / Roy Harper / Ólöf Arnalds / Peggy Sue / Andrew Weatherall / Lau / MONEY / Syd Arthur / Pictish Trail / Sweet Baboo / Sam Brookes / Keston Cobblers Club / Flamingods / Haiku Salut / Annie Eve / Darren Hayman / Mo Kenney / Arbouretum / Gulp / Rachel Zeffira / Wild Smiles / Joe Banfi / The Gentlemen / Riot Jazz Brass Band / Kid Canaveral / Thought Forms / Ewan Pearson / Revere / Jon Langford / Ellen and the Escapades / The Memory Band / Laura J Martin / Landshapes / Box of Light / Randolph’s Leap / Joe Driscoll and Sekou Kouyate / Zervas & Pepper / Trwbador / Grass House / eagleowl / Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog / Pat Dam Smyth / Fernhill / Annie Dressner / Los Cripis / Monoganon / Yngve / G R E A T W A V E S / Yngve & The Innocent / WE//ARE//ANIMAL / Huw M / Patti Smith & Tony Shanahan / Totem Terrors / Bert Miller and the Animal Folk / Public Service / Gentlemen (UK) / Ryan Francesconi & Mirabai Peart / Tinmen / Chinese Missy / DJ Fitz / Broadcasting / Man's an Idiot / Fist Of The First Man / Flywalker / headfall / inlet / Here Is The River Show all bands
Green Man Festival 2013 Powys, UK
Nov 05, 2010
Maggot Venue, Llandrindod Wells Powys, UK
Aug 21, 2009 –
Aug 23, 2009
Green Man Festival 2009
Bon Iver / Beach House / Grizzly Bear / Wilco / Animal Collective / Andrew Bird / Four Tet / Noah & The Whale / Rodriguez / Camera Obscura / Jarvis Cocker / Vetiver / Stornoway / Hawkwind / Cate Le Bon / Gang Gang Dance / Wooden Shjips / Peter Broderick / James Yuill / Emmy the Great / Scott Matthews / Dirty Three / Dent May / The Leisure Society / The Strange Boys / She Keeps Bees / Unicorn Kid / Wave Machines / Errors / Roky Erickson / PVT / Peggy Sue / The Phantom Band / Broken Records / Rozi Plain / Erland & The Carnival / Bright Light Bright Light / Sweet Baboo / Pictish Trail / Trembling Bells / Blue Roses / Beth Jeans Houghton / Richard James / Golden Animals / Zun Zun Egui / 6 Day Riot / Magic Arm / Megson / 9Bach / The Yellow Moon Band / Martin Carr / Amorphous / Joe Gideon & The Shark / Diagonal / Player Piano / Mary Hampton / Cranium Pie / Its a Buffalo / jc carroll / Dollboy / Birdengine / Sibrydion / Nive Nielsen / Meilir Tomos / No Thee No Ess / Sound Carriers / Amorphous Androgynous Aka Future Sound of London / Alisha Sufit / Sea Power / The Three Craws Show all bands
Powys, UK
Aug 17, 2007 –
Aug 19, 2007
Green Man Festival 2007
Devendra Banhart / Battles / Joanna Newsom / fanfarlo / Slow Club / Seasick Steve / Johnny Flynn / Vetiver / Bill Callahan / Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks / Alela Diane / My Brightest Diamond / Clinic / Tunng / Gruff Rhys / King Creosote / Emmy the Great / Vashti Bunyan / Dead Meadow / Herman Düne / Pete and The Pirates / Malcolm Middleton / James Yorkston / Six Organs of Admittance / Jill Barber / Findlay Brown / The Aliens / The Broken Family Band / Robert Plant & The Strange Sensation / Richmond Fontaine / John Smith / The Earlies / Diane Cluck / Alasdair Roberts / Pete Molinari / Victoria Williams / Arbouretum / Euros Childs / David Thomas Broughton / John Renbourn / Richard James / Rachel Unthank & The Winterset / Martin Stephenson / Arborea / Lisa Knapp / Gareth Pearson / Monkey Swallows The Universe / The Gentle Good / Pg Six / North Sea Radio Orchestra / John Power / Misty's Big Adventure / The Yellow Moon Band / Voice of the Seven Woods / 9Bach / Connan And The Mockasins / Soft Hearted Scientists / Stephen Duffy and the Lilac Time / Gilbert / Ellis Island Sound / Daimh / Beep Seals / Christopher Rees / Fernhill / Petra Jean Phillipson / Steve Adey / Threatmantics / Starless And Bible Black / MEN-AN-TOL / Indigo Moss / Eugene Francis Jnr & The Juniors / Pamela Wyn Shannon / Charlotte Greig / Arctic Circle / The Moon Music Orchestra / ThistleTown / The Laughing Windows / Directing Hand / Gwildor / The General And Duchess Collins / Wizz And Simeon Jones / Three Stranded Horse / Gethin Pearson / Fridge Show all bands
Glanusk Estate Powys, UK
Aug 18, 2006 –
Aug 20, 2006
Green Man Festival 2006
José González / Bat For Lashes / M. Ward / Fink / Donovan / Calexico / Martha Wainwright / Tunng / Fionn Regan / Gruff Rhys / King Creosote / Marissa Nadler / Archie Bronson Outfit / Scott Matthews / Juana Molina / Teddy Thompson / Micah P. Hinson / Television Personalities / Malcolm Middleton / Simple Kid / James Yorkston / Adem / The Aliens / Quasi / A Hawk and a Hacksaw / John Smith / Merz / The Shortwave Set / Kieran Hebden / Alasdair Roberts / Dan Arborise / Bert Jansch / Euros Childs / Jack Rose / Tobias Froberg / Adrian Crowley / Silver Jews / Richard James / Chris T-T / The Skygreen Leopards / Sunburned Hand of the Man / Gareth Pearson / The Gentle Good / Viking Moses / Circulus / Misty's Big Adventure / The Yellow Moon Band / Voice of the Seven Woods / 9Bach / Steve Reid / Meic Stevens / Wizz Jones / Phillip Roebuck / Vito / Eighteenth Day of May / Emma Tricca / John Stammers / Aidan Smith / Silky / Brave Captain / Nalle / Onions / Foxface / James Green / Culprit One / The Wooden Spoon / Don's Mobile Barbers / Elaine Palmer / Woodcraft Folk / Nancy Elizabeth Cunliffe / cymbient / Rob Sharples / marc meon / Andrew Hockey / Benjamin Weatherill Show all bands
Glanusk Estate Powys, UK
Find Lodging  
 Steve Tamburello
 Paul Matusavage
 Ruairidh Wilson
 Dave Hibell
 Nicola Laird
 Alex W
 Gareth Symonds
 Grace Wood
 Richard Tuck
 Ian B
 Maya 😜
 Mila Southworth White

As Seen On: