Landverraad Concert History

Lanverraad is a power violence band from Amsterdam, Netherlands. It was formed in 2010 by former members of hardcore punk and thrashcore bands as Betercore, Grinding Halt, Hysteria, Tyrannicide, Sand creek Massacre, Sloth, and Damage Repair.

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 14, 2015 –
Sep 20, 2015
Incubate 2015
Unknown Mortal Orchestra / Mr. Scruff / Surfer Blood / Neneh Cherry / Sun Kil Moon / Melvins / Mercury Rev / Great Lake Swimmers / Hundred Waters / Kevin Morby / Converge / Daedelus / Girlpool / Husky / Cayucas / Dan Mangan / JEFF the Brotherhood / Maze / Sóley / Adam Green / The Soft Moon / Gabriel Garzón-Montano / Julianna Barwick / Norman Blake / This Is The Kit / Alcest / Mark Kozelek / Dengue Fever / Torres / La Luz / Fennesz / Laurel Halo / Hookworms / Junior / Lady Lamb / No Joy / Factory Floor / Eternal Summers / Cabaret Voltaire / Vök / The Weather Station / East India Youth / Giant Sand / Happyness / Errors / The Warlocks / Wand / Plastician / Jaakko Eino Kalevi / Sun Araw / Outfit / Three Trapped Tigers / YAK / The Rebel / EF / Sylvain Chauveau / Sophia / King Dude / King Midas Sound / Indian Jewelry / Full of Hell / Merzbow / Acid Arab / Helena Hauff / Tess Parks / Ed Rush / Perc / The Ex / Brutus / Peach Kelli Pop / Willard Grant Conspiracy / Jennie Abrahamson / Arve Henriksen / Empyrium / Powell / Destruction Unit / Lumerians / Tarwater / Idaho / Noveller / Meg Baird / Terakaft / Circuit Des Yeux / Primitive Man / Of the wand & The moon / Kathryn Joseph / Camera / Spectres / K-X-P / Useless Eaters / Blank Realm / Turzi / Hans-Joachim Roedelius / Dope Body / Paula Temple / DRALMS / Shit and Shine / Victims / Totally Mild / The Ruins of Beverast / Anton Newcombe / Orlando / Death & Vanilla / Lakker / Secrets of the Moon / Corrina Repp / Lusts / Zs / Grave Pleasures / Esplendor Geometrico / Tearist / Za! / Dornenreich / Rocketnumbernine / J.C. Satàn / Wynn / Kiss the Anus of a Black Cat / Lower / Yast / Bad Breeding / Bölzer / Rats On Rafts / PC Worship / Ensemble Economique / Radar Men From The Moon / Evol / JESSICA93 / Fumaça Preta / Black To Comm / Russell Haswell / Xosar / Leafcutter John / Priests - DC / Monophona / The Black Heart Rebellion / Beastmilk / Truss / Forward Strategy Group / Uma / Disentomb / Eric Chenaux / Klara Lewis / Yussuf Jerusalem / Necros Christos / Rapoon / Daggers / Cristobal and the Sea / Picture / Andrew Hung / Barbarisms / The Glockenwise / Happy Meals / Heretic / Emptiness / Throats / SHINING (NOR) / Vales / Newmoon / The Vickers / Samuel Kerridge / Group Rhoda / Go!Zilla / Toner Low / Cocaine Piss / Iguana Death Cult / M185 / Maurice Louca / Dehumanized / Burial Hex / Los Pirañas / Vision Fortune / Veil Of Light / Terrible Truths / Beasts / Lemontrip / We Never Learned to Live / Perfume Advert / Giobia / NHK'Koyxen / Izegrim / Rocky Marsiano / Spires That In The Sunset Rise / Khyam Allami / Islam Chipsy / vermin womb / Basic House / Sex Swing / A Thousand Fuegos / Nate Hall / Moaning Cities / Sun Worship / Ekman / Sly & the Family Drone / Speedtrap / Bleaching Agent / Wanda Group / Cairo Liberation Front / Profligate / Rites Wild / Radare / Napoleon Gold / Nick Klein / Teethgrinder / Good Throb / Partisan / KETEV / Blue Crime / The Outskirts / Selvhenter / Dead Neanderthals / uKanDanZ / Entrapment / Lean Left / Hella Comet / Alexander Rishaug / Drowned / Oblivionized / Onmens / Mind Rays / Banganagangbangers / Sterling Roswell / To Live And Shave In L.a. / FUZ / Dirk Serries / Yasunao Tone / Roedelius Schneider / Jeffrey Lewis & The Jrams / Sunpower / Those Foreign Kids / Polaroid Fiction / Snob / James Welburn / Tamarin Desert / Jochen Arbeit / VVOVNDS / Bloodrocuted / Jad Fair & Norman Blake / IIVII / Deuil / Crowd Of Chairs / Canute / El Yunque / Mia Zabelka / White Jazz / Yamantau / Hand of Dust / TV Wonder / Hoek / Richie Dagger / The Mary Hart Attack / Youff / Sam Aaron / Alex Mclean / Zazazozo / Razen / Reinier Van Houdt / Monnik / Fckn Bstrds / A Million Squeeks Will Do You No Harm / Pure Muna / Coàgul / Zentralheizung of death des Todes / Umungus / Landverraad / Josh Graham / Doop vs Subp Yao / System Overthrow / Rob Gordon / Ful / Barchan / Die Wirklichkeit / Fire! (SE) / Norah Lorway / Droppings / Camargue / Jesus Police / Miguel Alvarino / Afework Nigussie / Dwellings & Druss / Silenxce / Hun Bed / Köhn (BE) / Arend B. Blauw / Koen Nutters / PAND7090 / Tarantino (Netherlands) / Afghan Gold / Liquid Loft / Bow Aether Group / DJs Goe Vur In Den Otto / Renaat Show all bands
Tilburg, North Brabant, Netherlands
Aug 02, 2014
Landverraad / Lawine Bei Ruth Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Jul 24, 2014 –
Jul 27, 2014
Fluff Fest 2014
Daggers / Tørsö / We Came Out Like Tigers / DROM / Amalthea / Ruined Families / Kiss Me Kojak / Celeste / Vestiges / Landverraad / Goodtime Boys / øjne / Trainwreck / Throwers / The Tidal Sleep / Remek / Rue de Cascades / Reka / Carnist / Mean Season / Heaven in Her Arms / Lentic Waters / Sport / Old Soul / MORT MORT MORT / Gulfer / Inheritance / The River Card / Burning Bright / Kids Insane / Agatha / ACxDC / Andrea Belfi / Appraise / At bona fide / Aussitot Mort / Avvika / Backtrack / Bane / Barren / Bastions / BATALJ / Beyond Pink / c / Deadverse / Deceased Squirrel On The Phone / Deer In The Headlights / D.O.A. / Empty Handed / Enten Og Eller / FocusedxMinds / Guantanamo Party Program / Hierophant / Hissing Fauna / Holy / I am a curse / Implore / Just For Being / Kalle / Les Rhinocéros / Leto / Lightning Glove / Lyanthrophy / Minority of One / Mont-Doré / No Omega / Obelisk of light / Orbit the Earth / Peleton / Rooftops / Sajtban / Shibuya Motors / Sky to speak / Siberian Meat Grinder / Static Void / Sugartown Cabaret / Tarnovski / Test Of Time / This Routine Is Hell / Thränenkind / Tosiro / Volta / White Wigwam Show all bands
Rokycany Airfield Rokycany, CZ
Oct 19, 2013
Negative Standards / Derby Dolls / Landverraad / Bacchus / Dulac Zxrx Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Jul 20, 2012 –
Jul 22, 2012
Fluff Fest 2012
The Tangled Lines / Pianos Become The Teeth / Soul Control / Landverraad / The Tidal Sleep / Alpinist / Light Bearer / Vaccine / Suis La Lune / Aussitôt Mort / Masakari / BØREDØM / Planks / Titan / Defeater / No Omega / Graf Orlock / End of a Year / Grieved / Anchor / AYS / Beton / Boiling Point / Boredom / Brat Pack / Code Orange Kids / Coke Bust / Deathrite / Defeater / Early Graves / End of a Year / Esazlesa / Former Thieves / Graf Orlock / Landscapes / Landverraad / Loma Prieta / Light Bearer / Masakari / Microvomit / Mobius / My Turn / Nine Eleven / No Omega / No Turning Back / Pianos Become The Teeth / Planks / Reign Supreme / Ralph Macchio / Ritual / Run With the Hunted / San Deni / Sick Fix / Sloth / Soul Control / Suis La Lune / The Tangled Lines / The Tidal Sleep / Titan / trapped under ice / Unveil / Vaccine / Vendetta / Verse / Weekend Nachos / Wojzech / Wolfdown / Xaddax / xTRUENATUREx Show all bands
Rokycany Airfield Rokycany, CZ
Hardcore Punk
Melodic Metalcore
Pinoy Hip Hop
Fantasy Synth
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2015 1 concert
2014 2 concerts
2013 1 concert
2012 1 concert
 Sʟᴇᴠɪɴ Kᴇʟᴇᴠʀᴀ
 Junk Bond Trader
 Michelle Mabelle
 Regina Gardnerella

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