Rokycany Concert History

Rokycany, CZ

12 Concerts

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 27, 2023 –
Jul 29, 2023
Fluff Fest 2023 — The Last Fluff Fest Ever
2 Manky Hookers & a Racist Dwarf / A Place To Bury Strangers / Aldo Morto / Astio / Bad Breeding / Bait / Terminator X / LiliXelbe / Berosszulás / Bibione / Black Curse / cameleon / CIA Debutante / Clowns. / Crna Žuč / Diploid / Doldrey / Doodseskader / Esazlesa / Existence / Faim / FAÜST / G.U.T.S. / Gertie Adelaido / Gillian Carter / Ginger Wizard & The Peter Jacksons / Glaas / Gros Enfant Mort / Hyacinth / Island of Love / Jeromes Dream / Juicebumps / Kaa Glo (DJ Set) / Koroze / Ken Ganfield / Kult Koruth / Kurvy Češi / lawful killing / Laxity / Layback / Lickspit / Louis X Armstrong / Lovgun / MedardZmil / Mižerija / Moral Bombing / Nbdy / Talk=Trouble / Neon lies / Nervy / Norms / NØ MAN / Ohyda / OUST / Parnepar / Pest Control / Pletyka / Powerplant / Radical Kitten / Rato Triste / Reel Notch and Gym Shark / Rutka Laskier / Scoop / Scowl / Second Guessing / Shallov. / Shooting Daggers / Skiplife / SLOI / slutbomb / Son of Seth / Speedway / Spirit Possession / Spirito Di Lupo / Staticø / Stingray / Suffering Quota / Sukob / Süllyedö Világ / Syndrome 81 / Taqbir / Tenue / The Owl / Trading hands / Travølta / UKWLT / VICEPREZ / Viimeinen / Knifedoutofexistence / Fleshlicker / vole / Warfuck / Ÿperitiff / Miss Konce Světa (DJ Set) / Miss Petty / Svěcení Nové Varny (DJ Set) Show all bands
Rokycany Airfield Rokycany, CZ
Jul 28, 2022 –
Jul 31, 2022
Fluff Fest 2022
Autor / Civilian Thrower / Cold Brats / Combust / Dawn Ray'd / Deaf Kids / Decultivate / Dirty Fences / Exorbitant Prices Must Diminish / Family Vacation / Finisterre / Föllakzoid / Frau Zwei / Fucked Up / GLITCHGIRL / Golpe / Grove / Iceage / Integrity / Italia 90 / Kurvy Češi / Lea Matika / Low Life / Mala Herba / Mandidextrous / Mastermind / Nothing / Nuha Ruby Ra / Ona snop / Orient / Pacino / Portrayal of Guilt / Privat / Qlowski / Rauchen / Scarecrow / Sheeva Yoga / Storm{O} / The Chisel / V0NT / XDZVØNX / YC-CY / Jan Tomáš / All in Vain / Sharp Knives / Mudaki / Dregs Show all bands
Rokycany Airfield Rokycany, CZ
Jul 25, 2019 –
Jul 29, 2019
Fluff Fest 2019
øjne / Zig Zags / Uniform / Archivist / Kowloon Walled City / Litovsk / Bystander / Chaviré / King Apathy / Ceremony / Tørsö / Siksa / OR / Holy Locust / ThANX / Moloch / Same River Twice / Leechfeast / Fredag den 13:e / Thou / Rotten Mind / Sport / Deszcz / Manada Nomada / The Seeker / State Faults / Graf Orlock / Bayoné / Shirokuma / Niboowin / Lavra / Ryloth / Heavy Heart / Jodie Faster / Chaviré Show all bands
Rokycany Airfield Rokycany, CZ
Jul 26, 2018 –
Jul 29, 2018
Fluff Fest 2018
Suffocate for Fuck Sake / Gattaca / Birushanah / We the Heathens / The Smudjas / Rutka Laskier / Pacino / Cranial / Strafplanet / Waste / Zahrada / Swain / Toxic Shock / Giver / Cavalcades / See You In Hell / Dedicate / Spirit Crusher / ANCST / Hexis / Morrow / THE ARSON PROJECT / Drug control / Clear Cut / Verbal Razors / Ona snop / Taste The Floor / Listener / Loma Prieta / Ruiner / Joliette / The Afternoon Gentlemen / Rope / Amygdala / Birthright / Svalbard / Oak / Rats in the Wall / Majority Rule / Days N' Daze / Monarch / Primitive Life Show all bands
Rokycany Airfield Rokycany, CZ
Jul 20, 2017 –
Jul 23, 2017
Fluff Fest 2017
Sect / Birds In Row / Shirokuma / Shizune / Despite Everything / The Tidal Sleep / Young Mountain / Rutka Laskier / Past / Chokehold / ██████ / Svffer / Chaviré / Finisterre / Gentle Art of Chokin / Pijn / Ruined Families / Crevasse / DOOM / Tapestry / Heaven in Her Arms / Nine Eleven / SLOW CRUSH / Geraniüm / Red Apollo / Wildernessking / Solbrud / Izanasz Show all bands
Rokycany Airfield Rokycany, CZ
Jul 21, 2016 –
Jul 24, 2016
Fluff Fest 2016
Fokumé / Bait / Zmar / Julinko / Dawn Ray'd / Yacøpsæ / Oathbreaker / RVIVR / Ghostlimb / Graf Orlock / No Omega / Culture / Centuries / The Black Heart Rebellion / Swain / Viva Belgrado / Earth Crisis / North / Neighborhood / Storm{O} / Erica Freas / Shackles / Famine / DS-13 / Rosetta / Life In Vacuum / Petrol Girls / Renounced / Elephant Opinions / The Seeker / Lentic Waters / Appraise / Spirits / Gust / Oaken / ANNE M. CHRISTIANSEN / Murder of Crows / Deer In The Headlights / Nervöus / Busted Outlook / Gouvernment Flu / Totem Skin / Potence / Youth Avoiders / Minority of One / Council of Rats / Mont-Dore / The Smudjas / Cheap Drugs / Such Gold / Archivist / Wild Animals / Old Soul / Hexis / Blacklisted / astpai / Jungbluth / Strength Approach Show all bands
Rokycany Airfield Rokycany, CZ
Jul 24, 2015 –
Jul 26, 2015
Fluff Fest 2015
No Weather Talks / Henry Fonda / Cocaine Piss / Crowns & Thieves / Mai Mai Mai / Father Murphy / Cloud Rat / Trial / Svffer / By the Grace of God / Raein / Gattaca / Ikiru / Dark Circles / Red Apollo / Hombre Malo / ANCST / Reason To Care / Birds In Row / Tempest / Nine Eleven / Ramming Speed / Contwig / Hexis Show all bands
Rokycany Airfield Rokycany, CZ
Jul 24, 2014 –
Jul 27, 2014
Fluff Fest 2014
Daggers / Tørsö / We Came Out Like Tigers / DROM / Amalthea / Ruined Families / Kiss Me Kojak / Celeste / Vestiges / Landverraad / Goodtime Boys / øjne / Trainwreck / Throwers / The Tidal Sleep / Remek / Rue de Cascades / Reka / Carnist / Mean Season / Heaven in Her Arms / Lentic Waters / Sport / Old Soul / MORT MORT MORT / Gulfer / Inheritance / The River Card / Burning Bright / Kids Insane / Agatha / ACxDC / Andrea Belfi / Appraise / At bona fide / Aussitot Mort / Avvika / Backtrack / Bane / Barren / Bastions / BATALJ / Beyond Pink / c / Deadverse / Deceased Squirrel On The Phone / Deer In The Headlights / D.O.A. / Empty Handed / Enten Og Eller / FocusedxMinds / Guantanamo Party Program / Hierophant / Hissing Fauna / Holy / I am a curse / Implore / Just For Being / Kalle / Les Rhinocéros / Leto / Lightning Glove / Lyanthrophy / Minority of One / Mont-Doré / No Omega / Obelisk of light / Orbit the Earth / Peleton / Rooftops / Sajtban / Shibuya Motors / Sky to speak / Siberian Meat Grinder / Static Void / Sugartown Cabaret / Tarnovski / Test Of Time / This Routine Is Hell / Thränenkind / Tosiro / Volta / White Wigwam Show all bands
Rokycany Airfield Rokycany, CZ
Jul 25, 2013 –
Jul 28, 2013
Fluff Fest 2013
Oathbreaker / Hessian / Coliseum / Between Earth & Sky / Birds In Row / Xerxes / The Black Heart Rebellion / Mouth Of The Architect / Leechfeast / Marnost / Balazs Pandi / Grinding Halt / Deathrite / Catharsis / Vitamin X / Sport / Martyrdöd / Painted Wolves / Dangers / Citizen Patrol / Full of Hell / Circle Takes the Square / Harm's Way / Esazlesa / Code Orange Kids / ██████ / I Exist / Holy / Urbanoia / Dark Times / Agent Attitude / Arabrot / As We Were / Barnays Propaganda / Black Tar Jesus / Brutality Will Prevail / Butterfly Killers / Clearview / Coke Bust / Bugmen / Dead Western / Crows-An-Wra / Defianace, Ohio / Diät / Die! Die! Die! / Disembarked / Downfall of Gaia / DROM / En Mi Defensa / Enough / Finisterre / Geraniüm / Gride / Government Flu / Hounds of Hate / Jungbluth / Lawine / Les homosexuels / Laundred Syrup / Manon Meurt / Microvomit / MNMNTS / No Guts No Glory / Nothing / No Weather Talks / Nuly / Overthrown / Please The Trees / Prodavac / RAINMAKER / Reason To Care / Remission / Risk It! / Secterian Violence / Sheeva Yoga / Stolen lives / Strike Anywhere / Tosiro / Twitching Tongues / Unattended Funeral / Urbanoia / ViolentxReaction / Vitamin X / We Came Out Like Tigers / Wolf Down / xaxaxa / Xerxes Show all bands
Rokycany Airfield Rokycany, CZ
Jul 20, 2012 –
Jul 22, 2012
Fluff Fest 2012
The Tangled Lines / Pianos Become The Teeth / Soul Control / Landverraad / The Tidal Sleep / Alpinist / Light Bearer / Vaccine / Suis La Lune / Aussitôt Mort / Masakari / BØREDØM / Planks / Titan / Defeater / No Omega / Graf Orlock / End of a Year / Grieved / Anchor / AYS / Beton / Boiling Point / Boredom / Brat Pack / Code Orange Kids / Coke Bust / Deathrite / Defeater / Early Graves / End of a Year / Esazlesa / Former Thieves / Graf Orlock / Landscapes / Landverraad / Loma Prieta / Light Bearer / Masakari / Microvomit / Mobius / My Turn / Nine Eleven / No Omega / No Turning Back / Pianos Become The Teeth / Planks / Reign Supreme / Ralph Macchio / Ritual / Run With the Hunted / San Deni / Sick Fix / Sloth / Soul Control / Suis La Lune / The Tangled Lines / The Tidal Sleep / Titan / trapped under ice / Unveil / Vaccine / Vendetta / Verse / Weekend Nachos / Wojzech / Wolfdown / Xaddax / xTRUENATUREx Show all bands
Rokycany Airfield Rokycany, CZ
Jul 22, 2011 –
Jul 24, 2011
Fluff Fest 2011
Ceremony / Black Breath / Soul Control / Rosetta / Ritual / City Of Ships / Gattaca / Unveil / Unrestrained / Wolves Like Us / Swing Kids / Reka / Glasses / Victims / Warsawwasraw / Punch / Year of No Light / Dangers / Trainwreck / Goodtime Boys / Lemuria / Esazlesa / BLACK HAVEN / Remek / La Dispute / The Carrier / Touché Amoré / Polar Bear Club / Suckinim Baenaim / The Owls Are Not What They Seem / 50 Lions / All Teeth / Battle Of Wolf 359 / Beyond Pink / Blue Note / Cheap Girls / Dawn To Come / Death Is Not Glamorous / Ensign / Face of Reality / Fire Walk With Me / Five Seconds To Leave / Harda Tider / Hopeless / Jef Barbara / Joe Lally / Kiss Me Kojak / Man Overboard / Meursault / Nikki Louder / Obstacles / Pavilon M2 / Plaided / Positive Youth / Raein / Reconcile / SS20 / Stay Hungry / Tempelhof / The Fight / The Sold Outs Show all bands
Rokycany Airfield Rokycany, CZ
Jul 23, 2010 –
Jul 25, 2010
Fluff Fest 2010
Comadre / Amenra / Ampere / Another Breath / At Daggers Drawn / Carpathian / Cornered / Cruel Hand / Gadget / Iron Lung / Kingdom / Meleeh / Miles Away / Mother / Ramming Speed / Never Reach Home / Nine Eleven / No Turning Back / Omega Massif / Plague Mass / Planks / Punch / Purification / Ressurrectionists / Right Idea / Roxor / Ruined Families / Ruiner / Sista Sekunden / The Carrier / Turmoil / Ultimate Blowup / Unrestrained / Vitamin X / Zs / Your Fucking Nightmare / The River Card Show all bands
Rokycany Airfield Rokycany, CZ
Find Lodging  
 Sʟᴇᴠɪɴ Kᴇʟᴇᴠʀᴀ
 Matias Muñoz
 Marcel Ma
 Junk Bond Trader
 Florian Robert
 Be My Friend In Exile
 Miguel Feuz
 Regina Gardnerella
 Xsulli X

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