Gride Concert History

GRIDE endeavours to play ultrafast and extreme fusion of hardcore and grindcore. But they draw even from other styles of music like metal, industrial or alternative rock. Their only motto is: Speed wins!!! Lyrically, they want to study and describe a relationship between individual person and present society. They aim their lyrics to describing of manipulation, coercion, abusing and reducing of personal freedom in post-modern capitalist society.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 13, 2022 –
Jul 17, 2022
Obscene Extreme 2022
Midnight / Failure / Pig Destroyer / Godflesh / Origin / Tankard / Conan / Dismember / Malevolent Creation / Gatecreeper / Incantation / Onslaught / M.O.D. / Benediction / Varukers / Macabre / Skitsystem / Crisix / Lik / Entrails / Memoriam / Internal Bleeding / Heresy / Avulsed / Pyrexia / Grunt / Lifeless / Dis / Hellbastard / Deafkids / Escuela Grind / Jig-Ai / Terveet Kadet / God Macabre / P.L.F. / M.O.D. (Method of Destruction) / Vomit Remnants / Beggar / Desalmado / Infestation / Crutches / Feastem / Carnal Diafragma / Galvanizer / Intoxxxicated / Forgotten Silence / Morbid Evils / Gride / Ona snop / Ação Direta / Sněť / overcharge / Gendo Ikari / vole / Bound to prevail / Unsu / Baixo Calão / Kluvim / Krlja / Aggressive Tyrants / Flesh Grinder / Raw Peace / Hetze / Sheeva Yoga / Creatures From The Tomb / Social Chaos / ┼ DEATH CRUSADE ┼ / INTESTINAL DISEASE / Abu Ghraib (Melbourne) / Vomi Noir / Slavenkust Show all bands
Trutnov Battlefield Trutnov, Královéhradecký kraj, Czechia
Aug 12, 2021 –
Aug 14, 2021
Josefstadt by Brutal Assault 2021
Decapitated / Vader / Marduk / Hypocrisy / Destruction / Igorrr / Mgla / Harakiri for the sky / Within Destruction / E-Force / Belzebong / Burning Witches / Materia / Mental Cruelty / Distant / Dordeduh / Azarath / Spasm / Implore / Čad / Teethgrinder / Reactory / Ad Nauseam / Catastrofy / Gruzja / SDI / Gride / Debustrol / Doomas / Stíny Plamenù / Sněť / Mean Messiah / Crippled Fingers / Skywalker (post-hardcore) / Beast Within The Sound / Bohemyst / InnerSphere (CZ) / Mindwork (Prague) Show all bands
Brutal Assault Jaroměř, Czech Republic
Mar 04, 2017
Netherlands Deathfest
"Netherlands Deathfest" / Antigama / Candlemass / Carnivore Diprosopus / Cianide / Defeated Sanity / Disavowed / Ghoul / Gorgoroth / Gride / Impaled Nazarene / Malignancy / Nifelheim / Tsjuder
Poppodium 013 Tilburg, North Brabant, Netherlands
Mar 03, 2017 –
Mar 05, 2017
Netherlands Deathfest 2017
Wormrot / Ghoul / Iron Lung / Martyrdöd / Exhumed / Repulsion / Cancer / Impaled / God Macabre / Hooded Menace / Birdflesh / Candlemass / Pseudogod / Bloodbath / Cianide / Triptykon / Tsjuder / Antigama / Lycanthrophy / Convulse / Ingrowing / Impaled Nazarene / Discharge / Sinister / Craft / General Surgery / Grave Miasma / Svartidaudi / Nocturnal Graves / Sick Of Stupidity / Demolition Hammer / Terrorizer / Abbath / Brodequin / Disavowed / The Collision / Sargeist / Gorgoroth / Dead Congregation / Embryonic Devourment / Gorgasm / Kerasphorus / Defeated Sanity / Horna / Needful Things / Baptism / Darvaza / Nifelheim / Katalepsy / Malignancy / Vastum / Myrkskog / Dead Infection / Carnivore Diprosopus / Corpsessed / Gride / Death Toll 80k / Shrine of Insanabilis / Wojczech / True Black Dawn Show all bands
Poppodium 013 Tilburg, North Brabant, Netherlands
Jul 15, 2016
Obscene Extreme
"Obscene Extreme" / ______ / Shackles / Gride / Defeated Sanity / Death Side / Melt Banana / Extreme Noise Terror / Vader / Krush / The Dog
Obscene Extreme Festival Grounds Trutnov, Královéhradecký kraj, Czechia
Show Duplicate for Jul 15, 2016
Jun 13, 2014 –
Jun 14, 2014
Grinding Delémont Vol.II 2014
Full of Hell / Satan / Fubar / SETE STAR SEPT / Disciples Of Christ / Gride / Warfuck / Blood I Bleed / Xkatexmoshx / Exenteration
SAS Délemont, CH
Jul 25, 2013 –
Jul 28, 2013
Fluff Fest 2013
Oathbreaker / Hessian / Coliseum / Between Earth & Sky / Birds In Row / Xerxes / The Black Heart Rebellion / Mouth Of The Architect / Leechfeast / Marnost / Balazs Pandi / Grinding Halt / Deathrite / Catharsis / Vitamin X / Sport / Martyrdöd / Painted Wolves / Dangers / Citizen Patrol / Full of Hell / Circle Takes the Square / Harm's Way / Esazlesa / Code Orange Kids / ██████ / I Exist / Holy / Urbanoia / Dark Times / Agent Attitude / Arabrot / As We Were / Barnays Propaganda / Black Tar Jesus / Brutality Will Prevail / Butterfly Killers / Clearview / Coke Bust / Bugmen / Dead Western / Crows-An-Wra / Defianace, Ohio / Diät / Die! Die! Die! / Disembarked / Downfall of Gaia / DROM / En Mi Defensa / Enough / Finisterre / Geraniüm / Gride / Government Flu / Hounds of Hate / Jungbluth / Lawine / Les homosexuels / Laundred Syrup / Manon Meurt / Microvomit / MNMNTS / No Guts No Glory / Nothing / No Weather Talks / Nuly / Overthrown / Please The Trees / Prodavac / RAINMAKER / Reason To Care / Remission / Risk It! / Secterian Violence / Sheeva Yoga / Stolen lives / Strike Anywhere / Tosiro / Twitching Tongues / Unattended Funeral / Urbanoia / ViolentxReaction / Vitamin X / We Came Out Like Tigers / Wolf Down / xaxaxa / Xerxes Show all bands
Rokycany Airfield Rokycany, CZ
Jun 02, 2013
Gride Churchill's Pub Miami, Florida, United States
May 26, 2013
Maryland Deathfest
"Maryland Deathfest" / Ascension / Carpathian Forest / Contrastic / Cruciamentum / Glorior Belli / Gride / Integrity / Manilla Road / Midnight / Pagan Altar / Pentagram / Sacred Reich / Speedwolf / Sleep / Venom
Former Sonar Compound Baltimore, Maryland, United States
May 23, 2013 –
May 26, 2013
Maryland Deathfest 2013
Converge / Down / Rotten Sound / Pallbearer / Old Lines / Ringworm / Pelican / Integrity / Weekend Nachos / Melvins / Iron Lung / Carcass / Noisem / Sleep / Full of Hell / Magrudergrind / Revenge / Repulsion / Pentagram / Pig Destroyer / Weedeater / Venom / Doc / Bolt Thrower / Ascension / Ihsahn / Sacred Reich / Tragedy / Benediction / Midnight / The Obsessed / Infest / Abigail / Antaeus / Evoken / Pagan Altar / Cobalt / Broken Hope / Manilla Road / Speedwolf / Vitamin X / Glorior Belli / Heartless / Loss / Aosoth / Convulse / Ilsa / Anhedonist / Iniquity / Citizens Arrest / Terveet Kadet / Massgrav / Cruciamentum / Vinterland / Eddie Brock / Hellshock / Ahumado Granujo / Kommandant / Righteous Pigs / Disciples Of Christ / Krömosom / SETE STAR SEPT / Like Rats / Ingrowing / Ambassador Gun / Contrastic / Asthma Castle / Diephago / Gride / The Wake (USA) Show all bands
Unknown venue Baltimore, Maryland, United States
May 28, 2010 –
May 30, 2010
Maryland Deathfest VIII
Gorguts / Autopsy / Possessed / Obituary / Entombed / Watain / Eyehategod / D.R.I. / Asphyx / Pentagram / Pestilence / Repulsion / Nirvana 2002 / Melechesh / Blood Duster / Necrophobic / Converge / Incantation / Portal / Wolfbrigade / Sinister / From Ashes Rise / The Chasm / Coffins / Impaled / Deceased / Sadistic Intent / Nazxul / Capitalist Casualties / Gridlink / Trap Them / Gorod / Captain Cleanoff / Rompeprop / Birds of Prey / Gride / Ingrowing / Jucifer / Fang / Magrudergrind / Verbal Abuse / Total Fucking Destruction / Malignancy / Obliteration / Jesus Cröst / Black Breath / Massgrave / Sulaco / Fuck The Facts / Defeatist / Putrescence / Tombs / Surroundings / Howl / The Communion / Rottenness / Honkey Kong / Krallice / Crucifist Show all bands
  Photos   Setlists
Sonar Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Jul 09, 2004 –
Jul 10, 2004
Obscene Extreme Festival 2004
Insane Assholes / Screaming Afterbirth / Extreme Noise Terror / Blood / Gronibard / Brodequin / Birdflesh / Fleshless / Mindflair / Gutted / Detrimentum / Sufferage / Fleshgore / Mincing Fury and Guttural Clamour of Queer Decay / Deformed / Bloody Diarrhoea / Wasteform / Psychophagist / Škoda 120 / Despondency / Le Scrawl / General Surgery / Squash Bowels / Uncurbed / Natron / Butcher ABC / Rompeprop / Gride / Resurrected / Prostitute Disfigurement / Emeth / Embalming Theatre / Godless Truth / Cliteater / Abortion / Amputated / Poppy Seed Grinder / Antigama / Warscars / Lahar / Despise / Grobar / Pigsty / Coma / Matka Teresa / Requiem Show all bands
Obscene Extreme Festival Ground Trutnov, Královéhradecký kraj, Czechia
Oct 09, 1998
Asmodinas Leichenhaus / Gride / Lies & Distrust Kuckucksei Nürtingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

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Maryland Deathfest VIII on May 28, 2010 [544-small]

Maryland Deathfest VIII
May 28 - 30, 2010
 Baltimore, Maryland, United States
  Uploaded by Hackblowfist

Maryland Deathfest VIII on May 28, 2010 [543-small]

Maryland Deathfest VIII
May 28 - 30, 2010
 Baltimore, Maryland, United States
  Uploaded by Hackblowfist

Maryland Deathfest VIII on May 28, 2010 [542-small]

Maryland Deathfest VIII
May 28 - 30, 2010
 Baltimore, Maryland, United States
  Uploaded by Hackblowfist

Art Pop
Grave Wave
Canadian Electropop
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