Grapes of Wrath Concert History

Disambiguation: There were several bands named Grapes of Wrath, Three were garage rock bands from the sixties (from California, Arizona, Texas), another was a psychedelic/mod band from Sweden in the sixties, and then later a psychedelic trance group (which this wiki addresses). For the jangly folk-pop band out of Kelowna, British Columbia (see The Grapes of Wrath).

Alternative Rock
Black Metal
Canadian Indie
Canadian Rock
Kelowna Bc Indie
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2019 1 concert
2010 2 concerts
2001 1 concert
2000 2 concerts
1992 2 concerts
1990 1 concert
1988 1 concert
 Fozzy B
 Robin Dwarka
 Jason Lane
 Nancy Lane
 Nik Glista
 Brad Schlosser
 Raul Santos
 Suzan Kre
 Karen Luniw

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