Esazlesa Concert History

Esazlesa is a Czech post-hardcore/post-rock band from Cheb, Czech Republic, formed in 2009. Preceded by several EPs and split albums, their first full-length LP Společnost Psů was released in February 2017 on Day After Records.

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 30, 2023
Esazlesa / DROM Cross Club Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Czechia
Jul 27, 2023 –
Jul 29, 2023
Fluff Fest 2023 — The Last Fluff Fest Ever
2 Manky Hookers & a Racist Dwarf / A Place To Bury Strangers / Aldo Morto / Astio / Bad Breeding / Bait / Terminator X / LiliXelbe / Berosszulás / Bibione / Black Curse / cameleon / CIA Debutante / Clowns. / Crna Žuč / Diploid / Doldrey / Doodseskader / Esazlesa / Existence / Faim / FAÜST / G.U.T.S. / Gertie Adelaido / Gillian Carter / Ginger Wizard & The Peter Jacksons / Glaas / Gros Enfant Mort / Hyacinth / Island of Love / Jeromes Dream / Juicebumps / Kaa Glo (DJ Set) / Koroze / Ken Ganfield / Kult Koruth / Kurvy Češi / lawful killing / Laxity / Layback / Lickspit / Louis X Armstrong / Lovgun / MedardZmil / Mižerija / Moral Bombing / Nbdy / Talk=Trouble / Neon lies / Nervy / Norms / NØ MAN / Ohyda / OUST / Parnepar / Pest Control / Pletyka / Powerplant / Radical Kitten / Rato Triste / Reel Notch and Gym Shark / Rutka Laskier / Scoop / Scowl / Second Guessing / Shallov. / Shooting Daggers / Skiplife / SLOI / slutbomb / Son of Seth / Speedway / Spirit Possession / Spirito Di Lupo / Staticø / Stingray / Suffering Quota / Sukob / Süllyedö Világ / Syndrome 81 / Taqbir / Tenue / The Owl / Trading hands / Travølta / UKWLT / VICEPREZ / Viimeinen / Knifedoutofexistence / Fleshlicker / vole / Warfuck / Ÿperitiff / Miss Konce Světa (DJ Set) / Miss Petty / Svěcení Nové Varny (DJ Set) Show all bands
Rokycany Airfield Rokycany, CZ
Jul 10, 2014 –
Jul 12, 2014
Pohoda Festival 2014
Disclosure / Tame Impala / Kelis / Goldfrapp / Mogwai / Travis / Mr. Scruff / Azealia Banks / Band of Skulls / Kraftwerk / Tune-Yards / Tricky / Moderat / Suede / Mount Kimbie / Lucy Rose / Seasick Steve / Modeselektor / The Afghan Whigs / The Selecter / When Saints Go Machine / Deap Vally / A Tribe Called Red / Juana Molina / Gilles Peterson / Fatoumata Diawara / East India Youth / The Correspondents / Brandt Brauer Frick / Analogik / Chinawoman / Roberto Fonseca / Tricot / Molotov Jukebox / Manu Delago / Jambinai / Money for Rope / WWW / Jana Kirschner / Korben Dallas / Vec / Repetitor / Katarzia / Jupiter and Okwess International / Slobodná Európa / Oratnitza / FVLCRVM / Never Sol / Ivan Mladek / Walter Schnitzelsson / Helfer / Cad / Talkshow / Seward / Fanfara Tirana Meets Transglobal Underground / Esazlesa / BEMET / Autumnist / LolaMarsh / Martin Valihora / Madame Pepper / Herzog Herzog / Lydia Lunch's Putan Club / The Global Optimistic / A Moving Sound / Mário Bihári & Bachtale Apsa Show all bands
Trenčín Airport (Letisko Trenčín) Trenčín, Trenčiansky kraj, Slovak Republic
Jul 25, 2013 –
Jul 28, 2013
Fluff Fest 2013
Oathbreaker / Hessian / Coliseum / Between Earth & Sky / Birds In Row / Xerxes / The Black Heart Rebellion / Mouth Of The Architect / Leechfeast / Marnost / Balazs Pandi / Grinding Halt / Deathrite / Catharsis / Vitamin X / Sport / Martyrdöd / Painted Wolves / Dangers / Citizen Patrol / Full of Hell / Circle Takes the Square / Harm's Way / Esazlesa / Code Orange Kids / ██████ / I Exist / Holy / Urbanoia / Dark Times / Agent Attitude / Arabrot / As We Were / Barnays Propaganda / Black Tar Jesus / Brutality Will Prevail / Butterfly Killers / Clearview / Coke Bust / Bugmen / Dead Western / Crows-An-Wra / Defianace, Ohio / Diät / Die! Die! Die! / Disembarked / Downfall of Gaia / DROM / En Mi Defensa / Enough / Finisterre / Geraniüm / Gride / Government Flu / Hounds of Hate / Jungbluth / Lawine / Les homosexuels / Laundred Syrup / Manon Meurt / Microvomit / MNMNTS / No Guts No Glory / Nothing / No Weather Talks / Nuly / Overthrown / Please The Trees / Prodavac / RAINMAKER / Reason To Care / Remission / Risk It! / Secterian Violence / Sheeva Yoga / Stolen lives / Strike Anywhere / Tosiro / Twitching Tongues / Unattended Funeral / Urbanoia / ViolentxReaction / Vitamin X / We Came Out Like Tigers / Wolf Down / xaxaxa / Xerxes Show all bands
Rokycany Airfield Rokycany, CZ
Jul 20, 2012 –
Jul 22, 2012
Fluff Fest 2012
The Tangled Lines / Pianos Become The Teeth / Soul Control / Landverraad / The Tidal Sleep / Alpinist / Light Bearer / Vaccine / Suis La Lune / Aussitôt Mort / Masakari / BØREDØM / Planks / Titan / Defeater / No Omega / Graf Orlock / End of a Year / Grieved / Anchor / AYS / Beton / Boiling Point / Boredom / Brat Pack / Code Orange Kids / Coke Bust / Deathrite / Defeater / Early Graves / End of a Year / Esazlesa / Former Thieves / Graf Orlock / Landscapes / Landverraad / Loma Prieta / Light Bearer / Masakari / Microvomit / Mobius / My Turn / Nine Eleven / No Omega / No Turning Back / Pianos Become The Teeth / Planks / Reign Supreme / Ralph Macchio / Ritual / Run With the Hunted / San Deni / Sick Fix / Sloth / Soul Control / Suis La Lune / The Tangled Lines / The Tidal Sleep / Titan / trapped under ice / Unveil / Vaccine / Vendetta / Verse / Weekend Nachos / Wojzech / Wolfdown / Xaddax / xTRUENATUREx Show all bands
Rokycany Airfield Rokycany, CZ
Jul 22, 2011 –
Jul 24, 2011
Fluff Fest 2011
Ceremony / Black Breath / Soul Control / Rosetta / Ritual / City Of Ships / Gattaca / Unveil / Unrestrained / Wolves Like Us / Swing Kids / Reka / Glasses / Victims / Warsawwasraw / Punch / Year of No Light / Dangers / Trainwreck / Goodtime Boys / Lemuria / Esazlesa / BLACK HAVEN / Remek / La Dispute / The Carrier / Touché Amoré / Polar Bear Club / Suckinim Baenaim / The Owls Are Not What They Seem / 50 Lions / All Teeth / Battle Of Wolf 359 / Beyond Pink / Blue Note / Cheap Girls / Dawn To Come / Death Is Not Glamorous / Ensign / Face of Reality / Fire Walk With Me / Five Seconds To Leave / Harda Tider / Hopeless / Jef Barbara / Joe Lally / Kiss Me Kojak / Man Overboard / Meursault / Nikki Louder / Obstacles / Pavilon M2 / Plaided / Positive Youth / Raein / Reconcile / SS20 / Stay Hungry / Tempelhof / The Fight / The Sold Outs Show all bands
Rokycany Airfield Rokycany, CZ
Melodic Hardcore
Show more genres
2023 2 concerts
2014 1 concert
2013 1 concert
2012 1 concert
2011 1 concert
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 Junk Bond Trader
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