Dios Concert History

There are multiple artists using this name:

Date Concert Venue Location
Oct 16, 2016
Desert Daze / Primus / Television / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Godspeed You! Black Emperor / Washed Out / The Brian Jonestown Massacre / The Sonics / Deerhunter / Toro Y Moi / The Black Angels / Foxygen / Oh Sees / The Raveonettes / Connan...
Desert Daze / Primus / Television / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Godspeed You! Black Emperor / Washed Out / The Brian Jonestown Massacre / The Sonics / Deerhunter / Toro Y Moi / The Black Angels / Foxygen / Oh Sees / The Raveonettes / Connan Mockasin / Beach Fossils / Temples / Pond / jennylee / Suuns / Dead Meadow / Cherry Glazerr / The Coathangers / La Luz / Radio Moscow / Here We Go Magic / Thao & The Get Down Stay Down / Bombino / White Fence / Night Beats / Fat White Family / Meatbodies / Deap Vally / Deakin / Lumerians / Gary Wilson / Morgan Delt / S U R V I V E / Life Coach / Metz / Wand / Ryley Walker / Audacity / Mild High Club / Dios / LSD and the Search for God / Teebs / Vinyl Williams / Part Time / Yonatan Gat / Fartbarf / Kiev / The Mattson 2 / L.A. Witch / Drab Majesty / Thee Commons / The Feels / Death Hymn Number 9 / Jjuujjuu / Les Sins / Glitter Wizard / Birth (Defects) / The Cellars / Sugar Candy Mountain / Mind Meld / The Dream Ride / Sloppy Jane / Numb.er / Bodegas / Solar Sons / The Knitts / Raid Show all bands
Joshua Tree Retreat Center Los Angeles, California, United States
Oct 15, 2016
Desert Daze / Primus / Television / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Godspeed You! Black Emperor / Washed Out / The Brian Jonestown Massacre / The Sonics / Deerhunter / Toro Y Moi / The Black Angels / Foxygen / Oh Sees / The Raveonettes / Connan...
Desert Daze / Primus / Television / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Godspeed You! Black Emperor / Washed Out / The Brian Jonestown Massacre / The Sonics / Deerhunter / Toro Y Moi / The Black Angels / Foxygen / Oh Sees / The Raveonettes / Connan Mockasin / Beach Fossils / Temples / Pond / jennylee / Suuns / Dead Meadow / Cherry Glazerr / The Coathangers / La Luz / Radio Moscow / Here We Go Magic / Thao & The Get Down Stay Down / Bombino / White Fence / Night Beats / Fat White Family / Meatbodies / Deap Vally / Deakin / Lumerians / Gary Wilson / Morgan Delt / S U R V I V E / Metz / Life Coach / Wand / Ryley Walker / Audacity / Mild High Club / Dios / LSD and the Search for God / Teebs / Vinyl Williams / Part Time / Yonatan Gat / Fartbarf / Kiev / The Mattson 2 / L.A. Witch / Drab Majesty / Thee Commons / The Feels / Death Hymn Number 9 / Jjuujjuu / Glitter Wizard / Birth (Defects) / The Cellars / Les Sins / Sugar Candy Mountain / Mind Meld / The Dream Ride / Sloppy Jane / Numb.er / Bodegas / Solar Sons / The Knitts / Raid Show all bands
Joshua Tree Retreat Center Los Angeles, California, United States
Oct 14, 2016 –
Oct 16, 2016
Desert Daze 2016
Toro Y Moi / Washed Out / Deerhunter / Beach Fossils / Primus / Foxygen / The Brian Jonestown Massacre / The Black Angels / Mild High Club / The Raveonettes / Godspeed You! Black Emperor / Temples / Television / Pond / Osees / Connan Mockasin / Thao & The Get Down Stay Down / Cherry Glazerr / Deafheaven / Here We Go Magic / The Sonics / Suicide / Suuns / Teebs / Fat White Family / Metz / Radio Moscow / Dead Meadow / White Fence / Deap Vally / Part Time / Sugar Candy Mountain / Night Beats / La Luz / Bombino / Wand / Drab Majesty / S U R V I V E / The Coathangers / Morgan Delt / Ryley Walker / LSD and the Search for God / Meatbodies / L.A. Witch / The Mattson 2 / Vinyl Williams / Death Valley Girls / Gary Wilson / jennylee / Kiev / Deakin / Audacity / The Feels / Sloppy Jane / Lumerians / ??? / Dios / Thee Commons / Fartbarf / Jjuujjuu / Desert Daze / Yonatan Gat / Raid / The Cellars / Numb.er / Glitter Wizard / Life Coach / Death Hymn Number 9 / Mind Meld / Bodegas / The Knitts / Solar Sons / The Dream Ride / Mad Alchemy Liquid Light Show / The Birth Defects (US) Show all bands
Joshua Tree Retreat Center Joshua Tree, CA, US
Show Duplicate for Oct 14, 2016
Aug 19, 2016 –
Aug 21, 2016
Echo Park Rising 2016
The Regrettes / Ducktails / Bleached / Hocus Pocus / Chastity Belt / La Luz / Colleen Green / The Egyptian Lover / Joe Stone / Iris / Korey Dane / Froth / The Frights / Chicano Batman / The Weirdos / Part Time / The Meatbodies / Kiev / Children / The Lovely Bad Things / The Blank Tapes / Kauf / Dios / Bart Davenport / The Abigails / Jaime Wyatt / Franky Flowers / Drug Cabin / Young Lovers / Adult Books / Joel Jerome / Batwings Catwings / Dear Boy / Harriet Brown / Connie Lim / Jail Weddings / globelamp / King Washington / Jesus Sons / The Easy Leaves / DJ Expo / Billy Changer / Ballerina Black / Barrows / IVORY DEVILLE / Guides / Jim and Sam / Drinking Flowers / Hawai / Buyepongo / Banta / Baron Vaughn / Bloodboy / XL Middleton / Beach Bums / Autumn In June / The Hollow Trees / Ablebody / The Controversy / Hammered Satin / Emily Gold / DAVE ROSS / Edith Crash / Jeff Crosby / Beca / The Flytraps / Sex Stains / Down and Outlaws / Dutch Party / The Cigarette Bums / Green Gerry / Feels (LA) / Gospelbeach / Bloodhounds / Adam Payne / The Molochs / Brit Manor / The Black Mambas / The Echo and the Sound / Cutty Flam / Air Life / Gold Star / Facial / Courtney Fortune / The Creation Factory / The Anti-job / Night Talks / The Knitts / Alyeska / Janelane / Lauren Ruth Ward / Emerson Star / Fakers / Egrets On Ergot / Bodegas / Brenda Carsey / The Kidneys / Brainstory / Disco Shrine / Austin McCutchen / Bloody Death Skull / Kids in Heat / Kolars / Cellars (US) / Crown Plaza / Barbara Gray / Dead Dawn / Band Aparte / James The Human / I, Us & We / Jubilo Drive / Evening Bell / I/O (US) / Jim Smith / The Black Heartthrobs / Honey Tones / Lexie Rose / L.A. Drones / Friendly Males / Belly Belt / ExSage / Leggy Peggy / Drennon Davis / Cassandra Violet / Charlie Overbey / Jamie Allensworth / L'aura Moire / The Altons / FeatherWolf / The Birth Defects (US) / Al Dente / Greg Felden / Dancing Tongues / AudioMammal / Hotthobo / Arms Akimbo (US) / Iconique / Cheap Tissue / The Great Sadness / Flying Hair / French Vanilla (US) / Flames of Durga / The Flusters / Donna Bummer / DreamVacation / King Flamingo / Betty Petty / Knckls / Chola Orange / Butch Bastard / I/O (LBC) / Buddha Jones and the Man / Brian Hill and the Noh Starrs / CB Brand / Kid Sister Erika / Fun Game / Eben Byers / Aleyska / Ian Abramson / DJ Nina Tarr / Electric Mind Machine / Brian Whelan (US) / Cookie & The Perverts / Colin Harris Jr. / Enormous Forces / Erin Lampart / The Hurricanes(LA) / Bob Baker Marionettes / Keif Season / Brodie Read / Future Shoxxx / Gentle Pony / Gregg Garvey & The Wintergreens / Casey Ley / Boulevards (LA) / Joe McFly / The Bomb (LA) / Kate Willet / ECHO PARK RISING / Albert & His Dreamboats / Anna Seregina / Bedbugs (LA) / Lasers Lasers Birmingham / HOTT MT Show all bands
Echo Park Rising Los Angeles, California, United States
Aug 18, 2016
"Echo Park Rising" / Dios / Birth Defects

Echo Park Rising

The Echo Los Angeles, California, United States
May 15, 2016
Aaron Embry / Dios / Eleni Mandell / The Feels / Froth / Henry Clay People / Joel Jerome / Nic Hessler / Sam Morrow / The Bots / Lemon Trees The Echo Los Angeles, California, United States
Apr 24, 2010
Taylor Hawkins & The Coattail Riders / Dios
Velvet Jones Los Angeles, California, United States
Apr 20, 2010
Taylor Hawkins & The Coattail Riders / Dios / Dios Malos
Troubadour West Hollywood, California, United States
Apr 19, 2010
Taylor Hawkins & The Coattail Riders / Dios Casbah San Diego, California, United States
Mar 20, 2010
"SXSW" / Jonathan Tyler & The Northern Lights / Kings Go Forth / Darker My Love / The Black Angels / Dios


Galaxy Room Backyard Austin, Texas, United States
Nov 23, 2009
The Happy Hollows / Real Estate / Dios / One Trick Pony Spaceland Los Angeles, California, United States
Sep 30, 2009
Dios / Deep Sea Diver / So Many Wizards The Shore Hermosa Beach, CA, US
Sep 27, 2009
Abbot Kinney Festival 2009
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros / CHIEF / Evan Voytas / Venice / Miss Willie Brown / Dios / Stephanie Quayle / juliette commagere / Kenneth Pattengale / Elevaters / Jack Littman / Peter Goetz / The 87 Stick Up Kids / Musket / Eskimohunter / Parson Redheads / Mk & the Gentlemen / BabyStone / Paul Chesne / Eskimo Hunter / Lady Katherine / The Damselles Show all bands
Los Angeles, California, United States
Sep 19, 2009
Port Of Los Angeles Lobster Festival
"Port Of Los Angeles Lobster Festival" / los straitjackets / Rocket / Dazzler / Shorty's Kiss Band / Dios / Love Grenades / Henry Clay People / Oliver Future / Pirates Of The Black Swan
Ports Of Call San Pedro, California, United States
Show Duplicates for Sep 19, 2009
Sep 05, 2009
FYF Festival 2009
"FYF Festival" / The Black Lips / Tim and Eric / Lightning Bolt / No Age / Lucero / Matt Skiba / Glass Candy / The Thermals / Wavves / Fucked Up / Mika Miko / Crystal Antlers / Woods / A.A. Bondy / Times New Viking / Peanut Butter Wolf / Avi Buffalo / Har Mar Superstar / Darker My Love / Telepathe / Dan Deacon / Kurt Vile / The Strange Boys / Dillinger Escape Plan / Converge / Torche / The Carbonas / Dios / Grabass Charlestons / Cold Cave / Japanther / Ninjasonik / No Bunny / Eat Skull Show all bands
Los Angeles State Historic Park Los Angeles, California, United States
Show Duplicate for Sep 05, 2009
Jul 19, 2009
Brand New / Dios
Epicentre San Diego, California, United States
Jul 17, 2009
Dios / Brand New
Slim's San Francisco, California, United States
Jun 17, 2009
The Entrance Band / Dios / Slang Chickens Center for the Arts Eagle Rock Eagle Rock, California, United States
Mar 20, 2009
The Grates / Buttercup / Dios / Let's Wrestle / The Lovely Sparrows / Mumford & Sons / Laura Marling
The Red House Pizzeria Austin, Texas, United States
May 31, 2008
Murder By Death / Dios / Gasoline Heart The Outland Ballroom Springfield, Missouri, United States

Latest Photos View All Photos

Coachella 2004 on May 1, 2004 [118-small]

Coachella 2004
May 1 - 2, 2004
 Indio, California, United States
  Uploaded by Spanky90068

Coachella 2004 on May 1, 2004 [117-small]

Coachella 2004
May 1 - 2, 2004
 Indio, California, United States
  Uploaded by Spanky90068

Coachella 2004 on May 1, 2004 [116-small]

Coachella 2004
May 1 - 2, 2004
 Indio, California, United States
  Uploaded by Spanky90068

Coachella 2004 on May 1, 2004 [115-small]

Coachella 2004
May 1 - 2, 2004
 Indio, California, United States
  Uploaded by Spanky90068

Coachella 2004 on May 1, 2004 [114-small]

Coachella 2004
May 1 - 2, 2004
 Indio, California, United States
  Uploaded by Spanky90068

Coachella 2004 on May 1, 2004 [113-small]

Coachella 2004
May 1 - 2, 2004
 Indio, California, United States
  Uploaded by Spanky90068

Coachella 2004 on May 1, 2004 [110-small]

Coachella 2004
May 1 - 2, 2004
 Indio, California, United States
  Uploaded by Spanky90068

Matt Pond PA / Dios on Feb 17, 2006 [859-small]

Matt Pond PA / Dios
Feb 17, 2006
 Columbus, Ohio, United States
  Uploaded by Vacca Tonic

Indie Rock
Alternative Metal
Nu Metal
Children's Music
Rap Metal
Japanese Indie
Show more genres
2016 6 concerts
2010 4 concerts
2009 8 concerts
2008 21 concerts
2007 18 concerts
2006 48 concerts
2005 61 concerts
2004 26 concerts
2003 5 concerts
 Steve P
 Brendan Hilliard
 Blair Howard
 Brandon Lynn

As Seen On:


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