Art of Fighters Concert History

Art of Fighters started out in Brescia (Italy) in 1997, from the idea of 3 guys: Cristian Nardelli, Matteo Pitossi and Luca Lorini.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 19, 2024 –
Jul 20, 2024
Angerfist / Dr. Peacock / Sefa / WARFACE / Billx / Rebelion / Paul Elstak / D-Sturb / miss k8 / Evil Activities / Deadly Guns / Dimitri K / Mutilator / Vandal / Element / Korsakoff / Barber / Act of Rage / AniMe (IT) / Remzcore / Partyraiser / Tha Playah / Ruffneck / doris (AUS) / Akira / D-fence / Aversion / Vertile / Art of Fighters / Promo / Furyan / Rejecta / Dual Damage / Broken Minds / Bloodlust / Radium / Bulletproof / Vince / Dither / Mish / D-frek / CRYOGENiC / The Darkraver / F Noize / MC Joe / Lunakorpz / The Sickest Squad / Mental Theo / Killshot / Panic / Karun / Ophidian / Floxytek / Guigoo / Unresolved / Spitnoise / Maissouille / MC Nolz / Predator / Cryex / DJ Rob / Adjuzt / Nightshift / amnesys / Never Surrender / Irradiate / Trespassed / Pavo / Major Conspiracy / Akimbo / Hysta / Negative A / Drokz / Mr. Ivex / Manu Le Malin / Vertex / Scarra / Detest / Imperatorz / Mad Dog / Day-már / Tha Watcher / Thrasher / Revolve / Manifest Destiny / The Dope Doctor / resolute / Mbk / Elite Enemy / MC Syco / Level One / Painbringer / MC Alee / ZYON / Gridkiller / Juliëx / Revealer / Omnya / Satirized / Soulblast / Shadowlands Terrorists / Stanton / Tharken / Aradia / Gezellige Uptempo / Rayvolt / Angerzam / Vexxed / Bryan Fury / To-Wa / Dr. Z-vago / Mike Redman / Invade / Lumex / Unfused / DRS Official / Ak-industry / Eraized / MC RG / Outsiders (NL) / N-Vitral (NL) / The Viper (NL) / Poley Tight / Geck-o (NL) / The Purge (IT) / MC Barricade / Desolate One / Coretex / Bruhze / Aalst / Nosferatu (NL) / Namara (DE) / Catscan (NL) / Wakan / Revellers (NL) / Catnip (NL) / Broodje / The Teacher (NL) / The Raver (NL) / HKV / Deluzion (NL) / Bass-D (NL) / The Destroyer (IT) / DJ Nolz / The Silence (BR) Show all bands
E3 strand Eersel, North Brabant, Netherlands
Jun 28, 2019 –
Jun 30, 2019
Defqon.1 Festival 2019
Headhunterz / Uzi / Dr. Peacock / Ran-D (NL) / Atmozfears / Sub Zero Project / Psyko Punkz / Code Black / Bass Modulators / Wasted Penguinz / Sefa / Toneshifterz / Radical Redemption / Dr. Phunk / Frequencerz / Hard Driver / Evil Activities / Titan / Billx / WARFACE / Mark With a K / Sephyx / The Nosferatu / Audiotricz / Zany / AniMe (IT) / Neophyte / Ruffneck / Max Enforcer / Korsakoff / SOUND RUSH / B-Front / Endymion / Adaro / Akira / Phuture Noize / E-Force / Digital Punk / Audiofreq / D-Sturb / Activator / Re-style / Adrenalize / Partyraiser / Art of Fighters / A*S*Y*S / Rebelion / Noize Suppressor / Rooler / Devin Wild / Promo / Deepack / KELTEK / Act of Rage / Deadly Guns / D-fence / Destructive Tendencies / The Darkraver / Sub Sonik / Mental Theo / Remzcore / The Sickest Squad / A-Lusion / MC Nolz / Charly Lownoise / The Stunned Guys / Ophidian / Bass Chaserz / Dither / Unexist / Demi Kanon / The Outside Agency / Caine / DJ Thera / F Noize / Pavo / Andy The Core / Da Mouth of Madness / Degos & Re-done / Rejecta / Clockartz / Andy Svge / Angernoizer / Manu Le Malin / Envine / Chris One / Hellfish / MC Villain / Unresolved / Hyrule War / Lady Dammage / MC DV8 / Imperial / Tartaros / The Dj Producer / The Melodyst / RVAGE / GPF - Greazy Puzzy Fuckerz / CRYOGENiC / Mr. Ivex / DJ The Prophet / Ncrypta / Thyron / Sei2ure / Katharsys / Luminite / Ivan Carsten / Spitnoise / Primeshock / Riot Shift / Vertile / Jay Reeve / Wasted Mind / DJ Luna / MC Alee / Synapse / Neroz / MC Chucky / Mindustries / MC Ruffian / Aversion / Amada / Buzz Fuzz / MC Focus / Dj Vince / Chaotic Hostility / Stormerz / Deathmachine / Jason Payne / MC DL! / Dark Pact / Dj Panic / Trespassed / Prefix & Density / Sprinky / D-Attack / Crystal Mad / Dart / MC Livid / The Playah / Nexone / Typhoon (NL) / Access One / Imperatorz / Somniac One / Retaliation / Hard Effectz / Apexx / Dawnfire / Mind Dimension / Super Trash Bros / Mashup Jack / Bryan Fury / Pila / Jesse Jax / Streiks & Kratchs / Dissoactive / Khaoz Engine / Lip DJ / PRDX / MC RG / DRS Official / MC Dash / System:Overload / MC Da Syndrome / MC No-iD / Trilok & Chiren / Frenchcore Familia / Outsiders (NL) / Tat & Zat / N-Vitral (NL) / Unifire / Mad Dog (IT) / Strange Arrival / Kuzak / MYST (NL) / ZazaFront / Sequence & Ominous / The Viper (NL) / Delete (AU) / DJ Sunny D / Requiem (NL) / MANDY (BE) / Malice (IT) / I:gor (POL) / Regain (PL) / Penta (BE) / Unproven (NL) / Frantic Freak / Chain Reaction (NL) / Dj Crypton / Killshot (NL) / The SATAN (RU) / Bulletproof (NL) / Dr. Ruthless / Ransom (NL) / Charter (NL) / Dana (NL) / The Destroyer (IT) / Bestia (NL) / Lunatic (NL) / Emphasis (NL) / Vandalism (NL) / The Scientist (NL) / Retrospect (NL) / The Purge (IT) / Helix (NL) / Yoshiko (IT) / The Apexx Machine / The Classics Machine / Tha Nouky / The Raver (NL) / The Clamps (FR) / Mental Twister / Attack (NL) / MC LePrince Show all bands
Defqon.1 Festival 2019 Biddinghuizen, Flevoland, Netherlands
Jun 22, 2018 –
Jun 24, 2018
Defqon.1 Festival 2018
Darren Styles / Brennan Heart / Wildstylez / noisecontrollers / Angerfist / Da Tweekaz / Jebroer / Crystal Lake / DJ Paul Elstak / D-block & S-Te-Fan / DJ Isaac / Zatox / Dr. Peacock / Atmozfears / Dirtcaps / Psyko Punkz / Code Black / Bass Modulators / Wasted Penguinz / Toneshifterz / Dr. Phunk / Radical Redemption / Sub Zero Project / Tatanka / Frequencerz / Evil Activities / Sephyx / Zany / Hard Driver / Villain / Audiotricz / Mark With a K / Nosferatu / Max Enforcer / Neophyte / Ruffneck / miss k8 / The Pitcher / Endymion / B-Front / Korsakoff / WARFACE / Digital Punk / SOUND RUSH / Anime / E-Force / Activator / Crypsis / Phuture Noize / Tha Playah / Art of Fighters / Adrenalize / Dr. Rude / Partyraiser / D-Sturb / Noize Suppressor / Deepack / Derb / Devin Wild / Billy the Kit / Kutski / Mental Theo / The Darkraver / Destructive Tendencies / Deetox / Sub Sonik / Scot Project / MC Nolz / Promo / KELTEK / The Sickest Squad / Crisis Era / D-fence / Rebelion / Bass Chaserz / Deadly Guns / Dano / Act of Rage / The Outside Agency / Demi Kanon / Pavo / Negative A / Tweekacore / Da Mouth of Madness / Degos & Re-done / Bodyshock / Rotterdam Terror Corps / Andy The Core / Scale / Drokz / Davide Sonar / Andy Svge / B-Freqz / Alpha Twins / Galactixx / MC DV8 / Luca Testa / Rat N Frikk / JNXD / The Melodyst / The Dj Producer / Thrasher / DJ Adaro / GLDY LX / Pat B / DJ The Prophet / Scarphase / MKN / Ruffian / Dutch Movement / DJ Luna / boogshe / Crude Intentions / Mindustries / The Teknoist / Buzz Fuzz / Primeshock / Dj Vince / Spitnoise / DJIPE / MC DL! / Jason Payne / Dj Panic / D-Stroyer / MC Diesel / Bertocucci Feranzano / Daniele Mondello / Project 1 / Airtunes / MC Livid / Second Identity / DJ Ruthless / Ran-D (NL) / Koozah / Balistic / Apexx / Stephy / Imperatorz / Euphorizer / Wavolizer / Main Concern / Jappo / Arzadous / Somniac One / WaxWeazle / MC Da Syndrome / MC Dart / Outsiders (NL) / Daani / Mad Dog (IT) / MYST (NL) / ZazaFront / Delete (AU) / The Viper (NL) / 2-Sidez / Geck-o (NL) / DJ Sunny D / D'Spyre / Cyber (CH) / Requiem (NL) / Rebounce / Regain (PL) / I:gor (POL) / Frantic Freak / Dee-Block & S-te-Pack / Dolphin (UK) / Ecstatic (NL) / MC Tellem / Chain Reaction (NL) / Jaws (NL) / Blue (IT) / Bombsquad (NL) / Bulletproof (NL) / Radrz / 380 Volt / CEAZAR (NL) / Plug 'N Play (NL) / Retrospect (NL) / Haze & Abyss / ALLSTVRS / Dazzler (NL) / Deluzion (NL) / Emphasis (NL) / The Beholder (NL) / Predator (NL) / Ransom (NL) / Headhunterz Show all bands
Evenemententerrein Walibi Holland Biddinghuizen, Flevoland, Netherlands
May 26, 2018
Emporium · Hollywood 2018
Mike Williams / Lil' Kleine / Lucas & Steve / Lvndscape / The Partysquad / Zonderling / CMC$ / Bizzey / Wildstylez / Vato Gonzalez / noisecontrollers / Tony Junior / Mr. Polska / Mesto / josylvio / DJ Paul Elstak / cesqeaux / Jebroer / D-block & S-Te-Fan / Dirtcaps / Afro Bros / LNY TNZ / Chace / Dr. Phunk / Evil Activities / Zany / La Fuente / Hard Driver / Audiotricz / Max Enforcer / Mark With a K / Snollebollekes / B-Front / Korsakoff / Dyna / Digital Punk / WARFACE / Crypsis / SOUND RUSH / Tha Playah / Art of Fighters / Phuture Noize / Freddy Moreira / Noize Suppressor / Partyraiser / Trobi / D-Sturb / The Darkraver / Deetox / Destructive Tendencies / Lowriderz / Sub Sonik / Bass Chaserz / Furyan / D-fence / Rebelion / Demi Kanon / Act of Rage / Deadly Guns / Giocatori / Andy Svge / Clockartz / Lamme Frans / Rejecta / Dutch Movement / Crude Intentions / Dj Panic / Jason Payne / Het Feestteam / Tears Of Fury / DJ Ruthless / Enemy Contact / Jack $hirak / Puinhoop Kollektiv / Sugarush / Mashup Jack / Access One / Indyana / Brooks (NL) / Rave Van Fortuin / Aggressive Act / Jugadores / Deepend (NL) / Mad Dog (IT) / SFB (NL) / Delete (AU) / The Viper (NL) / N-Vitral (NL) / Anbu Gang / Johnny500 / Skoften Sloopservice / Q-Music The Party / Nightbreed (Live) / Charmante Gasten / Stef Ekkel (NL) / Flashback Heroes / Ecstatic (NL) / Ransom (NL) / Irwan / Sjieke Bazen / De Lievelings Dj’s van je Zusje / Abstract (NL) / J-Flava / Licious (BE) / MC Tjen. / La Fuente / Chocolate Puma / Lost Frequencies / Showtek / Lost Frequencies / Ummet Özcan / Chocolate Puma / La Fuente Show all bands
Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Oct 28, 2017
Thunderdome 2017
Amada / Decipher / Destructive Tendencies / Guerrillas / Neophyte / Tha Playah / Nosferatu / Furyan / Korsakoff / Evil Activities / Noize Suporessor / Mad Dog / Partyraiser / Drokz / The Melodyst / Dr. Peacock / N-Vitral / Unexist / Santronica / Ruffian / Da Mouth of Madness / Andy The Core / DAY-MAR / Lenny Dee / Radium / Repix / Sjammienators / Spitnoise / The Sickest Squad / Tieum / Lady Dammage / Scarphase / MC RG / Akira / Angernoizer / Drokz / Goetia / Mithridate / SRB / Stingers / Striker / The Vizitor / Noisekick / MC No-iD / Art of Fighters / Tommyknocker / The Stunned Guys / Bass-D / Endymion / The Viper (NL) / Paul Elstak / Panic / Predator / Leviathan / Promo / Catscan / D-Passion / Ruffneck / The Darkraver / Vince / Uzi / WaxWeazle / Marc Acardipane / PCP / MD&A / Da Mouth of Madness / Ruffian / Detest / Thrasher / Dither / Manu Le Malin / Mindustries / Negative A / Ophidian / The Dj Producer / Igneon System / The Outside Agency / Tymon / MC Justice / Buzz Fuzz / Chosen Few / Dano / Gizmo / Pavo / Rob / MC Joe / Rob Gee / the prophet / Weirdo / MC Alee Show all bands
Jaarbeursplein Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Sep 23, 2017
DJ Fly / Cleric / miss k8 / Eptic / Darktek / Camo & Krooked / Kill The Noise / Evil Activities / Gms / Sensifeel / Must Die! / Lucy / Symphonix / Lenny Dee / Lexi Berg / Doctor P / Derrick May / Maissouille / Steve Rachmad / Juno Reactor / Electr...
DJ Fly / Cleric / miss k8 / Eptic / Darktek / Camo & Krooked / Kill The Noise / Evil Activities / Gms / Sensifeel / Must Die! / Lucy / Symphonix / Lenny Dee / Lexi Berg / Doctor P / Derrick May / Maissouille / Steve Rachmad / Juno Reactor / Electric Rescue / Art of Fighters / Emmanuel Top / DJ Absurd / Andy C / Floxytek / Elisa do Brasil Show all bands
Les Docks de Paris Saint-Denis, Île-de-France, France
Jun 23, 2017 –
Jun 25, 2017
Defqon.1 Weekend Festival 2017
Darren Styles / Brennan Heart / Angerfist / Dr. Peacock / Wildstylez / Coone / Da Tweekaz / D-block & S-Te-Fan / noisecontrollers / Sub Zero Project / DJ Isaac / DJ Paul Elstak / Zatox / Atmozfears / Gizmo / Ran-D (NL) / Rooler / Sefa / Psyko Punkz / WARFACE / Gunz for Hire / Wasted Penguinz / Code Black / Rebelion / Dirtcaps / Radical Redemption / Hard Driver / Bass Modulators / miss k8 / Toneshifterz / D-Sturb / Dano / Phuture Noize / SOUND RUSH / Frequencerz / Mark With a K / Dr. Phunk / Evil Activities / The Nosferatu / Neophyte / Adaro / Titan / Deadly Guns / Audiotricz / Tatanka / Tuneboy / Sephyx / Zany / Korsakoff / Endymion / E-Force / B-Front / Re-style / AniMe (IT) / Act of Rage / Charly Lownoise And Mental Theo / Max Enforcer / Ruffneck / Tha Playah / Partyraiser / Adrenalize / Audiofreq / Digital Punk / Donkey Rollers / Activator / Crypsis / Devin Wild / D-fence / Art of Fighters / Promo / Dr. Rude / Rebourne / Sub Sonik / Noize Suppressor / Alpha² / Deepack / Deetox / Destructive Tendencies / Dither / The Darkraver / The Sickest Squad / F Noize / Andy The Core / The Stunned Guys / Unexist / Demi Kanon / Bass Chaserz / MC Nolz / Artifact / Unresolved / Josh&Wesz / Spitnoise / DJ Thera / The Outside Agency / Lady Dammage / Pat B / amnesys / Caine / Pavo / Galactixx / Noisekick / TNT aka Technoboy ‘n Tuneboy / Degos & Re-done / Drokz / Andy Svge / Ncrypta / Clockartz / Da Mouth of Madness / JNXD / NSD / Dailucia / Manu Le Malin / SRB / Decipher / Chaotic Hostility / Jay Reeve / Detest / MC Villain / The Dj Producer / Dione / Sjammienators / MC DV8 / The Speed Freak / The Melodyst / Tartaros / DJ The Prophet / Tymon / Bloodcage / Sei2ure / Rocky Wellstack / War Force / Ghost In The Machine / Death by Design / Dutch Movement / D-Attack / THE BRAINDRILLERZ / DJ Luna / The Wishmaster / NSCLT / Tears Of Fury / Tripped / Mindustries / Weapon X / Jason Payne / MC Ruffian / Buzz Fuzz / switch technique / Deathmachine / Malúa / Access One / Meander / MC DL! / Dj Panic / Prefix & Density / Somniac One / Sickddellz / MC Diesel / MC Livid / Goetia / Pyra / Airtunes / DJ Ruthless / Udex / Bit Reactors / Apexx / Denekamps Gespuis / Mind Dimension / Balistic / MickeyG / Puinhoop Kollektiv / Bryan Fury / Mashup Jack / Insidiouz / Pila / Theo Gobensen / SUPER MARCO MAY / MC Dash / Defqon.1 Legends / Outsiders (NL) / Synaptic Memories / MC Da Syndrome / N-Vitral (NL) / MC No-iD / Mad Dog (IT) / MC Dart / Kuzak / Beastarius / Bouncing Ball / Skoften Sloopservice / ZazaFront / MYST (NL) / The Viper (NL) / Delete (AU) / Malice (IT) / Geck-o (NL) / DJ Sunny D / Bloodpeak / MC The Russian / Cyber (CH) / Unishock / Kevin Hucker / BeastyBoy / Regain (PL) / Public Enemies (NL) / Counterstrike (NL) / Dolphin (UK) / NCBM / Ecstatic (NL) / MC Tellem / Catscan (NL) / Frantic Freak / Shag Ü / Blamenoise / Plug 'N Play (NL) / Sawtooth (NL) / Retrospect (NL) / Re-Mind (DE) / HKV / Haze & Abyss / The Scientist (NL) / Roberto DaVinci / iGnition (NL) / Unchained (NL) / Stephanie (IT) / Bass-D (NL) / The Destroyer (IT) / Ransom (NL) / X-Pander (FR) / Genius (NL) / Francois (NL) Show all bands
Evenemententerrein Walibi World Biddinghuizen, Flevoland, Netherlands
Nov 18, 2016
Art of Fighters / Rob Gee / CiK / Fiend

Art Of Fighters at Union Nightclub

Jewel's Catch One Los Angeles, California, United States
Nov 12, 2016
Kutski / Zatox / Wasted Penguinz / Korsakoff / Art of Fighters / Chimera

Keeping the Rave Alive presents Neon Nation

O2 Academy Glasgow Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Oct 31, 2015
Pumpkin 2015 - The Forgotten Path 2015
Twoloud / Angerfist / Da Tweekaz / Zatox / Wildchild / The Blinders / Atmozfears / LNY TNZ / Psyko Punkz / Code Black / Pulsedriver / Dj Gollum / Radical Redemption / Frequencerz / picco / Mark With a K / Neophyte / Sean Finn / Korsakoff / Digital Punk / Chain Reaction / Crypsis / Basslovers United / Phuture Noize / Art of Fighters / Adrenalize / Outbreak / Re-style / Noize Suppressor / MC Villain / MC DV8 / Megastylez / Day-már / MC Ruffian / Ray Knox / Malúa / SUNSET PROJECT / Bit Reactors / Nexone / DDei&Estate / Brutal Jesters / Marcus Decks / Sunny Marleen / Damn-R / Tensor & Re-Direction / Cueboy & Tribune / Justin Corza / MC The Russian / MC Gunner / Cyber (CH) / Ti-Mo (GER) / Denniz Koyu Show all bands
Turbinenhalle Oberhausen Oberhausen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Jun 19, 2015 –
Jun 21, 2015
Defqon.1 Festival - No Guts No Glory 2015
Wildstylez / OMI / The Partysquad / Mightyfools / Brennan Heart / Brooklyn Bounce / Coone / Angerfist / Frontliner / Zatox / Justin Prime / D-block & S-Te-Fan / Psyko Punkz / Titan / Dirtcaps / Ruffneck / Donnie Darko / Tatanka / Da Tweekaz / Atmozfears / Crystal Lake / Evil Activities / Zany / Uzi / Code Black / Toneshifterz / Donkey Rollers / The Pitcher / Wasted Penguinz / Bass Modulators / Neophyte / Max Enforcer / Charly Lownoise And Mental Theo / Nosferatu / Akira / Gunz for Hire / Korsakoff / Argy / B-Front / Endymion / Frequencerz / Hard Driver / Mark With a K / Audiofreq / Crypsis / Alpha² / Isaac / Scope DJ / Digital Punk / Deepack / Critical Mass / Tha Playah / Alex Kidd / Dr. Rude / Radical Redemption / A*S*Y*S / The Supreme Team / Josh&Wesz / Kutski / Noize Suppressor / AK47 / Adaro / E-Force / Promo / Dr. Peacock / Pavo / Tommyknocker / Outblast / Artifact / Jack of Sound / Lowriderz / Acti / Waverider / Lenny Dee / Feestdjruud / Rebourne / Scot Project / Mental Theo / The Stunned Guys / The Outside Agency / Omegatypez / WARFACE / DJ Thera / The Sickest Squad / Ophidian / Kasparov / The Darkraver / Chris One / Demoniak / MC Villain / Dr. Phunk / G-Town Madness / Phuture Noize / Slim Shore / Deetox / D-Passion / Partyraiser / Manu Le Malin / Degos & Re-done / MC DV8 / Phrantic / Devin Wild / Marc Acardipane / SOUND RUSH / The Dj Producer / Tieum / Destructive Tendencies / DJ Luna / MC Jeff / Sub Sonik / Miss Djax / MINUS MILITIA / Noisekick / The Wishmaster / Thrasher / Giocatori / Bass Chaserz / Detest / Akyra / Amada / Dj Panic / Petduo / Pandorum / switch technique / DJ Ruthless / Wasted Mind / Sei2ure / Frank Kvitta / Crossfiyah / Bloodcage / Pat B / SRB / Transfarmers / Andy The Core / Act of Rage / Enzyme X / MC Chucky / Nico And Tetta / Festuca / Dj Vince / MC Ruffian / Dark Pact / Deathmachine / MinuPren / Electronic Vibes / Dither / Break Zero / DJ DANA / Hardcraft / Mc Renegade / Synthax / Freakz at Night / The Dreamteam / Arkus P. / Da Mouth of Madness / Traxtorm Gangstaz Allied / MC Axys / Mc D. / Stephy / MC DL! / Balistic / Pila / DJIPE / S1ngular / System Shock / Jason Payne / Kevin Kaos / Faizar / Solutio / Ran-D (NL) / Bold Action / Project Exile / Riiho / Mashup Jack / Exit Mind / Main Concern / Freestyle Maniacs / Atmo / MC Livid / Wavolizer / Notoriouz / Lip DJ / Max Moore / Marcus Decks / DJ Icha / Trilok & Chiren / Warchetype / Simon Underground / MD&A / Jimmy The Sound / Bmg Aka Brachiale Musikgestalter / 2Faded / Geck-o (NL) / The Viper (NL) / Mithridate / Mad Dog (IT) / MC No-iD / Demanufacturer / Eyoung / AniMe (IT) / Melanie di Tria / N-Vitral (NL) / Polish Raw Showcase / Khaleesi / Kronos (IT) / MC Diesel / War Is Inevitable / J.D.A. (NL) / High Voltage (NL) / Chain Reaction (NL) / Delete (AUS) / Done Heavy / Radiance (EE) / Bass-D (NL) / The Resistance (NL) / Jones (NL) / X-Pander (FR) / Stephanie (IT) / Elkabass / iGnition (NL) / The Destroyer (IT) / MANDY (BE) / Dune (DE) / The Vision (NL) / Typhoon (IT) / Outbreak (AUS) / Predator (NL) / GoldL!on / DJ Bike (IT) / Ghost (BE) / Cyber (SWI) / amnesys / miss k8 / noisecontrollers / Art of Fighters / Re-style Show all bands
Evenemententerrein Walibi World Biddinghuizen, Flevoland, Netherlands
May 30, 2015
Emporium Festival - Land of the Rising Sun 2015
Galantis / Carnage / Bassjackers / Timmy Trumpet / Michael Calfan / Ummet Ozcan / Jay Hardway / Ørjan Nilsen / The Partysquad / Mike Mago / Vato Gonzalez / noisecontrollers / De Hofnar / Brennan Heart / Mightyfools / Alexander Popov / Tony Junior / Eelke Kleijn / TWRK / Wiwek / Mitch Crown / Mark Sixma / Frontliner / Prophet / Da Tweekaz / Dirtcaps / Sneijder / Code Black / Julian Calor / Titan / TV Noise / Bass Modulators / Wasted Penguinz / Mike Hawkins / Evil Activities / La Fuente / Dr. Peacock / Airscape / Tapesh / Frequencerz / Max Enforcer / Neophyte / Hard Driver / Nosferatu / Mark With a K / B-Front / Keljet / miss k8 / Audiofreq / 2000 and One / MC Ambush / Dyna / Art of Fighters / Fisherman & Hawkins / Tha Playah / Dr. Rude / Artistic Raw / Noize Suppressor / WARFACE / Billy the Kit / Matt Bukovski / Kutski / Feestdjruud / Phuture Noize / Mental Theo / De Sluwe Vos / Partyraiser / The Darkraver / Artifact / Simon O'Shine / Sub Sonik / Dyprax / DJ Thera / MC Jeff / MC Villain / Marc Simz / Tartaros / Crossfiyah / Envine / MC Alee / The Geminizers / Dark Pact / Synthax / Jason Payne / Shellshock / Juized / MC DL! / Noisecult / Boehmer / Balistic / MC Boogshe / Indyana / Girlslovedjs / Ici Sans Merci / Tjen / Mad Dog (IT) / Maria Helena / Titanomachy / Outsiders (NL) / MC Iceman / The Machine (LT) / Chain Reaction (NL) / Devon K / RAM (NL) / MC Da Silva / MC Marboo / MC May / Styles (NL) / Xcite (NL) / Dimitri (NL) / Mean Machine (NL) Show all bands
Recreatieterrein De Berendonck Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Apr 10, 2015 –
Apr 11, 2015
Daydream Festival - Dream with your eyes open 2015
Felix Jaehn / DVBBS / Sander van Doorn / Good Times Ahead / Tommy Trash / Quintino / Moti / Michael Calfan / Zombie Nation / Ronnie Flex / Dubvision / Sick Individuals / Chocolate Puma / Deniz Koyu / Gregor Salto / Mike Mago / De Hofnar / Fox Stevenson / Hard Rock Sofa / The Flexican / Brennan Heart / Vato Gonzalez / Congorock / Pep & Rash / Sander Kleinenberg / Coone / Broederliefde / Mr Belt & Wezol / Tony Junior / Ferreck Dawn / Arno Cost / DJ Paul Elstak / Jebroer / Funkerman / Franky Rizardo / Zatox / Lady Bee / Dirtcaps / Atmozfears / LNY TNZ / Code Black / Wasted Penguinz / Bougenvilla / Dr. Phunk / Marco Bailey / Fur Coat / Titan / Tatanka / D-Wayne / Zany / Sephyx / La Fuente / Audiotricz / Sef (Spain) / Mark With a K / Skitzofrenix / B-Front / Murdock / E-Force / Volt & State / Art of Fighters / Artistic Raw / Billy the Kit / The Darkraver / Dimaro / Bobby Rock / Davoodi / Sem Thomasson / Pierre / Dailucia / Dave Revan / Dave Lambert / MC Villain / Gunther D. / MC DV8 / Joran van Pol / X-Tof / Pat B / Funk D / Sam 'o Neall / MC Roga / Snelle Jelle / MC Ruffian / Kriss-One / Aztech / Double Pleasure / Stefan Vilijn / Lennert Wolfs / DJ Ruthless / Naffz / Ran-D (NL) / Kid de Luca / Weslo / CML / MC Apster / Lester Williams / DEG / Puinhoop Kollektiv / The Million Plan / Megamen / Les Mecs Eclectics / Fred Hush / MC Boogshe / Vinnie / Partyshakerz / David Ghetto / Seba Lecompte / Makasi / Pete Howl / Girlslovedjs / Tomcio / Ringbaan / Tnd / Signite / Flamboyant / Lucky Done Gone / Manuccii / Robbie Rise / Lucas Caroso / The Viper (NL) / Dimitri Wouters / Woodblock / Heftone / Bram Beuckelaers / Kronos (IT) / MC Haits / Superlessy / CMCS (NL) / Nutralizers / De te kloppen man / People Talk Techno / Brocco / Rebel (BE) / E-Razer (BE) / Mystique (BE) / It all started in the Nineties DJ Team / Frenz (BE) / Optiqal / Nexus (NL) / Ghost (BE) / Outbreak (AUS) / Licious (BE) / The Resistance (NL) / Jerrooo / MC Tjen. Show all bands
Festivalpark Lommel Lommel, Belgium
Oct 11, 2014
Unexist (DJ) / Skudero / Xavi Metralla / The Stunned Guys / dj mad dog / Anime / Advanced Dealer / DJ Sonic / Art of Fighters
Sala Eleven Vallgorguina, Catalonia, Spain
Jun 27, 2014 –
Jun 29, 2014
Defqon.1 Festival 2014
Coone / Zatox / D-block & S-Te-Fan / Prophet / Psyko Punkz / Titan / Atmozfears / Evil Activities / Code Black / The Pitcher / Wasted Penguinz / Neophyte / Bass Modulators / Viper / Max Enforcer / Stephanie / Korsakoff / B-Front / Endymion / Frequencerz / Audiofreq / Crypsis / Alpha² / Deepack / Digital Punk / Kutski / Gizmo / Panic / Promo / Adrenalize / Jack of Sound / Waverider / Rebourne / High Voltage / DJ Thera / Ophidian / Kasparov / In-phase / Dr. Phunk / MC DV8 / Tieum / Furyan / SOUND RUSH / MINUS MILITIA / Sylence / Amada / Pandorum / B-Freqz / Festuca / Dither / Base Alert / Exit Mind / PARTYRAISER & DROKZ / amnesys / miss k8 / noisecontrollers / Art of Fighters Show all bands
Evenemententerrein Walibi World Biddinghuizen, Flevoland, Netherlands
Aug 10, 2013
The Qontinent
Audiofreq / Coone / the prophet / Art of Fighters / Anime / Evil Activities / Hard Driver / Endymion / Mark With a K / Tha Playah / Psycho Punkz / The R3Belz
Puyenbroeck Wachtebeke, Flanders, Belgium
May 26, 2012
Emporium Festival 2012
Hardwell / Bingo Players / Don Diablo / Sander van Doorn / W&W / Paul Oakenfold / Arty / Quintino / Headhunterz / Ørjan Nilsen / Basto / Swanky Tunes / Kraantje Pappie / Mauro Picotto / The Flexican / Indiana / Vato Gonzalez / Sandro Silva / Coone / Butch / Shermanology / Jochen Miller / RaNd! / Frontliner / Minilogue / Code Black / Kaiserdisco / Toneshifterz / Evil Activities / Viper / La Fuente / Leon Bolier / Sef (Spain) / miss k8 / Endymion / B-Front / Korsakoff / Donkey Rollers / Cream / E-Force / Crypsis / Art of Fighters / Adaro / Noize Suppressor / Deepack / Feestdjruud / Billy the Kit / Mental Theo / The Darkraver / Lucien Foort / Mulder / Benny Rodrigues / The Stunned Guys / Tommyknocker / Dyprax / Real El Canario / Predator / Waverider / G-Town Madness / MC Villain / Marc Simz / Highlander / Kubus / Forze Dj Team / Tha Watcher / State Of Emergency / MC Alee / Joey Daniel / MC Roga / El Mundo & Satori / t/junction / BassD / Guiseppe Ottaviani / MC Stretch / Arkaine / Chris Cortez / Zawdi Mc / Kubik / Renvo / Gomes / Angeldust / Accelerator / Stanton / Mr. Simpson / Brian Loui John / MC Mitch Crown / Richard Villa / Charmante Kloodzakken / MC Dice / Devon K / MC Tjen. Show all bands
Recreatieterrein De Berendonck Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Nov 26, 2011
Masters Of Hardcore
"Masters Of Hardcore" / Angerfist / Korsakoff / Outblast / Noize Suppressor / Dyprax / Re-style / amnesys / Art of Fighters
Lotto Arena Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium
Aug 30, 2008
Art of Fighters / Darren Styles / QFX / Hyperbass O2 Academy Glasgow Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Oct 27, 2007
Black Light 3
Seven Ways / Shango / Dino Psaras / Reck / Banging Mark / Gabriel Batz / Nick Pilon / Pita / MiZ / Hell'D / A.R.D. / Merkurius / Art of Fighters / Dre Hectik / Uplift / Sc@r / Cyre (qc) / Iznogood
Québec, Quebec, Canada

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HARDCORE ITALIA on Oct 11, 2014 [009-small]

Oct 11, 2014
 Vallgorguina, Catalonia, Spain
  Uploaded by Sssinistre

Hardcore Techno
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Uptempo Hardcore
Dark Hardcore
Italian Hardcore
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 Twee Zee
 Michaël Martin
 Always Nick
 Holly Milloy
 Rax Gab
 Iris Lesterhuis
 Kevin Van Rooij

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