Wijchen Concert History

Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands

28 Concerts

Date Concert Venue Location
Oct 05, 2024
Tribute to Toto Theater 't Mozaïek Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Sep 17, 2024

Wijchense Kermis

Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
May 25, 2024
Rejecta / La Fuente / Maddix / Nicky Romero / SOUND RUSH / Sam Feldt

Emporium 2024

Recreatiegebied De Berendonck Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Jun 24, 2023
Zomer festival Kasteeltuin Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Jun 03, 2023
Olivier Heldens / Natte Visstick / La Fuente / Lucas & Steve / Kriss Kross Amsterdam / The Partysquad / Frenna / Bizzey
Recreatiegebied De Berendonck Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Nov 12, 2022

Queen tribute band

Sterrebosch Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Jun 25, 2022
Queen Must Go On

Queen tribute band

Kasteeltuin Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Oct 23, 2021
Tribute bands / The blues mask ( lou reed) / back to blondie / ground control (David bowie) Mozaïek Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Feb 12, 2020
Jim van der Zee Theater 't Mozaïek Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Nov 16, 2019
Leonie Meijer

Leonie Meijer Theatertour Perfect Solitude

Theater ’t Mozaïek Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Oct 19, 2019
Touch Of Toto Theater 't Mozaïek Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Mar 13, 2019
Björn van de doelen Theater 't Mozaïek Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Feb 16, 2019
Tim Akkerman

Plays the boss

Theater 't Mozaïek Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Nov 16, 2018

Queen tribute band

Sterrebosch Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
May 26, 2018
Emporium · Hollywood 2018
Mike Williams / Lil' Kleine / Lucas & Steve / Lvndscape / The Partysquad / Zonderling / CMC$ / Bizzey / Wildstylez / Vato Gonzalez / noisecontrollers / Tony Junior / Mr. Polska / Mesto / josylvio / DJ Paul Elstak / cesqeaux / Jebroer / D-block & S-Te-Fan / Dirtcaps / Afro Bros / LNY TNZ / Chace / Dr. Phunk / Evil Activities / Zany / La Fuente / Hard Driver / Audiotricz / Max Enforcer / Mark With a K / Snollebollekes / B-Front / Korsakoff / Dyna / Digital Punk / WARFACE / Crypsis / SOUND RUSH / Tha Playah / Art of Fighters / Phuture Noize / Freddy Moreira / Noize Suppressor / Partyraiser / Trobi / D-Sturb / The Darkraver / Deetox / Destructive Tendencies / Lowriderz / Sub Sonik / Bass Chaserz / Furyan / D-fence / Rebelion / Demi Kanon / Act of Rage / Deadly Guns / Giocatori / Andy Svge / Clockartz / Lamme Frans / Rejecta / Dutch Movement / Crude Intentions / Dj Panic / Jason Payne / Het Feestteam / Tears Of Fury / DJ Ruthless / Enemy Contact / Jack $hirak / Puinhoop Kollektiv / Sugarush / Mashup Jack / Access One / Indyana / Brooks (NL) / Rave Van Fortuin / Aggressive Act / Jugadores / Deepend (NL) / Mad Dog (IT) / SFB (NL) / Delete (AU) / The Viper (NL) / N-Vitral (NL) / Anbu Gang / Johnny500 / Skoften Sloopservice / Q-Music The Party / Nightbreed (Live) / Charmante Gasten / Stef Ekkel (NL) / Flashback Heroes / Ecstatic (NL) / Ransom (NL) / Irwan / Sjieke Bazen / De Lievelings Dj’s van je Zusje / Abstract (NL) / J-Flava / Licious (BE) / MC Tjen. / La Fuente / Chocolate Puma / Lost Frequencies / Showtek / Lost Frequencies / Ummet Özcan / Chocolate Puma / La Fuente Show all bands
Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Mar 24, 2018
Crystal dream plays u2


Theater 't Mozaïek Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
May 27, 2017
Emporium Festival · Fairytales 2017
Kris Kross Amsterdam / Brooks / Bizzey / Kraantje Pappie / Grandtheft / Broederliefde / Moksi / Angerfist / CMC$ / Coone / Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano / Da Tweekaz / GANZ / Dr. Peacock / Shermanology / Tony Junior / Kura / DJ Paul Elstak / Florian Picasso / Ran-D (NL) / cesqeaux / Sub Zero Project / Atmozfears / LNY TNZ / Dirtcaps / TV Noise / Bass Modulators / Snollebollekes / Childsplay / Radical Redemption / La Fuente / miss k8 / Mark With a K / The Nosferatu / Sephyx / AniMe (IT) / SOUND RUSH / Korsakoff / B-Front / Phuture Noize / Sophie Francis / E-Force / D-Sturb / Dyna / Crypsis / Keljet / Rebelion / Rooler / Devin Wild / Act of Rage / Jody Bernal / Onderkoffer / D-fence / Deetox / Billy the Kit / The Darkraver / Sub Sonik / Mental Theo / Lowriderz / Seth Hills / Crisis Era / Josh&Wesz / Bass Chaserz / Artifact / Dyprax / Two Crooks / Def Rhymz / MC Jeff / Clockartz / Pat B / Noiseshock / JNXD / Decipher / Marc Simz / Guerilla Speakerz / Odin / Junglebae / MC Alee / Dj Vince / MC DL! / Playboyz / Nigel Sean / Prefix & Density / StukTV / Mind Dimension / Banganagangbangers / Puinhoop Kollektiv / Mc. Gee / Indyana / David Ghetto / Neophyte Records Allstars / Acids / MC Da Syndrome / Jixxx / Dansado & De Feestneger / Rachel Green / Mad Dog (IT) / Beastarius / MYST (NL) / Delete (AU) / Requiem (NL) / Charmante Gasten / B-Frontliner / Johnny500 / Public Enemies (NL) / Regain (PL) / Irwan / Joenis / Chain Reaction (NL) / Ecstatic (NL) / Tom & Jane / MC Marboo / MC May / Dr. Ruthless / Ransom (NL) / J-Flava / The Galaxy (NL) / Ouwe Jongens Krentebrood / Crazy dj team / Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano / Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike / Sam Feldt / sebastian ingrosso / Kraantje Pappie Show all bands
Berendonck Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
May 27, 2017
Emporium Festival · Fairytales 2017
Kris Kross Amsterdam / Brooks / Grandtheft / CMC$ / Kraantje Pappie / Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano / GANZ / Tony Junior / Moksi / Coone / Shermanology / Angerfist / Kura / Broederliefde / Bizzey / Florian Picasso / cesqeaux / DJ Paul Elstak / Da Tweekaz / Dirtcaps / Atmozfears / LNY TNZ / TV Noise / Bass Modulators / Dr. Peacock / La Fuente / Childsplay / Radical Redemption / Nosferatu / Sephyx / Mark With a K / Korsakoff / B-Front / Keljet / miss k8 / Crypsis / Anime / Dyna / Sub Zero Project / E-Force / Sophie Francis / Snollebollekes / Billy the Kit / Onderkoffer / Jody Bernal / SOUND RUSH / Phuture Noize / Josh&Wesz / Lowriderz / Mental Theo / The Darkraver / Deetox / Devin Wild / Artifact / Sub Sonik / Crisis Era / Dyprax / D-Sturb / Two Crooks / Bass Chaserz / MC Jeff / Def Rhymz / D-fence / Marc Simz / Decipher / Rebelion / Seth Hills / Guerilla Speakerz / Act of Rage / Clockartz / Noiseshock / Pat B / Junglebae / Odin / JNXD / MC Alee / Rooler / Dj Vince / StukTV / Playboyz / MC DL! / Prefix & Density / Ran-D (NL) / Nigel Sean / Banganagangbangers / Puinhoop Kollektiv / Mc. Gee / Indyana / David Ghetto / Neophyte Records Allstars / Mind Dimension / Acids / MC Da Syndrome / Rachel Green / Mad Dog (IT) / Beastarius / Delete (AU) / MYST (NL) / Jixxx / Requiem (NL) / Dansado & De Feestneger / Johnny500 / Regain (PL) / Public Enemies (NL) / B-Frontliner / Charmante Gasten / Tom & Jane / Ransom (NL) / Chain Reaction (NL) / Joenis / Irwan / Ecstatic (NL) / J-Flava / The Galaxy (NL) / Dr. Ruthless / MC May / Ouwe Jongens Krentebrood / MC Marboo / Crazy dj team Show all bands
Berendonck Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Mar 28, 2014
Erwin Nyhoff Theater ’t Mozaïek Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Oct 12, 2013
Ru2 Mozaïek Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Mar 08, 2013
Cesar Zuiderwijk Theater ’t Mozaïek Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Apr 27, 2012
Omnia Theater ’t Mozaïek Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
May 12, 2010
Rowwen Hèze
Kasteel feesten Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
May 23, 2009
Het Goede Doel Kasteeltuin Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands
May 03, 2008
Van Dik Hout / VanVelzen


Kasteeltuin Wijchen, Gelderland, Netherlands

Latest Photos View All Photos

Golden Earring on May 19, 2007 [686-small]

Golden Earring
May 19, 2007
  Uploaded by Geert

Rowwen Hèze on May 12, 2010 [131-small]

Rowwen Hèze
May 12, 2010
  Uploaded by Jeroen Hofmans

Rowwen Hèze on May 12, 2010 [793-small]

Rowwen Hèze
May 12, 2010
  Uploaded by Jeroen Hofmans

Find Lodging  
 Judith Falk
 Steve Bertens
 Robin Willems
 Jeroen Hofmans
 Wichard Honig

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