Wyndham Garden Inn; The Wooly; Cowboys; High Dive; Whiskey House; Loosey's Concert History

Gainesville, Florida, United States

Date Concert Venue Location
Oct 28, 2016
Iron Chic / Shellshag / Mustard Plug / Big D And The Kids Table / The Unlovables / We Are The Union / The Duppies / Red City Radio / PEARS / Captain, We're Sinking / The Menzingers / Keep Flying / The Mermers / Zach Quinn (Pears)
Wyndham Garden Inn; The Wooly; Cowboys; High Dive; Whiskey House; Loosey's Gainesville, Florida, United States
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Punk 11 performances
Punk Rock 7 performances
Skate Punk 7 performances
Orgcore 6 performances
Pop Punk 6 performances
 Elizabeth Boudaher White

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