Various Venues Concert History

Woodford, South Australia, Australia

Date Concert Venue Location
Jan 01, 2016
Woodford Folk Festival
"Woodford Folk Festival" / The Poozies / Paul McKenna / Bernard Carney / Andrew Clermont's Supper Club / Chloe & Jason Roweth / Irish Mythen / CatGut / Davidson Brothers / The East Pointers / The Delphics / Ken Waldman / The Duhks / Melissa Main / Scott Cook / Starboard Cannons / Tolka / One Up, Two Down / Mr. Percival / The Scrimshaw Four / All Our Exes Live In Texas / All Strings Attached / Earth Walk / CC The Cat / Cheap Fakes / Dylan Wright / Bud Rokesky / Golden Sun / Iluka / Ganga Giri / Liam Gerner / Loren Kate / Marlon Williams / Tijuana Cartel / The Franklin Electric / The Little Stevies / The Vaudeville Smash / Warren Earl Band / Daniel Champagne Show all bands
Various Venues Woodford, South Australia, Australia
Dec 31, 2015
Woodford Folk Festival
"Woodford Folk Festival" / The Poozies / Paul McKenna / Bernard Carney / Chloe & Jason Roweth / Irish Mythen / ______ / Davidson Brothers / The East Pointers / The Delphics / The Duhks / Melissa Main / Scott Cook / Starboard Cannons / Tolka / The Scrimshaw Four / One Up, Two Down / Women In Docs / The Weather Station / Mr. Percival / All Our Exes Live In Texas / All Strings Attached / Ayla / Bearfoot / Earth Walk / Boo Seeka / CC The Cat / Cheap Fakes / Dylan Wright / Bud Rokesky / Iluka / Ganga Giri / Juju Bom / The Formidable Vegetable Sound System / Liam Gerner / Loren Kate / Marlon Williams / Mko Sun / The Little Stevies / TORA / The Vaudeville Smash / the backsliders / Warren Earl Band / Daniel Champagne Show all bands
Various Venues Woodford, South Australia, Australia
Dec 30, 2015
Woodford Folk Festival
"Woodford Folk Festival" / The Poozies / Paul McKenna / Bernard Carney / Chloe & Jason Roweth / Irish Mythen / Davidson Brothers / The East Pointers / The Delphics / The Duhks / Melissa Main / Ken Waldman / Scott Cook / Starboard Cannons / Tolka / The Scrimshaw Four / One Up, Two Down / The Weather Station / Women In Docs / Mr. Percival / All Our Exes Live In Texas / All Strings Attached / Ayla / Bearfoot / Boo Seeka / Earth Walk / CC The Cat / Cheap Fakes / Dylan Wright / Iluka / Ganga Giri / Juju Bom / Liam Gerner / Liz Stringer / Loren Kate / Marlon Williams / Tinpan Orange / Timberwolf / Tijuana Cartel / The Franklin Electric / San Cisco / TORA / The Vaudeville Smash / the backsliders / Warren Earl Band / Marshall Okell / Mko Sun Show all bands
Various Venues Woodford, South Australia, Australia
Dec 29, 2015
Woodford Folk Festival
"Woodford Folk Festival" / The Poozies / Paul McKenna / Bernard Carney / Chloe & Jason Roweth / Irish Mythen / Davidson Brothers / The East Pointers / The Delphics / Ken Waldman / Melissa Main / The Duhks / Scott Cook / Lime And Steel / Tolka / The Scrimshaw Four / One Up, Two Down / The Weather Station / Noel Gardner & Alex Bridge / Women In Docs / Kaurna Cronin / Mr. Percival / All Our Exes Live In Texas / Bearfoot / Katie Noonan / Iluka / Liz Stringer / Fourplay / The Formidable Vegetable Sound System / Tinpan Orange / Juju Bom / Timberwolf / Liam Gerner / Ganga Giri / Marlon Williams / Cheap Fakes / Bud Rokesky / TORA / The Vaudeville Smash / the backsliders / Warren Earl Band / Marshall Okell / The Floating Bridges / The Franklin Electric / The Little Stevies / Kim Churchill / The Paper Kites / Sugar Fed Leopards Show all bands
Various Venues Woodford, South Australia, Australia
Dec 28, 2015
Woodford Folk Festival
"Woodford Folk Festival" / Bernard Carney / Chloe & Jason Roweth / Irish Mythen / Graeme Connors / Davidson Brothers / The East Pointers / The Delphics / Lime And Steel / Melissa Main / Scott Cook / Starboard Cannons / Noel Gardner & Alex Bridge / Tolka / The Weather Station / One Up, Two Down / Kaurna Cronin / The Barleyshakes / Mr. Percival / Astronomy Class / All Our Exes Live In Texas / Bud Rokesky / Cheap Fakes / Fourplay / Juju Bom / Liz Stringer / Katie Noonan / Ganga Giri / Boo Seeka / The Formidable Vegetable Sound System / All Strings Attached / CC The Cat / Tinpan Orange / Marlon Williams / Josh Pyke / The Franklin Electric / Dylan Wright / Timberwolf / The Little Stevies / Sugar Fed Leopards / The Floating Bridges / Loren Kate / The Paper Kites / The Vaudeville Smash / Daniel Champagne / Mko Sun / Totally Gourdgeous / Marshall Okell / Ed Kuepper / Michael Franti & Spearhead / Montaigne / Tijuana Cartel Show all bands
Various Venues Woodford, South Australia, Australia
Dec 27, 2015
Woodford Folk Festival
"Woodford Folk Festival" / Graeme Connors / Bernard Carney / Chloe & Jason Roweth / Irish Mythen / Davidson Brothers / Andrew Clermont's Supper Club / CatGut / The East Pointers / Scott Cook / The Barleyshakes / Starboard Cannons / Tolka / The Scrimshaw Four / One Up, Two Down / Mr. Percival / Astronomy Class / All Our Exes Live In Texas / All Strings Attached / Boo Seeka / Fourplay / Cheap Fakes / Josh Pyke / Dylan Wright / Bud Rokesky / Golden Sun / Iluka / The Formidable Vegetable Sound System / Liam Gerner / Mko Sun / Liz Stringer / Montaigne / Marlon Williams / Timberwolf / Sugar Fed Leopards / The Floating Bridges / Tijuana Cartel / Lanie Lane / The Franklin Electric / Totally Gourdgeous / The Little Stevies / The Vaudeville Smash / Daniel Champagne / Marshall Okell / Courtney Barnett Show all bands
Various Venues Woodford, South Australia, Australia
Dec 29, 2011
"The Dreaming Festival" / Buffy Sainte-Marie

The Dreaming Festival

Various Venues Woodford, South Australia, Australia
Dec 28, 2011
"The Dreaming Festival" / Buffy Sainte-Marie

The Dreaming Festival

Various Venues Woodford, South Australia, Australia
Find Lodging  
Folk 107 performances
Australian 69 performances
Indie 51 performances
Singer-Songwriter 41 performances
Female Vocalists 31 performances
2016 1 concert
2015 5 concerts
2011 2 concerts

As Seen On: