The Vault, University of Winchester Concert History

Southampton, England, United Kingdom

Date Concert Venue Location
Oct 13, 2008
Nicotine Smile / Sam Isaac / Luke Leighfield / Art Brut / Emmy the Great / Thomas Tantrum / Die! Die! Die! / SixNationState / Jay Jay Pistolet / The Clik Clik / Beans on Toast / Mumford & Sons / Post War Years / Foxes / Shaped By Fate / Django / I...
Nicotine Smile / Sam Isaac / Luke Leighfield / Art Brut / Emmy the Great / Thomas Tantrum / Die! Die! Die! / SixNationState / Jay Jay Pistolet / The Clik Clik / Beans on Toast / Mumford & Sons / Post War Years / Foxes / Shaped By Fate / Django / Imperial Leisure / Gideon Conn / Peggy Sue / BirdPen / Cherbourg / Fox Cubs / Barefoot Confessor / Thos Henley / Fresh Legs / Hijera / SomaHigh / Ryan O'Reilly / Phil King / Bright White Lights / Moneytree / The Casablancas / El Rodeo / Lcd / The Ramblings / run,WALK! / Alex & the Ligers / Rosie Oddie & the Odd Squad / Mavis Grind / Shit Hot Llamas / The Scarlet Letter Union / Wellbeing Show all bands
The Vault, University of Winchester Southampton, England, United Kingdom
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Indie 18 performances
British 8 performances
Indie Rock 8 performances
Folk 7 performances
Rock 7 performances

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