The Thunderdome's 2003 Concert History

Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Date Concert Venue Location
Dec 18, 2003
Dog Fashion Disco The Thunderdome Baltimore, Maryland, United States
May 25, 2003 –
May 27, 2003
Maryland Death Fest 1
Necrophagist / Commit Suicide / Aborted / Internal Suffering / Saprogenic / Dying Fetus / Skinless / Severed Savior / Foetopsy / Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition / Lust of Decay / Retch / Suffocation / Devourment / Malignancy / Circle of Dead Chidlren / Incinerate / Pyrexia / Leng Tch'e / Mortal Decay / Drogheda / Soils of Fate / Abuse / Goratory Show all bands
The Thunderdome Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Find Lodging  
Grindcore 47 performances
Death Metal 46 performances
Brutal Death Metal 37 performances
Deathgrind 33 performances
Goregrind 26 performances
2004 4 concerts
2003 2 concerts
 David Lister
 C.Ell Arts
 Nick Meyers

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