The Galaxy Theater Concert History

Santa Ana, California, United States

Date Concert Venue Location
Mar 25, 2010
The Galaxy Theater Santa Ana, California, United States
Dec 16, 2005
Clutch / William Elliott Whitmore

Robot Hive/Exodus Tour

The Galaxy Theater Santa Ana, California, United States
Nov 27, 2004
T.S.O.L. The Galaxy Theater Santa Ana, California, United States
May 09, 2004

Tempo of the Damned Tour

The Galaxy Theater Santa Ana, California, United States
Jun 07, 2002
The Monkees The Galaxy Theater Santa Ana, California, United States
Jan 02, 1998
Bow Wow Wow / Charlotte's Bionic blimp
The Galaxy Theater Santa Ana, California, United States
Find Lodging  
Alternative Metal 3 performances
Hard Rock 3 performances
Rock 3 performances
Alternative Rock 2 performances
Groove Metal 2 performances
2010 1 concert
2005 1 concert
2004 2 concerts
2002 1 concert
1998 1 concert
 Jay Propes
 Heidi Jeter Minick
 Emily Weeda
 Todd Parker

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