The Cannery Concert History

Everett, Washington, United States

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 02, 2015
The Stone Foxes The Cannery Everett, Washington, United States
May 17, 2015
Fisherman's Village Music Festival
"Fisherman's Village Music Festival" / My Goodness / Brother From Another / Nurses / Water Monster / Vacationeer / Gibraltar / Gabriel Mintz / Just Lions / Shark The Herald / Born Of Ghosts
The Cannery Everett, Washington, United States
May 16, 2015
Fisherman's Village Music Festival
Fauna Shade / Summer Cannibals / Murder Vibes / Genders / Fruit Juice / Prom Queen / Minden / Deep Creep / Wind Burial / The Spider Ferns / Crater Lakes / Crystal Desert
The Cannery Everett, Washington, United States
Feb 19, 2015
Jenn Champion / Kevin Morby / Fauna Shade
The Cannery Everett, Washington, United States
Oct 17, 2014
Battleme The Cannery Everett, Washington, United States
Aug 11, 2014
Kevin Morby / Ark Life The Cannery Everett, Washington, United States
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Indie 8 performances
Indie Rock 7 performances
Rock 7 performances
Seattle Indie 7 performances
Blues 5 performances
2015 4 concerts
2014 2 concerts

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