The Button South's 1990 Concert History

Hallandale, Florida, United States

Date Concert Venue Location
May 07, 1990
Danger Danger The Button South Hallandale, Florida, United States
Find Lodging  
Rock 21 performances
Hard Rock 14 performances
Album Oriented Rock (AOR) 13 performances
Glam Metal 10 performances
Metal 10 performances
1998 3 concerts
1997 3 concerts
1994 2 concerts
1993 1 concert
1992 4 concerts
1991 5 concerts
1990 1 concert
1989 2 concerts
1988 1 concert
1987 1 concert
1985 2 concerts
 Dj Tommy Gunn
 Thomas Tallant
 Hec The Wreck
 Kevin Knutson
 Robert Gross
 Scott Schlazer
 Rob Meives
 Laura Frankovic

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