Sauchiehall Street Concert History

Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

Date Concert Venue Location
May 04, 2014
Stag & Dagger Festival 2014
Glass Animals / Royal Blood / Catfish and the Bottlemen / Jungle / Courtney Barnett / Tennis / Wet / Los Campesinos! / The Hold Steady / Albert Hammond Jr / Jagwar Ma / Johnny Flynn / Lizzo / Phox / The Districts / Ezra Furman / Forest Swords / Honeyblood / All We Are / Lanterns on the Lake / East India Youth / Ratking / Frank Hamilton / Sivu / The Beaches / Eyedress / Syd Arthur / Big Ups / model aeroplanes / September Girls / Arc Iris / Sons And Lovers / Little Matador / Pronto Mama / Casual Sex Show all bands
Sauchiehall Street Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Jun 01, 2008
The Twilight Sad / De Rosa / Broken Records / The Phantom Band / We Were Promised Jetpacks / How To Swim / Jo Mango / Ads / Ross Clark / Galchen / El Padre
Sauchiehall Street Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
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Indie 28 performances
Indie Rock 21 performances
Rock 12 performances
British 11 performances
Folk 10 performances
2014 1 concert
2008 1 concert

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