Neumos and barboza Concert History

Seattle, Washington, United States

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 30, 2022 –
Jul 02, 2022
Northwest terror fest
Cryptic Slaughter / Ludicra / Suffocation / Acephalix / Panopticon / Repulsion / Windhand / Leila Abdul-Rauf / Mantar / Mizmor / Obsequiae / Ringworm / Cloak / Creeping Death / Grayceon / Haunter / Xibalba / Vile Creature / Bewitcher / Cartilage / Oryx / Racetraitor / Squalus / Witch Vomit / Ripped to shreds / Eyes of Perdition / Deep Cross / Funeral Chic / Succumb / Tchornobog / Wormwitch / Disease / Drawn and Quartered / Exulansis / Izthmi / Hallows / Turian / Vale Show all bands
Neumos and barboza Seattle, Washington, United States
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Metal 23 performances
Black Metal 16 performances
Death Metal 15 performances
Hardcore 12 performances
Doom Metal 11 performances

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