Googie's Lounge Concert History

New York, New York, United States

Date Concert Venue Location
May 24, 2013
Your Smith Googie's Lounge New York, New York, United States
Oct 21, 2011
"CMJ Music Marathon" / Koji

CMJ Music Marathon

Googie's Lounge New York, New York, United States
Oct 20, 2011
Kwamie Liv / Duncan Townsend / Ashley Fayth / Jerry Lindqvist and The Grace

CMJ Music Marathon

Googie's Lounge New York, New York, United States
Oct 19, 2011
"CMJ Music Marathon" / Cristina Black / The Two Man Gentlemen Band / Thee Stranded Horse / My Bubba And Mi

CMJ Music Marathon

Googie's Lounge New York, New York, United States
Oct 23, 2010
Common Prayer / Rego / Southpaw Jones / Benny Marchant

CMJ Music Marathon

Googie's Lounge New York, New York, United States
Oct 22, 2010
Mark Geary / The Winterlings / Danny Ross / Mark Mulholland / Sparky Quano

CMJ Music Marathon

Googie's Lounge New York, New York, United States
Oct 21, 2010
Senator / Olöf Arnalds / Tamar Eisenman / Emily Greene / Casey Barth

CMJ Music Marathon

Googie's Lounge New York, New York, United States
Oct 20, 2010
The Record Summer / We Are Trees / Alec Gross / nelly kate / Crow Moses

CMJ Music Marathon

Googie's Lounge New York, New York, United States
Oct 19, 2010
Eric-Scott Guthrie / Avi Wisnia / Supercute! / Morgan Grace / Everyboy

CMJ Music Marathon

Googie's Lounge New York, New York, United States
Sep 29, 2010
Royal Wood Googie's Lounge New York, New York, United States
Find Lodging  
Singer-Songwriter 35 performances
Folk 34 performances
Indie 26 performances
Alt-Country 21 performances
Pop 19 performances
2013 1 concert
2011 3 concerts
2010 7 concerts
2009 4 concerts
2008 11 concerts
2007 4 concerts
2006 7 concerts

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