Fort Tilden Beach Concert History

New York, New York, United States

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 12, 2010
Penguin Prison / Oberhofer / Gobble Gobble / Elite Gymnastics / GOLD ZEBRA / Computer Magic / Real Estate / The Beets / My Teenage Stride / Frankie Rose and the Outs / Skeletons / Yellow Ostrich / The Girls at Dawn / Frankie Rose / Run DMT / Alex ...
Penguin Prison / Oberhofer / Gobble Gobble / Elite Gymnastics / GOLD ZEBRA / Computer Magic / Real Estate / The Beets / My Teenage Stride / Frankie Rose and the Outs / Skeletons / Yellow Ostrich / The Girls at Dawn / Frankie Rose / Run DMT / Alex Bleeker and The Freaks / Big A Little a / Blissed Out / Sweet Bulbs / Night Manager / Dream Diary / La Big Vic / Starring () / Phonetag / Cassie Ramone / Red Romans / 911 Thesaurus Show all bands
Fort Tilden Beach New York, New York, United States
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Indie 11 performances
Lo-Fi 10 performances
Chillwave 8 performances
Indie Pop 8 performances
Electronic 7 performances

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