Chaos In Tejas 2012 Concert History

Austin, Texas, United States

Date Concert Venue Location
May 31, 2012 –
Jun 03, 2012
Chaos In Tejas 2012
Best Coast / Joyce Manor / No Age / Iceage / Midnight / Big Freedia / Municipal Waste / Ted Leo and The Pharmacists / Screaming Females / Ceremony / Power Trip / White Lung / Toxic Holocaust / The Clean / Royal Headache / King Dude / Saint Vitus / The Young / Thou / Harm's Way / Backtrack / Hoax / Mam / Pegasus / Church of Misery / Absu / Xeno & Oaklander / Nasum / Winter / Mind Spiders / Ringworm / Ghoul / Cold World / Varukers / Silent Diane / Dropdead / Mark Sultan / The Mob / The Dopamines / Phobia / Video / Toys That Kill / Gun Outfit / Martial Canterel / Breakdown / Mindset / FORWARD / Mammoth Grinder / Pop. 1280 / The Impalers / The Rival Mob / Sea Lions / Dead End Path / Loss / Pierced Arrows / Kindest Lines / Black Witchery / Free Spirit / Scapegoat / Katey Red / give / Hex Dispensers / Hatred Surge / Antisect / Stick Together / Hank Wood & The Hammerheads / Kings Destroy / Magic Circle / Arctic Flowers / Deviated Instinct / The Boston Strangler / White Horse / Wiccans / Tear It Up / Thomas Jefferson Slave Apartments / The Greater Good / Culo / Innumerable Forms / Crazy Spirit / Double Negative / John Wesley Coleman / Anasazi / No Tolerance / Dawn of Humans / Puerto Rico Flowers / The Post Teens / The Abused / Ares Kingdom / Morbosidad / Creem / GG King / Rosenkopf / Creamers / Mauser / Omegas / MASS GRAVE / Zyanose / Criaturas / Moss Icon / No Statik / Total War / Warrior Kids / Gas Chamber / Avon Ladies / Brain Killer / Heratys / Reality Crisis / Terrorism / Bi-Marks / Death Evocation / No Fucker / Koward / Skizophrenia / The Dangerous Boys Club / Put to Death / Chaos in Tejas / Blood Wing Show all bands
Chaos In Tejas 2012 Austin, Texas, United States
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Punk 57 performances
Hardcore 46 performances
Hardcore Punk 46 performances
Punk Rock 18 performances
Grindcore 16 performances

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