Butterfield Gym Concert History

Dover, New Hampshire, United States

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 21, 2001
Function Fest 2001
Bane / American Nightmare / Unearth / Burnt By the Sun / Skycamefalling / Kill Your Idols / Backstabbers Inc.
Butterfield Gym Dover, New Hampshire, United States
Jun 15, 1998
Overcast / As I Bleed / Forty Days Rain / Ookla The Mok / Fault / Piecemeal / Life Passed On / Year Of Our Lord Butterfield Gym Dover, New Hampshire, United States
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Hardcore 10 performances
Metalcore 10 performances
Metal 6 performances
Melodic Hardcore 4 performances
Straight Edge 4 performances
2001 1 concert
1998 1 concert

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