Bolton Town Centre Concert History

Bolton, England, United Kingdom

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 05, 2024
Right To Roam 2024
EMF / The Chameleons (UK) / The Lovely Eggs / Coach Party / Andrew Cushin / TVAM / PET NEEDS / Martha / Millie Manders and The Shutup / Wesley Gonzalez / Low Coast / Sean McGowan / Apollo Junction / Ben Brown / Blanket / Bruise Control / Claw the Thin Ice / congratulations (UK) / deux furieuses / Faintest Idea / Funke and the Two Tone Baby / The Great St Louis / Jack Valero / Loose Articles / Pageant Mum / Mr Shiraz / Roughneck Riot / Spoilers (UK) / Stanleys (UK) / The Scribes (UK) / Truckstop Honeymoon / The St Pierre Snake Invasion / UNE / Venus Grrrls / Arceu5 / Arms and Hearts / awakebutstillinbed / Big Other / Boi Toi / Buds / Carsick (UK) / Chloe Hawes / Choir of Westhoughton (COW) / Clouds and Errors / Dirty Laces / Disguised on Mars / DJ John Leather / Dog Unit / Double Negative / Feeble Strength / Fig By Four / Flipside / Floral Image / Guest Singer / Gvani / Harijan / Helle / Imperial Wax / Infrared / Itoldyouiwouldeatyou / Jack Roscoe / Joe Mccorriston / Karl Phillips and the Rejects / Katie West Band / Luvley / Michael Cera Palin / Michael Gallagher / Misfortune Cookie / Mochackers / Murder Club / Nat / Novacane / Percy / Red Heathers / Redeemon / Revivalry / Rhythmikon / Scrounge / Silence After Midnight / Spinsters / Stay Safe / Sunliner / Sun Spot / Sweepy Dee / Terrorpins / The Cyrcles / The Distractions / The Doublecross / Gvani / Harijan / Helle / Imperial Wax / Infrared / Itoldyouiwouldeatyou / Jack Roscoe / Joe Mccorriston / Karl Phillips and the Rejects / Katie West Band / Luvley / Michael Cera Palin / Michael Gallagher / Misfortune Cookie / Mochackers / Murder Club / Nat / Novacane / Percy / Red Heathers / Redeemon / Revivalry / Rhythmikon / Scrounge / Silence After Midnight / Spinsters / Stay Safe / Sunliner / Sun Spot / Sweepy Dee / Terrorpins / The Cyrcles / The Distractions / The Doublecross / The Earth and Me / The Empty Page / The Illicits / The Latch Key Kids / The Minions / The Mudd Clubb / The Nightmares / Tomorrows Party / Toodles and the Hectic Pity / Underskin / Urban Theory / Viddy / Volk Soup / We Bless this Mess / We Dig Holes in Space / Whinge / Will Edgar / Yabba / Your Arms are My Cocoon Show all bands
Bolton Town Centre Bolton, England, United Kingdom
Find Lodging  
Punk 34 performances
Rock 29 performances
Indie Rock 25 performances
Indie 16 performances
Punk Rock 16 performances
 David Van Der Burg
 Lisa Nocturne
 Kate Steen

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