Tristan Roesink has 4 Benny Rodrigues concerts.

Benny Rodrigues has infiltrated himself in the list of famous Dutch top DJs in a very short time. This Rotterdam born and raised talent with Portuguese blood understands the art of using the funk, of getting the dancing floor full and the room to its feet. Although confessed because of its groovy/funky (deep) tech-house sound with lots of detroit, minimal and acid influences , he also knows that he has to do some work now and then and he knows how he must use that hatchet...

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Date Concert Venue Location
Dec 31, 2024
Benny Rodrigues / Chris Liebing / Speedy J / I Hate Models / Kiki Solvej / Reinier Zonneveld / Paula Temple / SNTS / Dax J / Raxeller / Dyen
AFAS Live Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Feb 24, 2024
Free Your Mind 20 Years Finale
Benny Rodrigues / Michel De Hey / Chris Liebing / Speedy J / I Hate Models / Reinier Zonneveld / 999999999 / Paula Temple / SNTS / Dyen / Nico Moreno / Shlømo / Trym
GelreDome Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands
Dec 31, 2023
Free Your Mind NYE Special
Benny Rodrigues / Dax J / Dyen / Fatima Hajji / Franky Rizardo / Klangkuenstler / Kobosil / Paula Temple / SNTS
Ziggo Dome Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Sep 08, 2023
Draaimolen Festival 2023 (Friday)
KI/KI / Sevdaliza / Evian Christ / Torus / Benny Rodrigues / Job Jobse / Agy3na / OK Williams / Tai Lokun / Blawan / Skrillex / Florentino / DJ Lag / Slikback / DJ Girl / Enyangha / Verraco / Oceanic / rRoxymore / evigtmorker / Human Space Machine / Mary Lake / Matadisk / DJ Python / Upsammy / LYDO / Peachlyfe / JASSS / TAAHLIAH / Nene H / Bashkka / DJ Nah Care / Jahanam / Wtchcrft / Octo Octa / DBridge / Ehua / Adab / Introspekt / Russell E.L. Butler / Beige / DJ Shahmaran / Eris Drew Show all bands
MOB-Complex Tilburg, North Brabant, Netherlands

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