Denver, Colorado, United States Joined July 2017 14 Followers 4 Following
14 Followers 4 Following
The Prodigy is an English electronic dance music band from Braintree, Essex, formed in 1990 by keyboardist and songwriter Liam Howlett. The line-up of the band has included MC and vocalist Maxim, dancer and vocalist Keith Flint (until his death in March 2019), dancer and live keyboardist Leeroy Thornhill (who left to pursue a solo career in 1999), and dancer and vocalist Sharky (1990-1991). Along with the Chemical Brothers and Fatboy Slim, The Prodigy are credited as pioneers of the breakbeat-influenced genre big beat...
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Oasis / The Prodigy / Foo Fighters / The Strokes / Tenacious D Apr 28, 2002 Indio, California, United States Uploaded by Tokyo Fox
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