Tabi Z800 has 1 Brandt Brauer Frick concert.

Contemporary classical music melts with house and techno

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Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 23, 2013 –
Aug 24, 2013
Folklore 013
Turbostaat / Absinto Orkestra / Blumentopf / Brandt Brauer Frick / Dendemann / Die Mukketier Bande / DISCO/OSLO / Feine Sahne Fischfilet / cargo / Jennifer Rostock / Frittenbude / Großstadtgeflüster / Laing / Mine / OK KID / Sizarr / Tocotronic
Kulturzentrum Schlachthof e.V. Wiesbaden, Hesse, Germany

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76 users have seen Brandt Brauer Frick including:
 Jon Erik Hernandez
 Gabriele Romano
 Nicol Kolmanova
 Rez Hawk
 Alex G 71
 Emily Norton

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