Sunsetyellow's Concert Archive

London, England, United Kingdom     Joined September 2018    

Sunsetyellow has 4 Mungo's Hi Fi concerts.

Mungo's Hi Fi are a dub reggae, dancehall and dubstep soundsystem in the original roots tradition based in Glasgow. Tom Tattersall, Douglas Paine and Craig Macleod debuted in 2001 with Wickedness feat Brother Culture on London’s Dubhead label, taking the dub world by storm and getting heavy plays from Jah Shaka and Iration Steppas.

View Mungo's Hi Fi's main page

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 25, 2008 –
Jun 30, 2008
Glastonbury Festival 2008
Kings of Leon / Mumford & Sons / MGMT / John Mayer / KT Tunstall / Jay-Z / Panic! At the Disco / Yeasayer / The Script / Vampire Weekend / Florence and the Machine / Lupe Fiasco / Band of Horses / Franz Ferdinand / The National / Mark Ronson / Massive Attack / James Blunt / Foals / Groove Armada / Lykke Li / Ciara / The Verve / The Kills / Fatboy Slim / Neil Diamond / Hot Chip / Santigold / Kate Nash / Crystal Castles / The Ting Tings / The Wombats / My Morning Jacket / Leonard Cohen / Example / Pendulum / Friendly Fires / Noah & The Whale / Metronomy / Caribou / Gossip / The Raconteurs / Ben Folds / Laura Marling / The Fratellis / Editors / Estelle / Rusko / Duffy / Cut Copy / St. Vincent / Biffy Clyro / Elbow / Goldfrapp / Manu Chao / Dizzee Rascal / Crowded House / 2020 Soundsystem / Stars / Sinéad O'Connor / Atomic Hooligan / Yes Sir Boss / Be Your Own Pet / The Proclaimers / Jamie T / Bass Clef / Eliza Doolittle / Sub Focus / Attila the Stockbroker / Black Lips / Solomon Burke / The Last Shadow Puppets / Jason Forrest / Scouting for Girls / XX Teens / We Are Scientists / Team Waterpolo / Revere / Frank Turner / 3 Daft Monkeys / Simian Mobile Disco / Unkle / Amsterdam / Babyhead / Jimmy Cliff / The Blessing / Sam Sparro / Ethiopiques / Amy Macdonald / CSS / Glasvegas / Battles / Beggars / Newton Faulkner / Dawn Kinnard / DJ Clipz / Ladyhawke / Samsara / Buddy Guy / John Tams / Stackridge / The Presets / Rod Thomas / The Cribs / Make Model / Black Kids / Mystery Jets / Size 9 / Black Cherry / The Freestylers / The Seal Cub Clubbing Club / The Subways / Sheelanagig / Orphan Boy / Crystal Distortion / The Car Is On Fire / Blazin' Fiddles / Juldeh Camara / Chris Rea / Beber & Tamra / Dead Kids / Spiritualized / Patrick Watson / Billy Bragg / Annie Nightingale / Mirror System / Räfven / The Feeling / Hilltop Hoods / Jamie Lidell / Pete Gooding / Will Young / Sicknote / Los Campesinos! / Davide Rossi / The Futureheads / Dogtanion / Evi Vine / Glenn Tilbrook & The Fluffers / Elle s'appelle / Voodoo Trombone Quartet / Officer Kicks / Róisín Murphy / Moody Boyz / White Denim / Seize the Day / Magnetic Man / Hercules & Love Affair / The Pigeon Detectives / Kool Keith & Kutmasta Kurt / The Brian Jonestown Massacre / The Franks / Alex Paterson / Hobo Jones & The Junkyard Dogs / The Courteeners / Booka Shade / The Zutons / The Hold Steady / Eddy Temple Morris / N-Dubz / Los Albertos / Joan Baez / The Mirettes / Grinny Grandad / Red Letter Day / Jack Peñate / Pronghorn / The Hoosiers / Healer Selecta / Does It Offend You, Yeah? / Smash 'n' Grab / Eddy Grant / Married to the Sea / Alphabeat / Myth Of Unity / The She Creatures / The Carrivick Sisters / The Black Ghosts / 12 Stone Toddler / Robert Logan / MC Wrec / Fun Lovin' Criminals / Seasick Steve / The Enemy / British Sea Power / Dynamo's Rhythm Ace's / Digs... / Massukos / Dan Donnelly / The Soul Immigrants / Squarepusher / Port Erin / Luke Wright / Dead Silence / Katharine Blake / Mankala / Plaster of Paris / Almasäla / Blood Red Shoes / 28 Costumes / Candi Staton / Dr. Alex Patterson / Vetiver / The Mentalists / Edwyn Collins / The Lightyears / Joan Armatrading / Automatic / Queens Of Noize / Realistic Crew / Whoosh / Dirty Pretty Things / Bad Science / Martha Wainwright / Siyaya / Trevor Fung / The Daisy Riots / Mully / The Krak / Paprika Balkanicus / The Rocket Summer / Mama Shamone / Black Mountain / Nomad Jones / Wichita / Reverend and The Makers / Caspa / Ozomatli / Shakin' Stevens / Alan Tyler And The Lost Sons Of Littlefield / Audioporn / Young Runaways / Kid Sister / Andrew Motion / The Black Bloc / Bone-box / Audio Bullys / The Bluetones / Biggles Wartime Band / Peter Doherty / Utah Saints / Holy Fuck / Midnight Juggernauts / Kosheen / Shlomo and the Vocal Orchestra / Red Route / Rascals / Kraak & Smaak / 360 / Amy Winehouse / The Handsome Family / Tunng / Holestar / Ron Sexsmith / The Don Bradmans / Balkan Beat Box / i!AMYOU / Nicky Holloway / Levellers / Johnny Action Finger / Derek May / Demon Cabbage / Russ Jones / Digidub / Hollis Greene / Fos Brothers / Dub Pistols Soundsystem / Nuala And The Alchemy Quartet / One Night Only / The Glitzy Bag Hags / East Of Ealing / 4Fifteen / Way Out West / Hattie Hatstar / The Duke Spirit / Melancholy Moose Society / ilya K / Alec Townsend / Alabama 3 / Andy Hickie / The Whip / DJ Tayo / X-press 2 / Sean Rowley / The Boat Band / Emmy the Great / Fundamental Skillz / DJ Ipek / Teenagers / Roland the Bastard / Miss Behave / Simon Atkinson and the Ben Marcato Trio / Sian Evans & Simon Kingman / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / The Rusticles / The Unstoppable Team / Dubblehead / The Sex Slaves From Hell / Sense of Sound Choir / Brothers Bab / Keth / We Dont Play / Alex Metric / Roni Size / Yoav / Gilbert O'Sullivan / Dreadzone / Stanton Warriors / The King Blues / A Guy Called Gerald / Lightspeed Champion / Cicada / The Holloways / Dengue Fever / The Japanese Popstars / Young Knives / Toddla T / Nizlopi / Sons and Daughters / The Soulsavers / The Slackers / Caspa & Rusko / Teddy Thompson / Hayseed Dixie / Erol Alkan / James Zabiela / Beardyman / Operator Please / Portico / DJ Format / Martina Topley Bird / Eric Bibb / AutoKratz / Tift Merritt / Infadels / Natty / Count & Sinden / Neon Neon / Stephen Fretwell / Seth Lakeman / PVT / Eugene McGuinness / Mungo's Hi Fi / Hazel O'Connor / Magic Wands / Tom Baxter / Banco de Gaia / Rex the Dog / The Black Dog / Golden Silvers / Carl Barât / Nick Warren / The Pietasters / Sky Larkin / Derrick May / Vandaveer / Rodney P / Lemon / Cerys Matthews / Punks Jump Up / Neil Cowley Trio / Annie Mac / Swimming / Cadence Weapon / System 7 / Dynamite MC / The Wurzels / Cagedbaby / These United States / Ebony Bones! / Bison / Dr Meaker / Cap'tain / The Blockheads / Cocknbullkid / The Paddingtons / Blak Twang / Magistrates / Skream & Benga / Zion Train / The Travelling Band / Joe Lean & The Jing Jang Jong / The Men They Couldn't Hang / Dr Rubberfunk / DJ Die / Horse Meat Disco / Modern Skirts / Babel / Soul of Man / Six by Seven / Toby Tobias / Beat Torrent / Kid Harpoon / Deekline & Wizard / Dub Colossus / Lee Coombs / Slyde / The Imagined Village / Royworld / Appleblim / Diane Charlemagne / Rachel Unthank & The Winterset / MC Xander / Million Dan / The Neville Staple Band / The Undercover Hippy / Shitmat / The Urban Voodoo Machine / Dj Dee Kline / Phantom Limb / Shantel & Bucovina Club Orkestar / Kathy Diamond Show all bands
Worthy Farm Pilton, England, United Kingdom
Jun 25, 2008 –
Jun 30, 2008
Glastonbury Festival 2008
Kings Of Leon / Mumford & Sons / John Mayer / MGMT / Panic! At the Disco / Jay-Z / The Script / Vampire Weekend / Mark Ronson / Florence + the Machine / Lupe Fiasco / Franz Ferdinand / The National / Band of Horses / Ciara / James Blunt / Massive Attack / Foals / Lykke Li / The Verve / The Wombats / Fatboy Slim / Hot Chip / Santigold / Estelle / Crystal Castles / Metronomy / St. Vincent / Caribou / The Ting Tings / The Raconteurs / The Fratellis / Neil Diamond / Dizzee Rascal / My Morning Jacket / Example / Pendulum / Biffy Clyro / Editors / Elbow / Duffy / Groove Armada / Cut Copy / Goldfrapp / KT Tunstall / The Kills / Yeasayer / Manu Chao / Crowded House / Kate Nash / Laura Marling / Friendly Fires / The Proclaimers / Ben Folds / Gossip / Sinéad O'Connor / Eliza Doolittle / Jamie T / The Last Shadow Puppets / Rusko / Stars / Leonard Cohen / Noah & The Whale / Scouting for Girls / Sub Focus / Frank Turner / Black Lips / Unkle / Patrick Watson / Jimmy Cliff / Amy Macdonald / Hilltop Hoods / We Are Scientists / Buddy Guy / Sam Sparro / Simian Mobile Disco / The Presets / Newton Faulkner / The Courteeners / Chris Rea / CSS / The Brian Jonestown Massacre / Mystery Jets / Spiritualized / Billy Bragg / Ladyhawke / Battles / The Cribs / Róisín Murphy / Glasvegas / Black Kids / Hercules & Love Affair / White Denim / Joan Baez / The Subways / Jamie Lidell / The Freestylers / Booka Shade / Will Young / N-Dubz / The Pigeon Detectives / The Feeling / The Futureheads / The Hoosiers / Los Campesinos! / The Zutons / The Hold Steady / Magnetic Man / Fun Lovin' Criminals / Jack Peñate / Seasick Steve / Does It Offend You, Yeah? / Eddy Grant / Alphabeat / Candi Staton / The Enemy / The Black Ghosts / Shakin' Stevens / Squarepusher / Joan Armatrading / Martha Wainwright / Edwyn Collins / Blood Red Shoes / Kraak & Smaak / Vetiver / Black Mountain / 360 / Reverend and The Makers / Dirty Pretty Things / The Bluetones / Peter Doherty / The Automatic / Ozomatli / Caspa / The Rocket Summer / Audio Bullys / The Handsome Family / Utah Saints / Holy Fuck / Kosheen / Kid Sister / Rascals / Midnight Juggernauts / Levellers / Balkan Beat Box / Gilbert O'Sullivan / Way Out West / Ron Sexsmith / Tunng / Alabama 3 / Amy Winehouse / Roni Size / Alex Metric / Stanton Warriors / X-press 2 / One Night Only / The Duke Spirit / Emmy the Great / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / The Whip / Dreadzone / Teenagers / Yoav / Mungo's Hi Fi / Toddla T / The King Blues / A Guy Called Gerald / Erol Alkan / Lightspeed Champion / Dengue Fever / The Holloways / Cicada / Beardyman / The Slackers / The Japanese Popstars / nizlopi / The Soulsavers / Young Knives / Hayseed Dixie / Teddy Thompson / Eric Bibb / Sons and Daughters / Natty / Tift Merritt / DJ Format / James Zabiela / Portico / Operator Please / Seth Lakeman / Caspa & Rusko / Hazel O'Connor / Stephen Fretwell / Infadels / AutoKratz / Martina Topley Bird / Neon Neon / The Black Dog / PVT / Count & Sinden / Magic Wands / Eugene McGuinness / Rex the Dog / Tom Baxter / Banco de Gaia / Rodney P / Nick Warren / Derrick May / Lemon / Carl Barât / The Pietasters / The Blockheads / Dynamite MC / Golden Silvers / Neil Cowley Trio / Cerys Matthews / Vandaveer / The Wurzels / Sky Larkin / Cadence Weapon / System 7 / Punks Jump Up / Dr Meaker / Annie Mac / Cagedbaby / Horse Meat Disco / Swimming / Bison / Ebony Bones! / These United States / Cap'tain / Zion Train / Blak Twang / The Paddingtons / The Men They Couldn't Hang / DJ Die / Anita Blay / Dr Rubberfunk / Magistrates / The Undercover Hippy / The Travelling Band / Skream & Benga / Diane Charlemagne / Babel / Joe Lean & The Jing Jang Jong / Six by Seven / Soul of Man / MC Xander / Toby Tobias / Modern Skirts / The Imagined Village / Beat Torrent / Deekline & Wizard / Dub Colossus / Kid Harpoon / Appleblim / Slyde / Lee Coombs / Royworld / Shitmat / The Urban Voodoo Machine / The Neville Staple Band / Million Dan / Yes Sir Boss / Rachel Unthank & The Winterset / Kathy Diamond / Shantel & Bucovina Club Orkestar / Phantom Limb / Dj Dee Kline / Atomic Hooligan / Attila the Stockbroker / 2020 Soundsystem / 3 Daft Monkeys / Samsara / Bass Clef / Babyhead / Be Your Own Pet / Amsterdam / Revere / Davide Rossi / Jason Forrest / XX Teens / Blazin' Fiddles / The Blessing / Beggars / Team Waterpolo / Solomon Burke / Stackridge / John Tams / Ethiopiques / Dawn Kinnard / Juldeh Camara / DJ Clipz / Size 9 / Crystal Distortion / Sheelanagig / Rod Thomas / Pete Gooding / Mirror System / Black Cherry / Alex Paterson / Make Model / Annie Nightingale / Orphan Boy / The Seal Cub Clubbing Club / Evi Vine / Räfven / Sicknote / The Car Is On Fire / Dead Kids / Beber & Tamra / Dogtanion / Grinny Grandad / Voodoo Trombone Quartet / Hobo Jones & The Junkyard Dogs / Seize the Day / Glenn Tilbrook & The Fluffers / Kool Keith & Kutmasta Kurt / Moody Boyz / Los Albertos / Myth Of Unity / Eddy Temple Morris / The Franks / Pronghorn / Elle s'appelle / Officer Kicks / The Mirettes / Smash 'n' Grab / Port Erin / Mully / Healer Selecta / Whoosh / 12 Stone Toddler / Married to the Sea / Digs... / The Carrivick Sisters / The She Creatures / Dead Silence / Robert Logan / Dan Donnelly / Mankala / Luke Wright / Katharine Blake / The Soul Immigrants / Dynamo's Rhythm Ace's / Massukos / MC Wrec / The Krak / Plaster of Paris / 28 Costumes / The Mentalists / The Lightyears / Almasäla / Realistic Crew / Trevor Fung / Bad Science / Dr. Alex Patterson / Siyaya / Queens Of Noize / Wichita / The Daisy Riots / Paprika Balkanicus / Audioporn / Biggles Wartime Band / Mama Shamone / Alan Tyler And The Lost Sons Of Littlefield / Nomad Jones / The Don Bradmans / Red Route / Fos Brothers / Derek May / Russ Jones / Johnny Action Finger / Holestar / i!AMYOU / Shlomo and the Vocal Orchestra / Young Runaways / The Black Bloc / Hollis Greene / Andrew Motion / Bone-box / Nicky Holloway / Dub Pistols Soundsystem / Demon Cabbage / Hattie Hatstar / Nuala And The Alchemy Quartet / Digidub / 4Fifteen / The Glitzy Bag Hags / Keth / East Of Ealing / Miss Behave / DJ Ipek / Andy Hickie / The Boat Band / ilya K / Melancholy Moose Society / Sean Rowley / Alec Townsend / Fundamental Skillz / DJ Tayo / Sian Evans & Simon Kingman / Simon Atkinson and the Ben Marcato Trio / The Rusticles / Sense of Sound Choir / Brothers Bab / The Sex Slaves From Hell / Dubblehead / Roland the Bastard / The Unstoppable Team / Red Letter Day (US) / We Dont Play / Sea Power Show all bands
Worthy Farm Pilton, England, United Kingdom
Jun 25, 2008 –
Jun 30, 2008
Glastonbury Festival 2008
Kings Of Leon / Mumford & Sons / John Mayer / MGMT / Panic! At the Disco / Jay-Z / The Script / Vampire Weekend / Mark Ronson / Florence + the Machine / Lupe Fiasco / Franz Ferdinand / The National / Band of Horses / Ciara / James Blunt / Massive Attack / Foals / Lykke Li / The Verve / The Wombats / Fatboy Slim / Hot Chip / Santigold / Estelle / Crystal Castles / Metronomy / St. Vincent / Caribou / The Ting Tings / The Raconteurs / The Fratellis / Neil Diamond / Dizzee Rascal / My Morning Jacket / Pendulum / Example / Biffy Clyro / Editors / Elbow / Duffy / Groove Armada / Cut Copy / Goldfrapp / KT Tunstall / The Kills / Manu Chao / Yeasayer / Crowded House / Laura Marling / Kate Nash / The Proclaimers / Friendly Fires / Ben Folds / Gossip / Sinéad O'Connor / The Last Shadow Puppets / Jamie T / Eliza Doolittle / Rusko / Stars / Leonard Cohen / Scouting for Girls / Noah & The Whale / Sub Focus / Frank Turner / Patrick Watson / Black Lips / Unkle / Jimmy Cliff / Amy Macdonald / Hilltop Hoods / We Are Scientists / Buddy Guy / Sam Sparro / Simian Mobile Disco / The Presets / Newton Faulkner / The Courteeners / Chris Rea / The Brian Jonestown Massacre / CSS / Spiritualized / Mystery Jets / Billy Bragg / Ladyhawke / Battles / The Cribs / Róisín Murphy / Glasvegas / Joan Baez / Hercules & Love Affair / White Denim / Black Kids / The Subways / Booka Shade / Jamie Lidell / The Freestylers / Will Young / N-Dubz / The Pigeon Detectives / The Feeling / Los Campesinos! / The Hoosiers / The Futureheads / The Zutons / The Hold Steady / Magnetic Man / Fun Lovin' Criminals / Jack Peñate / Seasick Steve / Does It Offend You, Yeah? / Alphabeat / Candi Staton / Eddy Grant / The Enemy / Squarepusher / Shakin' Stevens / Joan Armatrading / The Black Ghosts / Sea Power / Martha Wainwright / Edwyn Collins / Blood Red Shoes / Kraak & Smaak / Black Mountain / Vetiver / 360 / Reverend and The Makers / Peter Doherty / Dirty Pretty Things / The Bluetones / The Automatic / Ozomatli / Caspa / The Rocket Summer / The Handsome Family / Audio Bullys / Utah Saints / Holy Fuck / Kosheen / Kid Sister / The Rascals / Midnight Juggernauts / Levellers / Gilbert O'Sullivan / Balkan Beat Box / Way Out West / Ron Sexsmith / Tunng / Alabama 3 / Amy Winehouse / Roni Size / Stanton Warriors / Alex Metric / X-press 2 / One Night Only / The Duke Spirit / Emmy the Great / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / Mungo's Hi Fi / The Whip / Dreadzone / Teenagers / Yoav / Toddla T / The King Blues / A Guy Called Gerald / Erol Alkan / Lightspeed Champion / Dengue Fever / The Holloways / Cicada / The Slackers / Beardyman / The Japanese Popstars / nizlopi / The Soulsavers / Hayseed Dixie / Young Knives / Teddy Thompson / Eric Bibb / Sons and Daughters / Natty / Tift Merritt / DJ Format / James Zabiela / Seth Lakeman / Portico / Operator Please / Hazel O'Connor / Caspa & Rusko / Stephen Fretwell / Infadels / The Black Dog / Neon Neon / AutoKratz / Martina Topley Bird / PVT / Magic Wands / Count & Sinden / Eugene McGuinness / Rex the Dog / Tom Baxter / Banco de Gaia / Rodney P / Nick Warren / Derrick May / Lemon / The Pietasters / Carl Barât / The Blockheads / Dynamite MC / Neil Cowley Trio / Golden Silvers / Cerys Matthews / Vandaveer / The Wurzels / Sky Larkin / Cadence Weapon / System 7 / Punks Jump Up / Dr Meaker / Horse Meat Disco / Annie Mac / Cagedbaby / Swimming / Bison / Ebony Bones! / Zion Train / Cap'tain / These United States / Blak Twang / The Paddingtons / The Men They Couldn't Hang / DJ Die / The Undercover Hippy / Anita Blay / Dr Rubberfunk / Magistrates / The Travelling Band / Skream & Benga / Diane Charlemagne / Babel / Joe Lean & The Jing Jang Jong / Six by Seven / Soul of Man / MC Xander / Toby Tobias / Modern Skirts / The Imagined Village / Beat Torrent / Deekline & Wizard / Dub Colossus / Kid Harpoon / Appleblim / Slyde / Lee Coombs / Royworld / The Urban Voodoo Machine / Shitmat / The Neville Staple Band / Million Dan / Yes Sir Boss / Rachel Unthank & The Winterset / Kathy Diamond / Phantom Limb / Shantel & Bucovina Club Orkestar / Dj Dee Kline / Attila the Stockbroker / Atomic Hooligan / 3 Daft Monkeys / 2020 Soundsystem / Samsara / Bass Clef / Revere / Babyhead / Be Your Own Pet / Amsterdam / Blazin' Fiddles / Davide Rossi / Jason Forrest / The Blessing / XX Teens / Beggars / Stackridge / Solomon Burke / Team Waterpolo / John Tams / Ethiopiques / Dawn Kinnard / Juldeh Camara / Crystal Distortion / DJ Clipz / Size 9 / Sheelanagig / Pete Gooding / Rod Thomas / Mirror System / Black Cherry / Alex Paterson / Make Model / Annie Nightingale / Orphan Boy / The Seal Cub Clubbing Club / Evi Vine / Räfven / Sicknote / The Car Is On Fire / Dead Kids / Beber & Tamra / Dogtanion / Hobo Jones & The Junkyard Dogs / Voodoo Trombone Quartet / Seize the Day / Grinny Grandad / Glenn Tilbrook & The Fluffers / Kool Keith & Kutmasta Kurt / Los Albertos / Moody Boyz / Myth Of Unity / The Franks / Pronghorn / Eddy Temple Morris / Elle s'appelle / Officer Kicks / The Mirettes / Smash 'n' Grab / Mully / 12 Stone Toddler / Port Erin / Healer Selecta / Whoosh / Married to the Sea / Digs... / The Carrivick Sisters / Dead Silence / Robert Logan / Dan Donnelly / The She Creatures / Mankala / Luke Wright / The Soul Immigrants / Katharine Blake / Dynamo's Rhythm Ace's / Massukos / The Krak / MC Wrec / Plaster of Paris / 28 Costumes / The Lightyears / Trevor Fung / The Mentalists / Almasäla / Bad Science / Realistic Crew / Dr. Alex Patterson / Siyaya / Queens Of Noize / Wichita / The Daisy Riots / Paprika Balkanicus / Audioporn / Mama Shamone / Biggles Wartime Band / Alan Tyler And The Lost Sons Of Littlefield / Nomad Jones / Fos Brothers / Red Route / Johnny Action Finger / Russ Jones / Derek May / i!AMYOU / Holestar / The Don Bradmans / Andrew Motion / Hollis Greene / The Black Bloc / Bone-box / Young Runaways / Shlomo and the Vocal Orchestra / Nicky Holloway / Demon Cabbage / Dub Pistols Soundsystem / Digidub / Hattie Hatstar / Nuala And The Alchemy Quartet / The Glitzy Bag Hags / The Boat Band / Miss Behave / East Of Ealing / ilya K / 4Fifteen / Andy Hickie / Keth / Fundamental Skillz / Sean Rowley / Melancholy Moose Society / DJ Ipek / Sian Evans & Simon Kingman / Alec Townsend / DJ Tayo / Dubblehead / The Sex Slaves From Hell / Sense of Sound Choir / The Unstoppable Team / The Rusticles / Brothers Bab / Roland the Bastard / Simon Atkinson and the Ben Marcato Trio / We Dont Play / Red Letter Day (US) / The Swell Season Show all bands
Worthy Farm Pilton, England, United Kingdom
Jun 25, 2008 –
Jun 30, 2008
Glastonbury Festival 2008
Kings Of Leon / Mumford & Sons / John Mayer / Panic! At the Disco / MGMT / Jay-Z / The Script / Vampire Weekend / Florence + the Machine / Mark Ronson / Lupe Fiasco / Franz Ferdinand / The National / Band of Horses / Ciara / James Blunt / Massive Attack / Foals / Lykke Li / The Verve / The Wombats / Fatboy Slim / Hot Chip / Santigold / Crystal Castles / Estelle / Metronomy / St. Vincent / Caribou / Dizzee Rascal / Neil Diamond / The Fratellis / The Raconteurs / The Ting Tings / My Morning Jacket / Pendulum / Example / Biffy Clyro / Editors / Elbow / Duffy / Groove Armada / Goldfrapp / Cut Copy / KT Tunstall / Manu Chao / The Kills / Crowded House / Yeasayer / Laura Marling / Kate Nash / The Proclaimers / Friendly Fires / Ben Folds / Sinéad O'Connor / The Last Shadow Puppets / Gossip / Jamie T / Eliza Doolittle / Rusko / Scouting for Girls / Stars / Sub Focus / Leonard Cohen / Noah & The Whale / Patrick Watson / Frank Turner / Unkle / Jimmy Cliff / Black Lips / Hilltop Hoods / Amy Macdonald / We Are Scientists / Buddy Guy / Sam Sparro / Simian Mobile Disco / The Courteeners / The Brian Jonestown Massacre / Chris Rea / The Presets / Newton Faulkner / Spiritualized / CSS / Mystery Jets / Billy Bragg / Róisín Murphy / Battles / Ladyhawke / The Cribs / Glasvegas / Joan Baez / Hercules & Love Affair / White Denim / Black Kids / N-Dubz / Booka Shade / The Subways / Will Young / Jamie Lidell / The Freestylers / The Pigeon Detectives / Los Campesinos! / The Feeling / The Hoosiers / The Futureheads / The Zutons / The Hold Steady / Magnetic Man / Fun Lovin' Criminals / Jack Peñate / Seasick Steve / Candi Staton / Does It Offend You, Yeah? / Alphabeat / Eddy Grant / The Enemy / Joan Armatrading / Squarepusher / Shakin' Stevens / The Black Ghosts / Sea Power / Martha Wainwright / Edwyn Collins / Blood Red Shoes / Kraak & Smaak / Black Mountain / Vetiver / 360 / Reverend and The Makers / Peter Doherty / The Automatic / Dirty Pretty Things / The Bluetones / Ozomatli / Caspa / The Rocket Summer / The Handsome Family / Audio Bullys / Holy Fuck / Kosheen / Utah Saints / Kid Sister / Levellers / Gilbert O'Sullivan / The Rascals / Balkan Beat Box / Midnight Juggernauts / Way Out West / Ron Sexsmith / Alabama 3 / Tunng / Roni Size / Amy Winehouse / Stanton Warriors / Alex Metric / Mungo's Hi Fi / X-press 2 / One Night Only / The Duke Spirit / Emmy the Great / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / Dreadzone / The Whip / Teenagers / Yoav / The King Blues / Toddla T / A Guy Called Gerald / Erol Alkan / Lightspeed Champion / Dengue Fever / The Slackers / The Holloways / Cicada / Beardyman / The Japanese Popstars / nizlopi / The Soulsavers / Hayseed Dixie / Young Knives / Teddy Thompson / Eric Bibb / Sons and Daughters / Natty / Tift Merritt / DJ Format / James Zabiela / Seth Lakeman / Portico / Hazel O'Connor / Operator Please / Caspa & Rusko / Stephen Fretwell / The Black Dog / Infadels / Neon Neon / AutoKratz / Martina Topley Bird / Magic Wands / PVT / Count & Sinden / Rex the Dog / Eugene McGuinness / Banco de Gaia / Tom Baxter / Nick Warren / Rodney P / Derrick May / Lemon / The Pietasters / Carl Barât / The Blockheads / Neil Cowley Trio / Dynamite MC / Golden Silvers / Cerys Matthews / The Wurzels / Vandaveer / Sky Larkin / Cadence Weapon / System 7 / Horse Meat Disco / Punks Jump Up / Dr Meaker / Annie Mac / Cagedbaby / Swimming / Bison / Ebony Bones! / Zion Train / Cap'tain / These United States / Blak Twang / The Paddingtons / The Men They Couldn't Hang / The Undercover Hippy / DJ Die / Dr Rubberfunk / Anita Blay / Magistrates / The Travelling Band / Skream & Benga / Babel / Diane Charlemagne / Joe Lean & The Jing Jang Jong / Six by Seven / MC Xander / Soul of Man / The Imagined Village / Toby Tobias / Modern Skirts / Beat Torrent / Dub Colossus / Deekline & Wizard / Kid Harpoon / Appleblim / Slyde / Lee Coombs / Royworld / Shitmat / The Urban Voodoo Machine / The Neville Staple Band / Million Dan / Yes Sir Boss / Phantom Limb / Shantel & Bucovina Club Orkestar / Rachel Unthank & The Winterset / Kathy Diamond / Dj Dee Kline / Attila the Stockbroker / 3 Daft Monkeys / Revere / Atomic Hooligan / 2020 Soundsystem / Samsara / Bass Clef / Babyhead / Be Your Own Pet / Blazin' Fiddles / Amsterdam / Davide Rossi / Jason Forrest / The Blessing / XX Teens / Stackridge / Beggars / Team Waterpolo / John Tams / Solomon Burke / Ethiopiques / Crystal Distortion / Dawn Kinnard / Juldeh Camara / Size 9 / Sheelanagig / DJ Clipz / Mirror System / Pete Gooding / Rod Thomas / Black Cherry / Alex Paterson / Make Model / Annie Nightingale / Orphan Boy / The Seal Cub Clubbing Club / Evi Vine / Räfven / Sicknote / The Car Is On Fire / Dead Kids / Beber & Tamra / Hobo Jones & The Junkyard Dogs / Dogtanion / Voodoo Trombone Quartet / Seize the Day / Grinny Grandad / Glenn Tilbrook & The Fluffers / Kool Keith & Kutmasta Kurt / Los Albertos / Myth Of Unity / Moody Boyz / Pronghorn / The Franks / Eddy Temple Morris / Elle s'appelle / Officer Kicks / The Mirettes / Smash 'n' Grab / Mully / 12 Stone Toddler / Port Erin / Whoosh / Healer Selecta / Married to the Sea / Digs... / The Carrivick Sisters / Dan Donnelly / Dead Silence / Robert Logan / The She Creatures / Luke Wright / Mankala / The Soul Immigrants / Massukos / Dynamo's Rhythm Ace's / Katharine Blake / The Krak / MC Wrec / Plaster of Paris / The Lightyears / 28 Costumes / Trevor Fung / The Mentalists / Bad Science / Almasäla / Realistic Crew / Dr. Alex Patterson / Siyaya / Queens Of Noize / Wichita / The Daisy Riots / Audioporn / Paprika Balkanicus / Mama Shamone / Biggles Wartime Band / Alan Tyler And The Lost Sons Of Littlefield / Nomad Jones / Fos Brothers / Johnny Action Finger / Derek May / Red Route / i!AMYOU / Russ Jones / The Don Bradmans / The Black Bloc / Holestar / Bone-box / Andrew Motion / Hollis Greene / Young Runaways / Shlomo and the Vocal Orchestra / Nicky Holloway / Demon Cabbage / Dub Pistols Soundsystem / Hattie Hatstar / Digidub / Nuala And The Alchemy Quartet / The Glitzy Bag Hags / The Boat Band / Miss Behave / East Of Ealing / ilya K / 4Fifteen / Andy Hickie / DJ Ipek / Keth / Fundamental Skillz / Sean Rowley / Melancholy Moose Society / Sian Evans & Simon Kingman / Alec Townsend / Dubblehead / The Sex Slaves From Hell / Sense of Sound Choir / The Unstoppable Team / The Rusticles / Brothers Bab / Roland the Bastard / DJ Tayo / Simon Atkinson and the Ben Marcato Trio / We Dont Play / Red Letter Day (US) Show all bands
Worthy Farm Pilton, England, United Kingdom

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Some Photos From These Concerts

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122 users have seen Mungo's Hi Fi including:
 Katie Wisniewski
 Leah Tedesco
 James Cahill
 Paul Roberts

As Seen On: