Skelf has 2 Yuck concerts.

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Date Concert Venue Location
May 25, 2012 –
May 27, 2012
ATP I'll Be Your Mirror 2012
Wolves In the Throne Room / Mogwai / Slayer / Tennis / Yuck / Thee Oh Sees / Melvins / Mudhoney / The Afghan Whigs / Sleep / Balam Acab / Chavez / The Soft Moon / Dirty Three / Sleepy Sun / Forest Swords / Yob / Siskiyou / Demdike Stare / Harvey Milk / Blanck Mass / Make-Up / Floor / Codeine / A Storm of Light / Bill Wells & Aidan Moffat / Umberto / Tall Firs / Antoni Maiovvi / Archers Of Loaf Show all bands
Alexandra Palace London, England, United Kingdom
May 04, 2012 –
May 05, 2012
Estrella Levante SOS 4.8 2012
The Flaming Lips / The Kills / Mogwai / Pulp / Friendly Fires / Gossip / Simian Mobile Disco / CSS / The Magnetic Fields / Yuck / Buraka Som Sistema / Love of Lesbian / Parade / La Casa Azul / Nacho Vegas / bigott / The New Raemon / Delorentos / Kiko Veneno / The Zombie Kids / Antònia Font / Hidrogenesse / Klaus&Kinski / Grupo de Expertos Solynieve / Buffetlibre / Eme DJ / la estrella de david / The Marzipan Man / Mattew Herbert Dj Set / Miqui Puig & Original Jazz Orquestra Del Taller De Músics Show all bands
Recinto Ferial de La Fica Murcia, Murcia, Spain

Some Videos From These Concerts

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Some Photos From These Concerts

There are no photos from these concerts.

316 users have seen Yuck including:
 Justin Thiele
 Alissa T.
 Stephen Schenk
 Rick Brose
 Joe Saturday
 Sam Waters
 Lazy David

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