Scuba Steve64's Concert Archive

Born on 10/17/1960 Graduated High School in 1978 Married in 1982

Philadelphia     Joined August 2021    

Scuba Steve64 has seen "Weird Al" Yankovic 1 time.

Alfred Matthew "Weird Al" Yankovic (born October 23, 1959 in Downey, California) is an American singer-songwriter, music producer, actor, comedian, satirist, accordion player and kazooist. Yankovic is known in particular for his humorous songs that make light of popular culture and that often parody specific songs by contemporary musical acts. Since his first-aired song parody in 1976, he has sold more than 12 million albums—more than any other comedy act in history—recorded more than 150 parody and original songs...

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Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 08, 1987
The Monkees / Weird Al Yankovic


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The Mann Music Center Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

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The Monkees / Weird Al Yankovic on Aug 8, 1987 [047-small]

The Monkees / Weird Al Yankovic
Aug 8, 1987
 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
  Uploaded by Scuba Steve64

1511 users have seen "Weird Al" Yankovic including:
 Alissa T.
 Landon Defever
 Stephen Schenk
 Feather In A Storm
 Fozzy B
 William Le Grand
 Ryan E

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