Sarah Melodie has 2 ZSK concerts.

ZSK is a German punk band founded in 1997. They are widely known for their anti-fascist lyrics. They've started a anti-nazi campaign called "Kein Bock auf Nazis" supported by other German artists, including Die Ärzte, Die Toten Hosen, Donots, Madsen and many more. After being very succesful in the german Punkrock-Scene they started playing big Tours, including support-gigs for Die Toten Hosen and other widely known bands.

View ZSK's main page

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 23, 2023 –
Jun 25, 2023
Full Force Festival 2023
Papa Roach / Motionless In White / Gojira / Meshuggah / Hatebreed / Attila / Chelsea Grin / While She Sleeps / Born of Osiris / The Menzingers / Touché Amoré / Sleep Token / Electric Callboy / Avatar / Polaris / Decapitated / Jinjer / Spiritbox / H2O / Terror / Stand Atlantic / Caliban / Loathe / Bloodbath / Stray From The Path / Igorrr / Nova Twins / Blind Channel / Annisokay / Kublai Khan TX / Harm's Way / Vukovi / Lionheart / Rise of the Northstar / Wargasm / Vended / Aviana / Author & Punisher / Static Dress / Novelists (FR) / Zulu / ZSK / Employed To Serve / Mantar / Petrol Girls / The Halo Effect / Svalbard / Spirit Adrift / Slope / Gaerea / SpiritWorld / Konvent / DŸSE / Paledusk / Borders / Heriot / MILKING THE GOATMACHINE / Ways Away / Mimi Barks / Risk It / Samurai Pizza Cats / Paleface Swiss / The Scratch Band / UnityTX / Guilt Trip (US) / Unearth / Dog Eat Dog / Landmvrks Show all bands
Full Force Festival Gräfenhainichen, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Jun 23, 2023 –
Jun 25, 2023
Full Force 2023
Akuma Six / Annisokay / Attila / Author and Punisher / Avatar / Aviana / Axel One & Ernie Fleetenkieker / Blind Channel / Bloodbath / BLUTHUND / Born of Osiris / Caliban / Celeste / Chelsea Grin / Cytotoxin / Decapitated / Defeater / DJane Lana & DJ Eric / Dog Eat Dog / Dyse / Electric Callboy / Employed To Serve / End / Gaerea / Gleich Und Gleicher / Gojira / Guilt Trip / Hatebreed / Heriot / Igorrr / Insomnium / Jinjer / Konvent / Kublai Khan TX / Landmvrks / lil lotus / Lionheart / Loathe / Mantar / Meshuggah / Metalza / MILKING THE GOATMACHINE / Mimi Barks / Motionless In White / Nova Twins / Of Virtue / Our Mirage / Paledusk / Paleface Swiss / Papa Roach / Petrol Girls / Rise of the Northstar / Risk It! / Samurai Pizza Cats / Skindred / Sleep Token / Slope / Spiritbox / SpiritWorld / Stand Atlantic / Static Dress / Stray from the Path / Svalbard / Sylvaine / Terror / The Baboon Show / The Bronx / The Halo Effect / The Menzingers / The Ocean In Your Mind / The Scratch / Thenia AF & Amokkoma / Touché Amoré / Unearth / Unity TX / Vended / Vukovi / Wargasm / Ways Away / While She Sleeps / ZSK / Zulu Show all bands
Ferropolis - Stadt Aus Eisen Gräfenhainichen, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

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