Santona's Concert Archive

Philly/Boston     Joined December 2017    

Santona has 21 Every Time I Die concerts.

Every Time I Die was a metalcore band from Buffalo, New York, USA, that existed from 1998 to 2022. For most of the band's career, the line-up was centred on brothers Keith (vocals) and Jordan Buckley (guitar), as well as rhythm guitarist Andy Williams with bassist Stephen Micciche being in the band for a collective 15 of its 24 years. After spending the first decade of their career on the Ferret Music label, they signed with Epitaph Records in 2008 and remained there until their split in early 2022.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 29, 2018
Vans Warped Tour 2018
Four Year Strong / Don Broco / Reel Big Fish / Senses Fail / MyChildren MyBride / 3OH!3 / Real Friends / August Burns Red / Unearth / Every Time I Die / Simple Plan / Issues / Ice Nine Kills / Chelsea Grin / The Amity Affliction / Knuckle Puck / Dayseeker / This Wild Life / Deez Nuts / Wage War / As It Is / Trash Boat / Twiztid / Nekrogoblikon / In Hearts Wake / Kublai Khan / Waterparks / Sleep On It / Grayscale / Less Than Jake / Assuming We Survive / Palaye Royale / Vans Warped Tour / Sharptooth / Story Untold / Doll Skin / Chase Atlantic / Tonight Alive / State Champs / The Interrupters / Farewell Winters / Mayday Parade / We The Kings / The Makeout / Broadside / LIGHTERBURNS / Kaiser Solzie / Crown the Empire / Motionless In White Show all bands
Merriweather Post Pavilion Columbia, Maryland, United States
Jul 28, 2018
Vans Warped Tour 2018
Four Year Strong / Don Broco / Reel Big Fish / Senses Fail / MyChildren MyBride / Silverstein / 3OH!3 / Real Friends / The Maine / Unearth / Every Time I Die / Simple Plan / Issues / Ice Nine Kills / Chelsea Grin / The Amity Affliction / Knuckle Puck / Dayseeker / This Wild Life / Deez Nuts / Wage War / As It Is / Trash Boat / Twiztid / Nekrogoblikon / In Hearts Wake / Kublai Khan / Waterparks / Sleep On It / Grayscale / Movements / Assuming We Survive / Palaye Royale / With Confidence / Vans Warped Tour / Sharptooth / Story Untold / Asking Alexandria / Doll Skin / Chase Atlantic / Tonight Alive / State Champs / The Interrupters / Farewell Winters / Capstan / Mayday Parade / We The Kings / The Makeout / Broadside / LIGHTERBURNS / Grudgeholder / Kaiser Solzie / STRINGER / Crown the Empire / Motionless In White Show all bands
Northwell Health at Jones Beach Theater Wantagh, New York, United States
Jul 18, 2018
Vans Warped Tour 2018
MyChildren MyBride / Issues / Crown The Empire / Reel Big Fish / Silverstein / Underoath / Unearth / Ice Nine Kills / Wage War / As It Is / We The Kings / Don Broco / The Maine / Knuckle Puck / Story Untold / State Champs / Four Year Strong / Nekrogoblikon / In Hearts Wake / Bowling For Soup / Less Than Jake / Waterparks / Doll Skin / Simple Plan / Real Friends / Trash Boat / Sleep On It / Twiztid / Harm's Way / Tonight Alive / Vans Warped Tour / Assuming We Survive / Every Time I Die / Capstan / Mayday Parade / The Makeout / Broadside / LIGHTERBURNS / Farewell Winters / Kaiser Solzie / Motionless In White / Deez Nuts / Chelsea Grin / This Wild Life / Movements / Sharptooth / With Confidence / 3OH!3 / Alteras / The Amity Affliction / Palaye Royale / Grayscale / Knocked Loose / The Interrupters / Chase Atlantic / Dayseeker Show all bands
Blossom Music Center Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, United States
Jul 17, 2018
Vans Warped Tour 2018
Four Year Strong / Reel Big Fish / Sum 41 / Senses Fail / MyChildren MyBride / Silverstein / 3OH!3 / Real Friends / Underoath / Unearth / Every Time I Die / Simple Plan / Issues / Ice Nine Kills / Chelsea Grin / The Amity Affliction / Harm's Way / Knuckle Puck / This Wild Life / Wage War / As It Is / Trash Boat / Twiztid / Nekrogoblikon / In Hearts Wake / Kublai Khan / Waterparks / Sleep On It / Grayscale / Movements / Assuming We Survive / Palaye Royale / With Confidence / Sharptooth / Story Untold / Doll Skin / Chase Atlantic / Tonight Alive / State Champs / The Interrupters / Farewell Winters / Capstan / Mayday Parade / We The Kings / The Makeout / Broadside / LIGHTERBURNS / Kill No Albatross / Rose Cora Perry / Kaiser Solzie / Motionless In White / The Maine / Crown the Empire / Don Broco Show all bands
The Flats at Budweiser Stage Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Jul 15, 2018
Vans Warped Tour 2018
Four Year Strong / Don Broco / Reel Big Fish / Senses Fail / MyChildren MyBride / 3OH!3 / Real Friends / Unearth / Every Time I Die / Simple Plan / Issues / Ice Nine Kills / Chelsea Grin / The Amity Affliction / Harm's Way / Knuckle Puck / Dayseeker / This Wild Life / Deez Nuts / Wage War / As It Is / Trash Boat / Twiztid / Nekrogoblikon / In Hearts Wake / Kublai Khan / Waterparks / Sleep On It / Grayscale / Assuming We Survive / Palaye Royale / Vans Warped Tour / Story Untold / Doll Skin / Chase Atlantic / Bowling for Soup / Tonight Alive / Idle Lives / State Champs / The Interrupters / Farewell Winters / Mayday Parade / We The Kings / The Makeout / Broadside / Falling In Reverse / Kaiser Solzie / marko and the bruisers / Crown the Empire / Motionless In White Show all bands
Xfinity Theatre Hartford, Connecticut, United States
Jul 14, 2018
Vans Warped Tour 2018
Kublai Khan TX / Senses Fail / Dayseeker / Motionless In White / Grayscale / In Hearts Wake / State Champs / LIGHTERBURNS / Knuckle Puck / Assuming We Survive / We The Kings / Tonight Alive / Wage War / Falling In Reverse / 3OH!3 / The Interrupters / Real Friends / Chase Atlantic / Bowling For Soup / Twiztid / Capstan / With Confidence / The Stolen / As It Is / Nekrogoblikon / Every Time I Die / Deez Nuts / Reel Big Fish / The Amity Affliction / Farewell Winters / Sleep On It / Waterparks / Kaiser Solzie / MyChildren MyBride / Vans Warped Tour / Story Untold / The Makeout / Broadside / Simple Plan / Chelsea Grin / Four Year Strong / Crown The Empire / Sharptooth / Harm's Way / Don Broco / Palaye Royale / The Maine / Movements / Ice Nine Kills / This Wild Life / Unearth / Hatebreed / Trash Boat / Issues / Mayday Parade / Doll Skin / William Ryan Key / Yungblud / Yellowcard Show all bands
PNC Bank Arts Center Holmdel, New Jersey, United States
Jul 13, 2018
Vans Warped Tour 2018
Crown The Empire / Chelsea Grin / Issues / Capstan / With Confidence / Deez Nuts / Grayscale / Trash Boat / Movements / Nekrogoblikon / Palaye Royale / 3OH!3 / The Makeout / We The Kings / Vans Warped Tour / LIGHTERBURNS / L.I.F.T / Twiztid / Harm's Way / Story Untold / MyChildren MyBride / Sharptooth / Kaiser Solzie / Civil Youth / Farewell Winters / The Maine / Falling In Reverse / This Wild Life / Wage War / Assuming We Survive / The Amity Affliction / Dayseeker / Motionless In White / Don Broco / Tonight Alive / Simple Plan / Mayday Parade / Bowling For Soup / Reel Big Fish / Four Year Strong / Hatebreed / Every Time I Die / State Champs / Real Friends / Unearth / Ice Nine Kills / Knuckle Puck / As It Is / Chase Atlantic / In Hearts Wake / Waterparks / Broadside / Sleep On It / Doll Skin / Kublai Khan TX / William Ryan Key Show all bands
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BB&T Pavilion Camden, New Jersey, United States
Jul 19, 2016
Vans Warped Tour 2016
Sum 41 / Good Charlotte / Mayday Parade / Sleeping With Sirens / We The Kings / New Found Glory / The Maine / Atreyu / Reel Big Fish / Pepper / Less Than Jake / Four Year Strong / The Word Alive / I See Stars / Tonight Alive / The Story So Far / Issues / Every Time I Die / Chelsea Grin / Whitechapel / Emarosa / Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! / Young Guns / Set It Off / Real Friends / State Champs / Secrets / Ghost Town / Veil of Maya / The Color Morale / Ballyhoo! / Ice Nine Kills / Knuckle Puck / Vanna / Teenage Bottlerocket / Oceans Ate Alaska / In Hearts Wake / From Ashes to New / With Confidence / The Interrupters / Wage War / Waterparks / Gideon / Masked Intruder / Coldrain / Cruel Hand / ROAM / Capsize / Like Pacific / Palaye Royale / Cane Hill / Avion Roe / Bad Seed Rising / The Heirs / Safe To Say / Sykes / Assuming We Survive / Old Wounds / Mother Feather / Reckless Serenade / Dash Ten / Against The Current / Too Close To Touch / SayWeCanFly / Motionless in White / Bullet for my Valentine / Broadside / Falling In Reverse / Crown the Empire Show all bands
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Klipsch Music Center Noblesville, Indiana, United States
Jul 17, 2016
Vans Warped Tour 2016
Sum 41 / Yellowcard / New Found Glory / The Maine / Reel Big Fish / Pepper / Less Than Jake / Four Year Strong / I See Stars / The Word Alive / Every Time I Die / Chelsea Grin / The Story So Far / Issues / Whitechapel / Emarosa / Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! / Young Guns / Secrets / Real Friends / Veil of Maya / The Color Morale / Set It Off / Ballyhoo! / Volumes / Ghost Town / Vanna / Ice Nine Kills / Teenage Bottlerocket / Knuckle Puck / In Hearts Wake / Gideon / Cruel Hand / Masked Intruder / Coldrain / From Ashes to New / Capsize / Avion Roe / Silent Planet / Wage War / Like Pacific / Sykes / With Confidence / Waterparks / Safe To Say / Bad Seed Rising / Old Wounds / Palaye Royale / Cane Hill / Assuming We Survive / The Heirs / Mother Feather / Reckless Serenade / Dash Ten / Sleeping With Sirens / Oceans Ate Alaska / ROAM / Tonight Alive / Against The Current / The Interrupters / State Champs / SayWeCanFly / We The Kings / Too Close To Touch / Mayday Parade / Motionless in White / Broadside / Falling In Reverse / Crown the Empire Show all bands
PNC Bank Arts Center Holmdel, New Jersey, United States
Jul 16, 2016
Vans Warped Tour 2016
Sum 41 / Sleeping With Sirens / Mayday Parade / We The Kings / Falling In Reverse / New Found Glory / The Maine / Reel Big Fish / Motionless In White / Pepper / Less Than Jake / Crown the Empire / The Story So Far / The Word Alive / Four Year Strong / I See Stars / Tonight Alive / Issues / Set It Off / Every Time I Die / Whitechapel / Chelsea Grin / State Champs / Emarosa / Real Friends / Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! / Ice Nine Kills / Young Guns / Against the Current / Secrets / Veil of Maya / Ghost Town / Knuckle Puck / Waterparks / Volumes / The Color Morale / Ballyhoo! / The Interrupters / With Confidence / From Ashes to New / Wage War / Teenage Bottlerocket / Vanna / Palaye Royale / Oceans Ate Alaska / In Hearts Wake / Too Close to Touch / SayWeCanFly / Broadside / Gideon / ROAM / Silent Planet / Hail the Sun / Coldrain / Masked Intruder / Cane Hill / Cruel Hand / Like Pacific / Bad Seed Rising / Avion Roe / The Heirs / Assuming We Survive / Safe To Say / Sykes / Old Wounds / Mother Feather / Reckless Serenade / Dash Ten Show all bands
Merriweather Post Pavilion Columbia, Maryland, United States
Jul 09, 2016
Vans Warped Tour 2016
Dash Ten / Crown The Empire / The Story So Far / Pepper / Emarosa / Issues / The Word Alive / With Confidence / Like Pacific / Waterparks / Assuming We Survive / The Heirs / ROAM / Set It Off / Palaye Royale / Mother Feather / From Ashes to New / Ghost Town / Wage War / Reckless Serenade / Volumes / Old Wounds / Masked Intruder / Gideon / Knuckle Puck / The Maine / State Champs / We The Kings / Mayday Parade / SayWeCanFly / Broadside / Falling In Reverse / The Interrupters / Sykes / Four Year Strong / Vanna / Avion Roe / Silent Planet / Safe To Say / New Found Glory / I See Stars / Oceans Ate Alaska / Reel Big Fish / Bad Seed Rising / Ice Nine Kills / Every Time I Die / Real Friends / Cruel Hand / Ballyhoo! / Coldrain / SECRETS / The Color Morale / Teenage Bottlerocket / Young Guns / Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! / Against the Current / Motionless In White / Cane Hill / In Hearts Wake / Sum 41 / Sleeping With Sirens / Hail the Sun / Too Close to Touch / Less Than Jake / Whitechapel / Veil of Maya / Tonight Alive / Chelsea Grin / Yellowcard Show all bands
Northwell Health at Jones Beach Theater Wantagh, New York, United States
Jul 08, 2016
Vans Warped Tour 2016
Sum 41 / Mayday Parade / Sleeping With Sirens / We The Kings / New Found Glory / The Maine / Reel Big Fish / Pepper / Less Than Jake / Four Year Strong / Against The Current / The Word Alive / I See Stars / Too Close To Touch / Tonight Alive / The Story So Far / Issues / SayWeCanFly / Every Time I Die / Chelsea Grin / Whitechapel / Emarosa / Motionless in White / Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! / Young Guns / Set It Off / Real Friends / State Champs / Secrets / Ghost Town / Veil of Maya / The Color Morale / Volumes / Ballyhoo! / Ice Nine Kills / Knuckle Puck / Vanna / Teenage Bottlerocket / Oceans Ate Alaska / In Hearts Wake / From Ashes to New / With Confidence / The Interrupters / Wage War / Waterparks / Gideon / Masked Intruder / Coldrain / Cruel Hand / ROAM / Hail the Sun / Silent Planet / Like Pacific / Palaye Royale / Cane Hill / Avion Roe / Bad Seed Rising / The Heirs / Safe To Say / Sykes / Assuming We Survive / Old Wounds / Mother Feather / Reckless Serenade / Dash Ten / Crown the Empire / Broadside / Falling In Reverse Show all bands
BB&T Pavilion Camden, New Jersey, United States
Jul 26, 2012
Vans Warped Tour 2012
All Time Low / G-Eazy / Mayday Parade / Yellowcard / Sleeping With Sirens / Taking Back Sunday / We The Kings / Pierce the Veil / Machine Gun Kelly / Of Mice & Men / Breathe Carolina / New Found Glory / Memphis May Fire / blessthefall / Senses Fail / Miss May I / Four Year Strong / Tonight Alive / We Are the In Crowd / Anti-Flag / Bayside / Every Time I Die / Twin Atlantic / Streetlight Manifesto / Chelsea Grin / Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! / Born of Osiris / The Ghost Inside / Title Fight / Man Overboard / Travis Mills / Wax / We Are the Ocean / Iwrestledabearonce / Transit / Funeral Party / Ballyhoo! / After the Burial / The Green / Polar Bear Club / Into It. Over It. / Vanna / The Constellations / Tomorrows Bad Seeds / Sick of Sarah / Dead Sara / Cherri Bomb / Impending Doom / A Loss for Words / I Am the Avalanche / Wick-it the Instigator / Vampires Everywhere! / Make Do and Mend / Stepdad / I Fight Dragons / Divided By Friday / Darlings / KOJI / Echo Movement / Rise To Remain / I Call Fives / Skip the Foreplay / It Boys! / Catchingyourclouds / Hostage Calm / Ten Second Epic / Living With Lions / The Jukebox Romantics / Anthony Raneri / Young London / Hyro Da Hero / Matt Toka / Lost In Society / Brian Marquis / Cold Forty Three / Vinnie Caruana / Captain Capa / Champagne Champagne / The Silver Comet / Mighty Mongo / Bangups / Oh No Fiasco / jUsTiNa / June Divided / Super Water Sympathy / Owen Plant / Molo Eight / Tony D'angelo / Fireworks for Today / Motionless in White / Mod Sun / Falling In Reverse Show all bands
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Cellairis Amphitheatre at Lakewood Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Jul 22, 2012
Vans Warped Tour 2012
Senses Fail / Miss May I / Four Year Strong / Yellowcard / We Are the In Crowd / Taking Back Sunday / Bayside / Anti-Flag / Twin Atlantic / Streetlight Manifesto / Every Time I Die / Chelsea Grin / Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! / The Ghost Inside / Man Overboard / T. Mills / Title Fight / Breathe Carolina / We Are the Ocean / Funeral Party / New Found Glory / Wax / Polar Bear Club / You Me At Six / Ballyhoo! / Of Mice & Men / Vanna / The Green / The Constellations / Machine Gun Kelly / After the Burial / Into It. Over It. / Sick of Sarah / Cherri Bomb / G-Eazy / Tomorrows Bad Seeds / Impending Doom / Wick-it the Instigator / I Am the Avalanche / Vampires Everywhere! / Dead Sara / Mod Sun / Stepdad / Divided By Friday / I Fight Dragons / Darlings / I Call Fives / Rise To Remain / Echo Movement / Skip the Foreplay / It Boys! / Hostage Calm / Catchingyourclouds / Ten Second Epic / Living With Lions / The Jukebox Romantics / Young London / Anthony Raneri / Lost In Society / Brian Marquis / Matt Toka / Hyro Da Hero / Cold Forty Three / The Silver Comet / Ceschi / Mighty Mongo / Champagne Champagne / Bangups / Captain Capa / Vinnie Caruana / Survay Says! / Super Water Sympathy / jUsTiNa / June Divided / Owen Plant / Molo Eight / Tony D'angelo / Happy Little Clouds / Kevin Meyer / Fireworks for Today / Iwrestledabearonce / Memphis May Fire / Born of Osiris / Sleeping With Sirens / blessthefall / Make Do and Mend / All Time Low / A Loss for Words / Transit / Tonight Alive / KOJI / We The Kings / Mayday Parade / Falling In Reverse / Pierce the Veil / Motionless in White Show all bands
Xfinity Theatre Hartford, Connecticut, United States
Jul 20, 2012
Vans Warped Tour 2012
G-Eazy / All Time Low / Machine Gun Kelly / Sleeping With Sirens / Mayday Parade / Pierce the Veil / Yellowcard / We The Kings / Taking Back Sunday / Falling In Reverse / Of Mice & Men / You Me At Six / New Found Glory / Breathe Carolina / Motionless In White / Memphis May Fire / Blessthefall / Senses Fail / Miss May I / Four Year Strong / Tonight Alive / Anti-Flag / Bayside / Streetlight Manifesto / We Are the In Crowd / Every Time I Die / Chelsea Grin / Twin Atlantic / Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! / Born of Osiris / Title Fight / The Ghost Inside / MOD SUN / Travis Mills / Man Overboard / Wax / After the Burial / The Green / Ballyhoo! / Transit / We Are the Ocean / Iwrestledabearonce / Funeral Party / Into It. Over It. / Vanna / Polar Bear Club / The Constellations / Dead Sara / Impending Doom / Tomorrows Bad Seeds / Cherri Bomb / Sick of Sarah / I Fight Dragons / A Loss for Words / Stepdad / I Am the Avalanche / Make Do and Mend / Wick-it the Instigator / Vampires Everywhere! / Divided By Friday / Koji / Echo Movement / Darlings / Rise To Remain / I Call Fives / It Boys! / Skip the Foreplay / Hyro The Hero / Catchingyourclouds / Hostage Calm / Living With Lions / Ten Second Epic / The Jukebox Romantics / Anthony Raneri / Matt Toka / Lost In Society / Brian Marquis / Vinnie Caruana / Cold Forty Three / Captain Capa / Bangups / Champagne Champagne / Mighty Mongo / The Silver Comet / jUsTiNa / Super Water Sympathy / Owen Plant / Molo Eight / Tony D'angelo / Fireworks for Today / Blood On The Dancefloor Show all bands
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BB&T Pavilion Camden, New Jersey, United States
Jul 13, 2012
Vans Warped Tour 2012
Yellowcard / Taking Back Sunday / The Used / Breathe Carolina / New Found Glory / You Me At Six / Senses Fail / Miss May I / Anti-Flag / We Are the In Crowd / Streetlight Manifesto / Every Time I Die / Twin Atlantic / Chelsea Grin / Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! / The Ghost Inside / G-Eazy / Man Overboard / T. Mills / We Are the Ocean / Funeral Party / Title Fight / Machine Gun Kelly La / Polar Bear Club / Wax / Ballyhoo! / After the Burial / The Constellations / Sick of Sarah / Into It. Over It. / The Green / Vampires Everywhere! / Wick-it the Instigator / Impending Doom / Tomorrows Bad Seeds / Divided By Friday / I Fight Dragons / Darlings / Rise To Remain / Stepdad / I Call Fives / Skip the Foreplay / Dead Sara / Echo Movement / It Boys! / Ten Second Epic / Hostage Calm / Catchingyourclouds / Living With Lions / The Jukebox Romantics / Matt Toka / Hyro Da Hero / Cold Forty Three / Anthony Raneri / Brian Marquis / Young London / The Silver Comet / Champagne Champagne / Bangups / Ceschi / Captain Capa / Mighty Mongo / Vinnie Caruana / Super Water Sympathy / jUsTiNa / Owen Plant / Molo Eight / Tony D'angelo / Kevin Meyer / Fireworks for Today / Bayside / Four Year Strong / Of Mice & Men / Mod Sun / Vanna / I Am the Avalanche / Iwrestledabearonce / Lost In Society / Memphis May Fire / blessthefall / Sleeping With Sirens / All Time Low / Born of Osiris / Make Do and Mend / A Loss for Words / Transit / Mayday Parade / KOJI / Tonight Alive / Pierce the Veil / We The Kings / Motionless in White / Falling In Reverse Show all bands
PNC Bank Arts Center Holmdel, New Jersey, United States
Aug 11, 2010
Vans Warped Tour 2010
Mike Posner / Bring Me The Horizon / Sum 41 / Mayday Parade / Pierce the Veil / Dropkick Murphys / Of Mice & Men / Never Shout Never / The Pretty Reckless / You Me At Six / Breathe Carolina / Everclear / The Cab / Parkway Drive / Alkaline Trio / Reel Big Fish / Suicide Silence / Attack Attack! / Alesana / The Word Alive / Hey Monday / The Summer Set / Anti-Flag / We Are the In Crowd / Every Time I Die / The Dillinger Escape Plan / Our Last Night / Whitechapel / Emmure / Andrew W.K. / Emarosa / The Rocket Summer / Set Your Goals / Eyes Set to Kill / Anarbor / Face To Face / VersaEmerge / Iwrestledabearonce / In Fear and Faith / The Casualties / Agent Orange / Confide / Haste the Day / Automatic Loveletter / Closure In Moscow / Green Jellÿ / Breathe Electric / Riverboat Gamblers / Fake Problems / Deas Vail / Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band / The Bots / The Untouchables / Cobra Skulls / Echo Movement / I Can Make a Mess Like Nobody's Business / This Time Next Year / After Midnight Project / Left Alone / The B Foundation / AM Taxi / Neo Geo / Fight Fair / The Jukebox Romantics / Chase Long Beach / Ivy League / Disco Curtis / Far from Finished / Manic Hispanic / The Mighty Regis / Assorted Jelly Beans / Marty Casey and Lovehammers / Longway / Shiragirl / The Fabulous Rudies / evolove / Gardening, Not Architecture / Dose of Adolescence / Sparring / Death Punch / The Early Strike / Hollywood Heartthrob / Burning Empires / Columbyne / Jack Grisham & the West Coast Dukes / Artist Vs. Poet Show all bands
Unknown venue Los Angeles, California, United States
Jul 18, 2010
Vans Warped Tour 2010
The All-American Rejects / Mike Posner / Bring Me The Horizon / Sum 41 / Mayday Parade / We The Kings / Pierce the Veil / Hot Chelle Rae / Of Mice & Men / Never Shout Never / The Pretty Reckless / You Me At Six / Breathe Carolina / Motion City Soundtrack / The Cab / Parkway Drive / Alkaline Trio / Reel Big Fish / Suicide Silence / Enter Shikari / Attack Attack! / Four Year Strong / Alesana / Hey Monday / The Summer Set / I See Stars / We Are the In Crowd / Every Time I Die / The Dillinger Escape Plan / Whitechapel / Emmure / Andrew W.K. / Emarosa / The Rocket Summer / Set Your Goals / Eyes Set to Kill / Anarbor / Face To Face / VersaEmerge / Sparks the Rescue / In Fear and Faith / The Casualties / Polar Bear Club / The Flatliners / Confide / Automatic Loveletter / Closure In Moscow / Breathe Electric / Riverboat Gamblers / Fake Problems / Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band / Flatfoot 56 / I Can Make a Mess Like Nobody's Business / After Midnight Project / Left Alone / Call the Cops! / AM Taxi / Fight Fair / Middle Finger Salute / Far from Finished / The Mighty Regis / The Waffle Stompers / Gardening, Not Architecture / The Alumni Club / Sparring / Artist Vs. Poet Show all bands
Monmouth Park Racetrack Oceanport, New Jersey, United States
Jul 16, 2010
Vans Warped Tour 2010
VersaEmerge / Call the Cops! / Flatliners / Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band / Fight Fair / We Are the In Crowd / Riverboat Gamblers / Closure In Moscow / Never Shout Never / Confide / Pierce the Veil / Suicide Silence / After Midnight Project / Whitechapel / The Cab / The Word Alive / The Summer Set / The Mighty Regis / Polar Bear Club / Emmure / Face To Face / Four Year Strong / The Swellers / The Alumni Club / Enter Shikari / Far from Finished / Bring Me The Horizon / Artist vs. Poet / Mayday Parade / The Rocket Summer / Fake Problems / AM Taxi / Of Mice & Men / Gardening, Not Architecture / Breathe Electric / The Downtown Fiction / You Me At Six / The Casualties / I See Stars / Left Alone / Tomorrows Bad Seeds / The All-American Rejects / Sum 41 / Hey Monday / In Fear and Faith / Sparks the Rescue / Middle Finger Salute / Parkway Drive / Flatfoot 56 / Sparring / Breathe Carolina / Anarbor / Set Your Goals / Eyes Set to Kill / Mike Posner / Automatic Loveletter / I Can Make a Mess Like Nobody's Business / Motion City Soundtrack / The Pretty Reckless / Alkaline Trio / Attack Attack! / Reel Big Fish / Alesana / The Bouncing Souls / Every Time I Die / Andrew W.K. / The Dillinger Escape Plan / Emarosa / We The Kings / The Flatliners Show all bands
Susquehanna Bank Center Camden, New Jersey, United States
Jul 26, 2008
Warped Tour 2008
Against Me! / Between The Trees / Four Year Strong / Protest the Hero / Angels & Airwaves / Set Your Goals / Evergreen Terrace / Just Surrender / Story of the Year / Ludo / Alesana / All That Remains / Every Time I Die / All Time Low / We The Kings / Gym Class Heroes / Alamance Show all bands
Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum Uniondale, New York, United States
Jul 24, 2008
Cobra Starship / Relient K / The Academy Is... / Against Me! / Every Time I Die / Angels and Airwaves

Vans Warped Tour 2008

Unknown venue Buffalo, New York, United States

Some Videos From These Concerts

There are no videos from these concerts.

Some Photos From These Concerts

Movements, Vans Warped Tour 2018 on Jul 13, 2018 [875-small]


Vans Warped Tour 2018
Jul 13, 2018
 Camden, New Jersey, United States
  Uploaded by Kimmy Chryssomallis

Vans Warped Tour 2016 on Jul 19, 2016 [220-small]

Vans Warped Tour 2016
Jul 19, 2016
 Noblesville, Indiana, United States
  Uploaded by Caitlyn Shelek

As Seen On: