
Sacramento Shows's Concert Archive

Sacramento, CA     Joined February 2017    

Sacramento Shows has 13 concerts at The Space Theater.

Sacramento, California, United States

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Date Concert Venue Location
Oct 12, 2008
Norcal Noisefest XII
Nux Vomica / (Waning) / Instagon / Delayed Sleep / Kristal Marimba Lounge / Big City Orchestra / A Fashionable Disease / Vankmen / Medicine Cabinet / Kawaiietley Please / Voice of Eye / IDX1274
The Space Theater Sacramento, California, United States
Oct 11, 2008
Norcal Noisefest XII
Thomas Dimuzio / Dog / Conure / Night Nurse / Noisepsalm / UEM / Blood Into Water / Cerebral Roil / Lords of Outland / Jolthrower / CJ Borosque / Blue Sabbath Black Cheer / Sparkle Girl / White Leopards / Jess Coble / Sabreteeth
The Space Theater Sacramento, California, United States
Oct 14, 2007
Norcal Noisefest XI
Big City Orchestra / Art Lessing & The Flower Vato / Instagon / Tarantism / The Bran (...) Pos / Mykel Boyd / +Dog+ / Lords of Outland / Winters in Osaka / Kawaiietley Please / Michelle Webb / Hypnotic Injection / Night Nurse / Faults / Delayed Sleep / Florescent Grey / The Trashumans Show all bands
The Space Theater Sacramento, California, United States
Oct 13, 2007
Norcal Noisefest XI
Uberkunst / Rubber O Cement / Jolthrower / Sixes / T/R / Warning Broken Machine w/ Klowd / Burning Indian / C.J. Reaven Borosque / Thomas Dimuzio / Erarit Jaritjaka / I.N.R.I. / XDUGEF / Vankmen / Chopstick / UFO As Bacteria / Badger
The Space Theater Sacramento, California, United States
Sep 15, 2007
Lords of Outland / Pregnant / Jolthrower / Cowhell

Sacramento Audio Waffle #22

The Space Theater Sacramento, California, United States
Aug 19, 2007
Art Lessing & The Flower Vato / Enemies of Happiness / Death Worth Living

Sacramento Audio Waffle #21

The Space Theater Sacramento, California, United States
Jul 22, 2007
Things Falling Apart / Rahdunes / EOH w/ Tullan Velte / Lakes / Short To Ground

Sacramento Audio Waffle #20

The Space Theater Sacramento, California, United States
Oct 15, 2006
Norcal Noisefest X / Sacramento Audio Waffle #10
Uberkunst / Big City Orchestra / Living Breathing Music / Art Lessing & The Flower Vato / Dimmer / Vertonen / Ecomorti & Leporidae / Instagon / Is / Amk / Kilt / Vankmen / Moment Trigger / Night Nurse / Delayed Sleep
The Space Theater Sacramento, California, United States
Oct 14, 2006
Norcal Noisefest X
F-Space / Rubber O Cement / KoMoTo Trio / IDX274 / Stimbox / C.J. Reaven Borosque / Warning Broken Machine / 15 Degrees Below Zero / Sleeping with the Earth / Klowd / A.A.23 / +Dog+ / Destroy Date / Chopstick / UFO As Bacteria
The Space Theater Sacramento, California, United States
Jul 15, 2006
Frank Moore's Cherotic All-Star Band / Uberkunst / Botchii / Instagon
The Space Theater Sacramento, California, United States
Dec 04, 2005
Emil Beauliaeu / Can't / Leporidae / Kevin Shields/Brian Miller Duo / Tarantula Princess / Audioemetic The Space Theater Sacramento, California, United States
Oct 02, 2005
Norcal Noisefest IX
Instagon / English / Eat the People / Delayed Sleep / Leporidae / Products of Discordia / Xome / Tralphaz / UFO As Bacteria / +Dog+ / Maniac! / Emil Beauliaeu
The Space Theater Sacramento, California, United States
Oct 01, 2005
Norcal Noisefest IX
Chad & Kevin / Kristal Marimba Lounge / Ecomcon / Uberkunst / Big City Orchestra / Emil Beauliaeu / Burke / DiMuzio / IDX274 / Sleeping with the Earth / Rubber O Cement / Moe! Staiano
The Space Theater Sacramento, California, United States

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