Rubén Jaime's Concert Archive

Monterrey, N.L.     Joined November 2023    

Rubén Jaime has 2 Robin Schulz concerts.

Robin Schulz (born 28 April 1987) is a German electronic DJ and producer. In 2013, he remixed the song "Waves" by Dutch hip hop artist, Mr. Probz. Another equally famous remix was his 2014 remix of the Lilly Wood & the Prick track "Prayer in C" from their 2010 album Invincible Friends. Both remixes have charted in many European countries, leading to international recognition.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Mar 31, 2023 –
Apr 02, 2023
Tecate Pa'l Norte
The Killers / Billie Eilish / Twenty One Pilots / 5 Seconds of Summer / The 1975 / Modest Mouse / Franz Ferdinand / Steve Aoki / Robin Schulz / Pierce the Veil / Wallows / Sebastian Yatra / Moderat / Hayden James / Manuel Turizo / Julieta Venegas / Girl Talk / Dayglow / Café Tacvba / Carla Morrison / TOKiMONSTA / Fred again.. / Willow Smith / Duki / Shallou / Wisin & Yandel / L'Impératrice / Junior H / Miranda! / Leon Larregui / Los Amigos Invisibles / Ximena Sariñana / Neil Frances / Carin Leon / Virlan Garcia / Jon Z / No Te Va Gustar / Panteon Rococo / Bacilos / Trueno. / los cafres / Los Bunkers / Monsieur Perine / Ryan Castro / Herencia De Patrones / Bersuit Vergarabat / Plastilina Mosh / C-Kan / Will Joseph Cook / La Santa Cecilia / Guitarricadelafuente / Motel / Loco Dice / Shouse / Nach / Kaseo / Lasso / Nanpa Básico / Airbag / Chancha via Circuito / Little Jesus / Honey Dijon / Dannylux / Sabino / El Buho / Bandalos Chinos / Rojuu / Allison / CHARLES ANS / Cris Mj / Polimá Westcoast / Cupido / SIAMÉS / Silvana Estrada / Dharius / Muerdo / Usted Señalemelo / daniela spalla / Dillom / Don Tetto / Neto Peña / José Madero / Odisseo / Lefty SM / Nash / Delaporte / Shelter / Austin TV / Louta / Los de Abajo / Simpson Ahuevo / FLOR DE TOLOACHE / EL DAVID / Lola Club / BRESH / Los Rumberos / Midnight Generation / Princesa Alba / Rubytates / Sky Rompiendo / Kryptogram / Villano Antillano / Aczino / Westend / Daniel Quién / Nunca Jamás / Cha Cha / Nikki Clan / Dstance / Bora Uzer / Pau Laggies / Yulia Niko / Los Rumberos de Massachusetts / Rosa Pistola / Pablito Pesadilla / Bonhaus / AMEME / Cabizbajo / Blnko / JAYRICK / Pahua / Carlos Colosio / Kase O Jazz Magnetism / Charly Jordan / Chicocurlyhead / Leonardo de Lozanne / KURT (MEX) / Los Amigos Invisibles (OFICIAL) / Manu Beker / Salomé Le Chat / BrandonLux / Bzars / KURT (MX) / Kassie / The Shelter (MX) / Renee (MX) / Alexia Malo / Smash Mouth / Mau Moctezuma / Grupo Frontera / Funky Donkey Music Club / Sin Bandera Show all bands
Parque Fundidora Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico
Mar 31, 2023 –
Apr 02, 2023
Tecate Pal Norte 2023
The Killers / Billie Eilish / Twenty One Pilots / 5 Seconds of Summer / The 1975 / Modest Mouse / Franz Ferdinand / Steve Aoki / Robin Schulz / Pierce the Veil / Wallows / Sebastian Yatra / Fred again.. / Manuel Turizo / Moderat / Hayden James / Dayglow / Julieta Venegas / Café Tacvba / Girl Talk / Carla Morrison / Duki / Junior H / Wisin & Yandel / TOKiMONSTA / Willow Smith / L'Impératrice / Shallou / Carin Leon / Neil Frances / Miranda! / Leon Larregui / Trueno. / Jon Z / Virlan Garcia / Los Amigos Invisibles / No Te Va Gustar / Ximena Sariñana / Panteon Rococo / Bacilos / Ryan Castro / los cafres / Los Bunkers / Herencia De Patrones / Monsieur Perine / Shouse / Bersuit Vergarabat / C-Kan / Guitarricadelafuente / Plastilina Mosh / Dannylux / Will Joseph Cook / Lasso / Nanpa Básico / La Santa Cecilia / Kaseo / Cris Mj / Motel / Nach / Loco Dice / Airbag / Little Jesus / Honey Dijon / Bandalos Chinos / Sabino / Chancha via Circuito / Rojuu / Polimá Westcoast / El Buho / CHARLES ANS / Allison / Cupido / Silvana Estrada / SIAMÉS / Dillom / Dharius / Usted Señalemelo / Neto Peña / Muerdo / daniela spalla / José Madero / Lefty SM / Odisseo / Don Tetto / EL DAVID / Nash / Delaporte / Louta / Austin TV / Shelter / BRESH / Simpson Ahuevo / Los de Abajo / Lola Club / FLOR DE TOLOACHE / Los Rumberos / Villano Antillano / Princesa Alba / Midnight Generation / Rubytates / Kryptogram / Sky Rompiendo / Daniel Quién / Westend / Aczino / Nunca Jamás / Nikki Clan / Dstance / Pau Laggies / Cha Cha / AMEME / Bora Uzer / Blnko / Pablito Pesadilla / Rosa Pistola / Yulia Niko / Pahua / Los Rumberos de Massachusetts / JAYRICK / Cabizbajo / Bonhaus / Carlos Colosio / Charly Jordan / Chicocurlyhead / Kase O Jazz Magnetism / Leonardo de Lozanne / Manu Beker / KURT (MEX) / Salomé Le Chat / Los Amigos Invisibles (OFICIAL) / Bzars / BrandonLux / Alexia Malo / Kassie / KURT (MX) / Renee (MX) / The Shelter (MX) / Inspector / Grupo Frontera Show all bands
Parque Fundidora Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico

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471 users have seen Robin Schulz including:
 Su Majestad
 Rodo Glez11
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 Rp Gallardo
 Alberto J Ruiz
 Dr Loera

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