Richardterry85 has 1 Kælan Mikla concert.

Kælan Mikla is a three-piece darkwave band from Reykjavík slowly getting darker and deeper with new waves and more instruments. The band consists of three girls who perform their own poetry and have been described as an avant-garde, fresh breeze into the Icelandic music scene in the past two years. The band was formed after winning first place in a poetry slam held by the city library in January 2013. They have since then played multiple festivals as well as touring Europe.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Nov 10, 2021 –
Nov 13, 2021
Ascension Festival Iceland 2021
Soft Kill / Mgla / Kælan Mikla / Of the wand & The moon / The Ruins of Beverast / Hexvessel / Grave Pleasures / Dodheimsgard / Audn / Grave Miasma / Zhrine / Trepaneringsritualen / Sinmara / Malokarpatan / Dolch / Ved Buens Ende / LAMIA VOX / Almyrkvi / kaleikr / Slidhr / Shrine of Insanabilis / Fleshworld / Nexion / Mannveira / Andavald / Kollaps (AU) / Abominor Show all bands
Hlégarður Reykjavik, Capital Region, Iceland

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148 users have seen Kælan Mikla including:
 Mackenzie Potter
 Chris Rodg
 Ale Pena P43
 Desde Mona

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