
Poa Fm's Concert Archive

Porto Alegre     www.twitter.com/poa_fm     Joined November 2019    

Poa Fm has 1 Wonkavision concert.

Wonkavision is an indie rock band with loads of moogs, power guitars and vocal harmonies a la 60s. Firstly inspired by the north-american band The Rentals, Wonkavision is mostly characterised by the contrast between the sweetness of their melodies and the sarcasm of their lyrics.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Apr 29, 2006
Festival Pop Rock FM
Leela / Fresno / História do Rock Gaúcho / Rosa Tattooada / B5 / Papas da Língua / Claus & Vanessa / Cartolas / Tarcísio Meira's Band / CPM 22 / Maria do Relento / Ultramen / Wonkavision / Tequila Baby / Chimarruts / Naja / Comunidade Nin-Jitsu / Acústicos & Valvulados / Tijuana / Yuck Show all bands
Centro de Eventos da FIERGS Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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16 users have seen Wonkavision including:
 Poa Fm
 Sean Aylward
 Hannah Brookes
 Leon Sjogren
 Katherine Parry
 James Borland
 Lee Mullin
 Gemma Hatfield
 Andy Applecoe

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