Phil Haubi's Concert Archive

Mostly harmless.

Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany     Joined June 2017    

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 16, 2023 –
Jun 18, 2023
Southside Festival
01099 / Akne Kid Joe / Alle Farben / Alli Neumann / Anti-Flag / Ashnikko / badmómzjay / Betontod / BETTEROV / BHZ / Billy Talent / Bosse / Bukahara / CHVRCHES / Cloudy June / Clueso / Daði Freyr / Deaf Havana / DMA’s / Donots / Drunken Masters / DYLAN (UK) / Edwin Rosen / Enter Shikari / Fjørt / Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls / Funeral for a Friend / James Bay / Kaffkiez / Kaleo / Kelsy Karter & The Heroines / Kid Kapichi / Lilly Palmer / Lionheart / Lola Marsh / Loyle Carner / Madsen / Majan / Mezerg / My Ugly Clementine / Nina Chuba / OBS / Ostblockschlampen / Palaye Royale / Pascow / Picture This / Power Plush / Provinz / Razz / RIN / Sleaford Mods / Sondaschule / Tash Sultana / Taylor Acorn / The 1975 / The Amazons / The Interrupters / The Lumineers / Trettmann / Two Door Cinema Club / Wanda / Will Linley / Zebrahead / Die Ärzte / Kraftklub / Muse / Casper / Peter Fox / Placebo / Queens of the Stone Age / The Pale White / Kid Kapichi / Cloudy June / Edwin Rosen / Palaye Royale / Domiziana / Kasi / Power Plush / Deaf Havana / GAMECHANGER / Marteria / Picture This / Two Door Cinema Club / Beauty School Dropout / My Ugly Clementine / Cédric L'amour / Fortella / Gayle / Cavetown / Bulgarian Cartrader / BROCKHOFF / Tropikel Ltd. / SVEA / Kind Kaputt / TYNA / Get Jealous / Malik Harris Show all bands
take-off GewerbePark Neuhausen ob Eck, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Some Videos From These Concerts

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Some Photos From These Concerts

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Find Lodging  
 Patrick Butterer
 Jacqueline Huber
 Pia Böhl
 Phil Haubi
 The T Man
 Patrick Bobek
 Alena ⚡️
 Luisa 🏳️‍🌈💚🌱💫🦋

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