Nurzada Sultanova's Concert Archive

Joined February 2024    

Nurzada Sultanova has 2 Empath concerts.

No one makes noise quite like Empath, the Philadelphia quartet whirl psychedelic guitar, found sounds, New Age drones and more. In concert, they sound as much like a cosmic jazz combo as a screamingly loud punk band. Empath’s songs are about melody and feedback, rage and bliss, chaos and transcendence. Then there’s the birdsong – tiny, bright samples of the natural world that chirp in and out of the mix like jokes with no punchlines.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Nov 07, 2019 –
Nov 10, 2019
Le Guess Who? 2019
Deerhunter / Nicolas Jaar / Mark Lanegan / Deerhoof / Efterklang / Moon Duo / Gruff Rhys / Cate Le Bon / Fatoumata Diawara / The Bug / Earth / Lightning Bolt / Aldous Harding / Mala / Mykki Blanco / Jenny Hval / The Raincoats / Godflesh / Loving / Girl Band / Flowdan / Murcof / Sudan Archives / Holly Herndon / William Tyler / Quelle Chris / Oshun / King Midas Sound / Föllakzoid / Acid Mothers Temple / Roberto Fonseca / Mélissa Laveaux / DjRUM / Makaya McCraven / The Ex / Mary Lattimore / Tropical Fuck Storm / Visible Cloaks / Xylouris White / Conrad Tao / Donato Dozzy / Bbymutha / Tyondai Braxton / Amnesia Scanner / Goth-Trad / Negativland / Sonic Boom / Richard Youngs / Bremer/McCoy / Not Waving / Jah Shaka / Doug Hream Blunt / Moor Mother / Sarah Davachi / Debo Band / JK Flesh / Vivien Goldman / manga saint hilare / Träd, Gräs och Stenar / Mega Bog / Coucou Chloe / Lafawndah / Shortparis / Felicia Atkinson / Dur-Dur Band / GRIMM GRIMM / Yves Jarvis / Empath / Mueran Humanos / Drew McDowall / Oiseaux-Tempête / Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe / NEEL / Sarah Louise / DJ Marfox / Jah Shaka Sound System / Idris Ackamoor & The Pyramids / Fokn Bois / Gyedu-Blay Ambolley / Djinn / NIVHEK / Joseph Shabason / Los Pirañas / Vilde Tuv / Mark Ernestus' Ndagga Rhythm Force / Vicky Chow / Caspar Brötzmann Massaker / Mythic Sunship / Patrick Higgins / Arp Frique / dj. flugvél og geimskip / Nídia / Greg Fox / Lotto / Rabih Beaini / Hatis Noit / Eiko Ishibashi / Ed Dowie / Group Listening / The Lone Taxidermist / Lasse Marhaug / Oorutaichi / Haco / The Glücks / Leya / Maarten Vos / Lifafa / DJ Firmeza / YIN YIN / Ami Dang / Tigue / Lolina / Mohamed Lamouri / The Sweet Release of Death / Italia 90 / Moon Relay / Vladimir Ivkovic / Slikback / Faten Kanaan / Klavikon / Khana Bierbood / Bridget Hayden / Nosedrip / Ensemble Klang / Tengger / LOS SIQUICOS LITORALEÑOS / Prana Crafter / Prison Religion / Mariel Roberts / Ko Shin Moon / Petbrick / Lalalar / MO DJ / Zonal / USTAD SAAMI / Olga Pashchenko / Sofia Jernberg / Scattered Purgatory / Grand River / Kevin Richard Martin / Ahmed Ag Kaedy / Leila Bordreuil / Lakha Khan / Kevin Richard Martin & Hatis Noit / Acid rooster / J-E-T-S / Blazing Suns / Coucou Chloe / FIS / AEAEA Show all bands
TivoliVredenburg Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Nov 07, 2019 –
Nov 10, 2019
Le Guess Who? 2019
Deerhunter / Nicolas Jaar / Mark Lanegan / Deerhoof / Efterklang / Gruff Rhys / Cate Le Bon / Fatoumata Diawara / Moon Duo / Aldous Harding / The Bug / Earth / Lightning Bolt / Mykki Blanco / Mala / Jenny Hval / Loving / Sudan Archives / The Raincoats / Godflesh / Girl Band / Flowdan / Oshun / Holly Herndon / Murcof / Quelle Chris / William Tyler / Tropical Fuck Storm / King Midas Sound / Föllakzoid / Makaya McCraven / DjRUM / Mary Lattimore / Acid Mothers Temple / Mélissa Laveaux / Roberto Fonseca / Bbymutha / The Ex / Visible Cloaks / Donato Dozzy / Amnesia Scanner / Xylouris White / Bremer/McCoy / Conrad Tao / Goth-Trad / Tyondai Braxton / Negativland / Sonic Boom / Moor Mother / Not Waving / Sarah Davachi / Doug Hream Blunt / Richard Youngs / Jah Shaka / Dur-Dur Band / manga saint hilare / Coucou Chloe / Shortparis / Mega Bog / JK Flesh / Debo Band / Vivien Goldman / Lafawndah / Felicia Atkinson / Empath / Träd, Gräs och Stenar / Yves Jarvis / Gyedu-Blay Ambolley / Joseph Shabason / NIVHEK / Mueran Humanos / GRIMM GRIMM / Drew McDowall / Oiseaux-Tempête / Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe / Sarah Louise / NEEL / YIN YIN / Idris Ackamoor & The Pyramids / DJ Marfox / Fokn Bois / Jah Shaka Sound System / Los Pirañas / Djinn / Arp Frique / Lifafa / Mythic Sunship / Nídia / Vilde Tuv / Mark Ernestus' Ndagga Rhythm Force / Group Listening / Caspar Brötzmann Massaker / Hatis Noit / Eiko Ishibashi / Vicky Chow / Patrick Higgins / dj. flugvél og geimskip / Greg Fox / Maarten Vos / Lotto / Rabih Beaini / Ami Dang / Ed Dowie / Lalalar / The Lone Taxidermist / Mohamed Lamouri / Lasse Marhaug / Slikback / Oorutaichi / The Glücks / Italia 90 / Leya / Haco / Lolina / DJ Firmeza / Tengger / Tigue / The Sweet Release of Death / Zonal / Khana Bierbood / Moon Relay / Petbrick / Prison Religion / Faten Kanaan / Vladimir Ivkovic / USTAD SAAMI / Kevin Richard Martin / Prana Crafter / Klavikon / Nosedrip / Ko Shin Moon / Bridget Hayden / Mariel Roberts / LOS SIQUICOS LITORALEÑOS / Ahmed Ag Kaedy / Ensemble Klang / Grand River / Olga Pashchenko / Scattered Purgatory / Sofia Jernberg / MO DJ / Acid rooster / Leila Bordreuil / Lakha Khan / Kevin Richard Martin & Hatis Noit / Michele Mercure Show all bands
TivoliVredenburg Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

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