Ninananana's Concert Archive

Joined August 2024    

Ninananana has 3 Black Peaks concerts.

Black Peaks (formerly known as Shrine) were a 4 piece rock band from Brighton, England active between 2012 and 2021. The quartet offer a cross between aggressive hardcore, the grandeur of post rock and the atypical characteristics of math rock.

View Black Peaks's main page

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 12, 2018 –
Jul 15, 2018
2000 Trees Festival
Enter Shikari / Twin Atlantic / Basement / Marmozets / Mallory Knox / Ghouls / Turbowolf / Ho99o9 / Black Peaks / SHVPES / CREEPER (UK) / Lady Bird
2000 Trees Festival Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom
Jul 07, 2016 –
Jul 09, 2016
2000 Trees 2016
Neck Deep / Ash / We Were Promised Jetpacks / IDLES / Yuck / Twin Atlantic / Animals as Leaders / Refused / While She Sleeps / Moose Blood / Basement / Augustines / Mallory Knox / The Magic Gang / The Bronx / The Smith Street Band / And So I Watch You from Afar / Black Honey / The King Blues / Dinosaur Pile-Up / VANT / Lonely the Brave / CREEPER / Trash Boat / Beans on Toast / SikTh / Arcane Roots / WSTR / Tired Lion / The Xcerts / Demob Happy / Itch / Tigercub / Black Foxxes / Black Peaks / Milk Teeth / Will Varley / The LaFontaines / COUNTERFEIT. / Kagoule / Jamie Lenman / Blood Youth / Muncie Girls / Puppy / John Coffey / Johnny Lloyd / Life / Bellevue Days / She Makes War / Max Raptor / Palm Reader / Ben Marwood / Press To Meco / Crazy Arm / Ginger Wildheart / Crooks (UK) / Rob Lynch / Krokodil / Heck / Dave McPherson / Blackhole / Happy Accidents / St Pierre Snake Invasion / Grumble Bee / Reigning Days / Zoax / Hey! Hello! / Beasts / The RPMS / Oxygen Thief / Then Thickens / Thrill Collins / The Spills / Recreations (Sam Duckworth) / Bare Knuckle Parade / Terrible Love / Monarks / The Ghost Riders In The Sky / Dead! (UK) / Jim Lockey / Andy Oliveri / Armchair Committee / Non Canon / Cheap Meat / Brawlers (Leeds) / Andy Oliveri & the Mountaineers / Waco (UK) / Jim Lockley & the Solemn Sun Show all bands
Upcote Farm, Withington Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom
Jul 09, 2015 –
Jul 11, 2015
2000 Trees 2015
Nothing But Thieves / Alkaline Trio / Alice Phoebe Lou / The Subways / We Were Promised Jetpacks / Deaf Havana / Bury Tomorrow / Idlewild / Benjamin Booker / Young Guns / Boston Manor / The Twilight Sad / Defeater / And So I Watch You from Afar / We Are the Ocean / Jake Isaac / Creeper / The Skints / Honeyblood / Blaenavon / Mclusky / Pulled Apart By Horses / Future of the Left / Turbowolf / ROAM / Jonah Matranga / Arcane Roots / Errors / The Xcerts / Fatherson / Hacktivist / Skinny Lister / Black Peaks / Milk Teeth / Acollective / Indoor Pets / Bridges / Nai Harvest / Tellison / Fort Hope / Kiran Leonard / Feed the Rhino / The Computers / Tim Vantol / Ghouls / Kerbdog / Allusinlove / The St Pierre Snake Invasion / Sam Russo / Great Cynics / Rob Lynch / Cleft / Tax The Heat / Rebecca Clements / Vennart / Solemn Sun / Bite the Buffalo / Hannah Lou Clark / Boy Jumps Ship / Woahnows / These Ghosts / Big Sixes / Human Pyramids / Lloyd Yates / Lonely Tourist / &U&I / Only Rivals / Thrill Collins / The Lion and the Wolf / Goan Dogs / Dead Harts / The Cadbury Sisters / Electric River / When We Were Wolves / Emperor Yes / Samoans / Bare Knuckle Parade / OhBoy! / Rozelle / George Wilding / Bottlemoth / Jurassic Pop / New Palace Talkies / To The Wall Show all bands
Upcote Farm, Withington Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom

Some Videos From These Concerts

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Some Photos From These Concerts

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