M Smeby's Concert Archive

Joined August 2022    

M Smeby has seen Taake 1 time.

Taake is a Norwegian black metal band from Bergen, formed in 1993 and originally named Thule. The band's one continuous member is Hoest, who writes and records most of the music. He has released six full-length albums and several EPs. The band describes itself as "True Norwegian black metal", and Hoest said that he wants to "awaken national pride and cultural nostalgia in my Norwegian listeners" as well as to remind people "that Hell is right here on Earth and that humans can be demons".

View Taake's main page

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 22, 2017 –
Jun 24, 2017
Tons Of Rock 2017
Aiming for Enrike / Airbourne / Amaranthe / Anekdoten / Avatar / Beaten to Death / Black Debbath / Black Magic / Black Star Riders / Bolzer / Bombus / Candlemass / Deathhammer / Delain / Devin Townsend Project / Diamond Head / Divided Multitude / Dracula - Swing of Death / Dreamarcher / Eluveitie / Emperor / Enslaved / Entombed A.D. / Five Finger Death Punch / Føss (NOR) / Honningbarna / Horisont / Invaders / Marky Ramone / Me And That Man / Myrkur / Ondt Blod / Phil Campbell and the Bastard Sons / Rob Zombie / Rotting Christ / Sabaton / Satyricon / SIBIIR / Slayer / Sodom / Spidergawd / Taake / TNT / Valentourettes / Vazelina Bilopphøggers / Virus Show all bands
Fredriksten Festning Halden, Norway

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