Mkrider32 has 1 Modern English concert.

Modern English are a post punk / new wave band best remembered for their iconic 1982 song "I Melt With You" which, despite not reaching the top 40 in either the US or U.K., has appeared in various commercials and movies over the years with a popular music video that became an MTV staple. Exploring post-punk themes of loss, reflection, and devotion, the group faced changing waves of success over the 80s and early 90s, putting four albums into the Billboard 200 chart.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 08, 2019
The Alarm / Modern English / Jay Aston's Gene Loves Jezebel

Sigma LXXXV Tour 2019

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Ferg's Sports Bar And Grill St. Petersburg, Florida, United States

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The Alarm / Modern English / Jay Aston's Gene Loves Jezebel on Sep 8, 2019 [047-small]

The Alarm / Modern English / Jay Aston's Gene Loves Jezebel
Sep 8, 2019
 St. Petersburg, Florida, United States
  Uploaded by Joshua B.

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