Mitchie has 1 Leikeli47 concert.

Leikeli47 is a female rapper from Brooklyn, New York City, USA. Little is known about her - she has not revealed her face, birth date or name. Her genre is best described as noise rap or underground rap. She has been compared to M.I.A. and Missy Elliott.

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Date Concert Venue Location
May 26, 2018
Boston Calling
"Boston Calling" / Queens of the Stone Age / Jack White / Tyler, The Creator / St. Vincent / BROCKHAMPTON / Royal Blood / Manchester Orchestra / Daniel Caesar / Belly / The Menzingers / Oh Sees / Mount Kimbie / Leikeli47 / Lillie Mae / TAUK / Westside Gunn & Conway / Bridget Everett / Tony Hinchcliffe / Jo Firestone Show all bands
Harvard Athletic Complex Allston, Massachusetts, United States

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190 users have seen Leikeli47 including:
 Zach Richmond
 Madeleine Rylie Carr
 Dave R
 Ian Young
 Amanda De Cesare
 Sacramento Shows

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