Michael Curtis has 3 plank eye concerts.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 06, 1997
dupage county fair
dimestore prophets / dryve / six pence non the richer / five iron frenzy / plank eye / OC Supertones / the waiting / Third Day / Newsboys
DuPage County Fair Grounds Wheaton, Illinois, United States
Jul 05, 1997
plank eye / OC Supertones / Jars of Clay

Cornerstone festival

cornerstone festival farm Bushnell, Illinois, United States
Jul 06, 1996
plank eye / steve taylor / 5 iron frenzy

cornerstone festival

cornerstone festival farm Bushnell, Illinois, United States

Some Videos From These Concerts

There are no videos from these concerts.

Some Photos From These Concerts

There are no photos from these concerts.

1 user have seen plank eye including:
 Michael Curtis

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